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When Cats Steal Your Heart

Have You Ever Been So Attached That Letting Go Feels Impossible?

By JoeiPublished 7 months ago 3 min read
When Cats Steal Your Heart
Photo by Ilse Orsel on Unsplash

Cat lovers, we've all been there, right? Those moments when our feline companions become more than just pets—they become cherished family members. They worm their way into our hearts, wrapping us around their little paws until saying goodbye seems unimaginable. Have you ever been so attached that letting go feels impossible? 🐱❤️

My journey with these cute little companions was a tapestry woven with adoration and profound attachment. It was an unspoken bond, a language of purrs and head nudges that went beyond words. Their presence brought me immeasurable joy, and as I reflect on why I loved them so much, I am reminded of the countless moments filled with their endearing quirks and boundless affection.

My daddy, who is always the expert in our eyes, had a theory in March: he thought our queen meow-mom was going to be a mommy! He pointed out subtle signs, such as her increased appetite and apparent weight gain. We trusted him because he knew a lot of things. As a result, we enthusiastically embraced the concept. Then, on April Fools' Day, our queen gave us all the most incredible and joyful gift we could ever imagine. She became a mother, and our hearts overflowed with joy. 🐱❤️

These tiny bundles of joy quickly became very special to me. Their unwavering cuddles, endless playfulness, and boundless, infectious joy did the trick. Regardless of how difficult the day had been, their presence always managed to brighten our home. They brought life to every corner, and their antics were a constant source of delight. Every moment spent with them reminded me that the simplest pleasures in life often brought the most profound happiness.

One evening, as we sat down to eat and enjoy a family meal, my younger brother exclaimed, "I can only spot Queen, Mossy, and Possy. Where's Rossie?"

We began searching for Rossie, the kitten known for her hearty appetite when we noticed she wasn't at her usual feeding spot. As we combed through the house, calling out her name, I decided to check the kitchen. Perhaps, I thought, she might be tempted by the delicious meal my mom had prepared. I called her name repeatedly, but there was still no sign of her.

As I was about to leave the kitchen, a faint "meow" caught my attention. It suddenly dawned on me that the source of the sound was little Rossy. I followed the sound, tracking her distressed meows, and luckily, I discovered her lying underneath the fridge. I attempted to coax her out with my calls, but she remained immobile. With the help of my dad, we gently retrieved her and settled her into her warm sleeping spot, hoping that she would be better by morning.

To our great dismay, the morning brought a heartbreaking revelation. Rossy had died during the night, leaving us all stunned. To make matters worse, the rest of the kittens appeared to be sick at the same time. Queen, the mother cat, had been seen roaming the house the night before, emitting mournful and aggressive sounds, as if she sensed the impending tragedy.

~Rossie the day before she died~

Mossy and Possy, Rossie's siblings, began to show signs of illness as the days passed. Their once-joyful and energetic spirits became increasingly feeble, and their health rapidly deteriorated. Despite our best efforts and veterinary care, their conditions deteriorated and their fragile bodies weakened. It was heartbreaking to see them suffer, and despite our hopes for their recovery, we had to accept the heartbreaking reality that Mossy and Possy, too, succumbed to the illness that had taken their sister, Rossie.

A photo of Mossy...took the same day as I took Rossie

Our home was filled with a profound sense of loss and aching nostalgia for the playful moments we shared with Rossy, Mossy, and Possy after they died. Those kittens had brought us so much joy and warmth, their tiny paws leaving indelible imprints on our hearts. While their time with us was tragically short, the memories of their antics, purrs, and gentle nuzzles live on in our hearts. We will always remember the joy and laughter they brought into our lives.

In loving memory of Rossy, Mossy, and Possy, you brought us so much joy and your absence is felt so deeply. Though you've crossed the rainbow bridge, your pawprints will live on in our hearts forever. Dear kittens, rest in peace.


About the Creator


Joei is a whiskered wonder, equally devoted to cats and dogs. With a flair for history, she cooks up dishes as rich in flavor as her stories. When not in the kitchen, she's out exploring nature, always with a furry friend in tow.

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Nice work

Very well written. Keep up the good work!

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    The story invoked strong personal emotions

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