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Give me another cute.

By Dawn EarnshawPublished about a year ago 6 min read
Photo by Timothy Hales Bennett on Unsplash

We hear you!

It was bizarre I awoke from a deep sleep and looked at Facebook, I was addicted to it by the way, to see if I had been blocked. I had for getting into a heated argument with a political boy that just had been accepted in politics.

So it was Twitter and instagram for me which I had no idea of getting around them; I went on Twitter, it was ruthless, hate crime, bomb making.

By Austrian National Library on Unsplash

A fight broke out , a big fight in Birmingham on Twitter and all I had was my st. James Common Bible and a pair of flip flops. Reset your password it will not accept blumming nuisance when your in mid flow. Muslims had gathered round central square in London then Westminster Palace outside the gates to protest against hate crimes against them.I managed somehow to single out the Leader in Birmingham and told him a few things that were just common sense really, that we are brothers and sisters and we all bleed the same and hurt and cry the same. I told him I knew his family links and that his Grandmother was present and she was of Gypsy Irish and he was astonished, he couldn’t believe it as no one knew what I was telling him. It gave him and all the others the was going to riot and fight that there is life after death and how we leave our footprints as we go along is very important.

A lady thanked as they had never really got over the Birmingham riots where all the beautiful shopping mall was destroyed.

I deleted myself when the same thing happened in America where a black girl had been beaten by white police , the Leader gave the same reading and the same messages, we are like a bird we need both wings to fly.

By William Krause on Unsplash

I went on Instagram had a catch-up with a few of my friends. Next thing my time was up and I was back on Facebook. I noticed a big atmosphere and change around Facebook people were fearful Donald Trump would win the election and some Joe Biden as the voting system had been rigged and ballot box thrown, hidden etc. so nobody really knew what was going on. This was January 2020 I had a comedy page , to lighten things up I told a lady not too worry about things that Facebook would be running the Government and a couple of other things as a joke. I ended up back in Facebook jail again.password reset in jail is hard because they want you to fail a NG is all I ask and help with this reset. Then I can come home at lass I realise why now- it was true Facebook was heavily responsible for the voting system and where it put its financial gift to the Conservatives. Anyway my presence and Gypsy Irish links myself with an aptitude of making people laugh and look at the more serious side of issues arising at the same time seemed to keep the country ticking over and we had very little hate crimes and crimes just fell dramatically. It was hard work exhausting at times but I had two good friends from America helping me and they would follow my lead. We did pretty well. L But that was all about to change- the votes were in and officially Joe Biden won the election in America. Then out of the blue I was at a friends house when I looked at my phone and watched a black man murdered in cold blood like a dog in the middle of the street. George Floyd is his name and he was about to change the course of history in America for the minority in states that mainly minorities lived.A bank holiday for voting was given and a whole shake up in the Law enforcement itself- I had to go in the case at the last questions and point out “Thought shall not bear false witness “ as lies were beginning to creep in. The whole world witnessed it. The Officer was found Guilty and George got his Justice it’s just the family you leave behind that have to live with the hurt and the pain. So a year later I spoke with them about what George was saying and he loves his daughter to bits . Another protest and Marching in the street's averted. But I felt alone In all I did as we then had a Germ Warfare so rife it was killing millions and their was only me with my Bible and flip flops working around the world. Being called Brandon in the Basement as no one knew my identity or what I did which was mediumship with prophesy from the Lord. Password rest , I need this to reset my life as I cannot remember the password reset.

By Tom Podmore on Unsplash

There was no other Religious Dominion out on the frontline or medium in this much needed time when we had millions of people dying all over the world but life still went on , how it went on fell a lot of the times on my shoulders. By 2021 a friend of mine suggested we have “hallucinating trip together- I said “yes” “ we had this Trip and it went seriously wrong - my friend looked like he was having a stroke and I knew if I didn’t get home I was going to die. He kept insisting for me to just get and lie on the bed it will pass- but I knew I was going to die if I didn’t leave there and then. So I did. The reason I went home is I didn’t want anything to fall back on my friend or his flat if I was to die as they could have charged him for supplying as he had 50 in his bag. I managed to walk home how? I do not know. I do not remember anything after getting in my house and phoning an ambulance. I had a massive heart attack died for a few minutes and resuscitated by diffibulator where they damaged the walls of my chest muscle and nerves by the felocity of the pads being used to try and start my heart. I was meant to die; seriously and you will all never believe this . When I came out of intensive care into the heart ward ; I woke up and w ripped all the wires off me and lied saying I was just reading the information on the wall. I ran. I thought I had only been in a day but no I had been in intensive care a week and the podiums you talk about the week with half my work and a password reset, I’m going to bed.

I got home and thought “never again “ but the visions and voices again to protect President Joe Biden and his family and make sure they stay safe.I never really had anything major for this Country England; just the usual the guards at the palace check them, the Army base and I would always make sure the Priminister Boris Johnson would have a full report of all issues that needed attention.Finding Cures for Covid then stumbled along the way with sea weed the final genetic code scientists had been looking for centuries for the full functionality of the human.Stumbling on Cancer cures for Lukemia in particular and bowel cancer by manipulating the gene cells now we had the missing li.

By Andrew George on Unsplash

It was good being part of the Science group I ran and helped to spark ideas with each other. But I have to stay hidden in the Dark where no one was aware of what I was actually doing with the help of the good Lord Jesus Christ. Because I’m from a poor background and people are envious of the gifts the Lord gave me ; the light and energy that radiates from me irritates some people demons within


About the Creator

Dawn Earnshaw

Loves writing short stories and poems - learning punctuation and Grammar.ADHD

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