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Brain's Breaking

The Fall Of The Veil

By Lorenzo JohnsonPublished 2 years ago 5 min read
Stop talking to me!!

Hey, I'm Thomas and at one point in time I went totally out of my mind, here is an account of some of those happenings as felt by me and as observed by others.

Here I am standing again, it's been about a week now and I thought I was going on a diet but now my mind is slipping from me, I can't sleep and my mind is full of buzzing sounds, my fast has turned into a bad thing and now my ears ring with the sound of a million grasshoppers chiming in harmony to words that are muffled, I must find peace I must find hope I'm lost at this point the noises and voices I hear overwhelm the real world, and I'm beginning to see things, not normal things that you hear people saying they see no, I'm seeing all sorts of stuff from dragons to ghosts angels and daemons, the craziest feeling about it is that I can remember it, so vividly, the veil had been broken.

The human mind is not made for this type of bombardment of information, my words were slow to come my mind always racing , I could perform tasks and take care of things upon request, but it was hard to get my attention to get me to do such said task, and it only got worse, and longer as time went by i was starting to notice a pattern, and well without saying it all right away, this other world I was observing was real, and structured like a cartoon, honestly I'm writing this all out in hopes that someone even if just one person reads this and is helped through this struggle and doesn't have to go through what I went through, because this cartoon that your observe when your beyond that line is affected by your personal energy, what yo think into existence really happens in that world, it's hard to explain to someone that hasn't went through it at all but I'll try as we go on.

These cartoon people that exist on the other side notice you when you notice them and seek to communicate, i mean this wouldn't be so bad if it was like the way that people normally experience it, like the calling of your name when you know no-one is around or the movement in the corner of your eye, random light turning on or off, no this is like, here I am I'm standing here, swinging a sword through you in the energy world what are you going to do about it, so I stand here doing exercises pacing, not eating nor sleeping, my wife was the only thing that kept me safe at this point, making sure that I didn't leave the house if I didn't know what i was doing, you see, I have no clue how I was doing it but I could drive go to the store get the right items blah, blah a lot of stuff, but still mind mind was not there, I remember one time I was walking into the house and I seen a flash of like a devil figure in full cartoon form in front of me, yo, I didn't even flinch and then the devilish looking this made a sad face and went away, so I'm like really trying to tell you there is something out there in the in between, and they mess with us all the time, oh gosh here i go, so there is this thing that they like to do to us normal folk where they affect our thought with vibrations from above yeah yeah tinfoil hat thinking right? well yeah exactly, so there is another way though, if you reach above your head and read the acting prompts they are trying to get you to do, this can only be accomplished after you turned the muffled and garbled speech into real words by either concentrating meditation crystals and other stuff, or all of it, which is what I did, I mean when I started to slip in my head in read about how people never come back from it without some sort of medication and that medication gives you a new person not the person you originally had.

when you are able to hear the words they are saying, "mostly demons trying to speak" instead of it just driving you crazy your able to make some sense out of it, able to argue back using your own intellect or the word of God, or whatever you think you should be saying. when you give them the right answer or hit them with the right attack they go away, I tested this by vanquishing someone else bothersome spirit and they immediately lifted there head and began to look for there oppressor.

So, here we are at the time I'm lost in it, it's Christmas and I'm having a hard time paying attention, the moment I knew I needed more help was when I could not stay still or get it together for the family photo, when it was time to do it, I was busy fighting of armies of medium sized spiritual anomalies the come at your in waves, at the place I didn't take any meds or anything, the only thing that changed is I ate and slept, the message i got is that they are here they are hungry they eat our energy and bother us so that we make more and it's all really very scary actually, but its not fake it's not in that person you knows head, it's real and you can help that person, when it's hard to get there attention you can "shoot an energy blast" towards them, this will free them up from the sprit they are interacting with.

I hope this helps someone, because i helped me, no i didn't win millions of dollars or change jobs or even have a baby, my life change was going crazy, so if you feel yourself slipping, remember energy attacks work and try to hear them clearly, that seems to be the only way out without medication.


About the Creator

Lorenzo Johnson

Hello Readers, I'm here to write stories that make the mind grasp concepts that are beyond reality and take dives into the deepest feelings each person knows they have inside but can't get to, I digress, read my stories and give me comments

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