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Cautiously Navigating Love

Lessons I learned from a Relationship Where Doubt Met Devotion

By JoeiPublished 7 months ago 4 min read
Cautiously Navigating Love
Photo by Alexas_Fotos on Unsplash

Navigating the treacherous waters of love can be unpredictable, occasionally clumsy, but undeniably amusing. I was once in a relationship that felt like a romantic comedy, with doubt and devotion performing a slapstick routine on a regular basis. Imagine a lady on the verge of indecision, unsure whether to take the leap, and a guy who is fully committed to the relationship, like a determined but slightly clumsy circus juggler attempting to keep all the balls in the air.

I met a guy a few years ago on a pretty much unusual day during an unusual era. Our first meeting resulted in the exchange of contact information, and we became the best of friends from then on. We went on picnics, outings, and leisurely walks together, growing our friendship to the point where we couldn't go a day without exchanging greetings. Then, one day, while we were out for a walk, this guy abruptly declared that I would be his girlfriend from then on. His proposal caught me off guard, but I couldn't say no because I had developed a crush on him and had fallen head over heels.

We kept our relationship going happily for a month until doubts began to creep into my mind. You see, this guy was a picture of wholesomeness, radiating love, cheerfulness, and all-around positivity. However, I found myself struggling with a slew of conflicting thoughts, wondering if I was in the right relationship. It's one of those times when you've already baked a batch of decisions, and the end result resembles a dense donut, leaving you with a cloudy conscience.

In order to deal with the uncertainty, I made the difficult decision to ghost him for an entire week. His calls would come in, and I'd either ignore them or ask my siblings to answer, claiming I wasn't available at the time. A wave of inner turmoil washed over me each time I did so. I was torn, but at that point, I couldn't think of any other way to deal with the turmoil within me.

I finally decided to answer his phone call one day. He had so many questions about how I had been the previous few days that we had a lengthy conversation. I eventually mustered the courage to ask him for some space, citing the need to focus on a three-month course I was taking. To my surprise, he agreed without hesitation and promised to wait for me patiently.

He called again three months later, and I couldn't help but think that he had forgotten about me during that time. To my surprise, he remembered and reached out to me. We talked for a while, and I eventually mustered the courage to tell him that I thought it was time for us to part ways because I couldn't see a clear path forward for our relationship.

I'd never seen him so upset before. In an unexpected turn of events, he broke down and cried. I was speechless because I had never seen a man cry like that before. It's not that there's anything wrong with it; it's just that it was completely unexpected. When I think back on that day, his words from that moment echo in my mind.

The Conversation:

Me: UUUMMMH Lee, I think it's time we part ways. I haven't had a clear sense of direction ever since we started our relationship, and I still don't see where all this is taking us.

Lee: What are you talking about?

Me: I just don't feel like our relationship is right.

Lee: What did I do?

Me: Nothing, it's just that... (sighs)

Lee: Everything was going so well, gee. What's happened? What did I do wrong, huh?

(We continued in a repeated back-and-forth argument until he reached his breaking point.)

Lee: Seriously, gee? You decided to break my heart as I was watching this beautiful sunset along the road... I've done nothing wrong, and here you are wanting a breakup? What in the world is wrong with you, huh? I've been nothing but good, done everything to make you happy, and now this? Listen, you've already toyed with my heart and my emotions... I don't want to hear from you ever again. (He hangs up the phone)

I sat there, tears welling up in my eyes, regret gnawing at my heart, devastated by the weight of my decision. I had no idea the end of our relationship would feel so heavy, and the agony of that moment lingered long after the phone call had ended.

Without a doubt, the end of any significant phase frequently yields invaluable lessons, right? Here are some of my key takeaways:

Communication Matters: Effective communication is essential in any relationship. Hesitantly expressing concerns and doubts can lead to misunderstandings and, in some cases, heartbreak. In my case, I was hesitant to express my doubts since I didn't know how to communicate what I felt.

Honesty is Essential: It's important to be honest with yourself and your partner. If you do not feel the relationship is right, it's better to address it openly rather than prolonging uncertainty.

Self-Discovery: Breaking up with someone can be a time of self-discovery. It's a chance to discover more about yourself, your needs, and your priorities.


About the Creator


Joei is a whiskered wonder, equally devoted to cats and dogs. With a flair for history, she cooks up dishes as rich in flavor as her stories. When not in the kitchen, she's out exploring nature, always with a furry friend in tow.

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