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A Typical Day

For An Atypical Girl

By Terri AllenPublished 2 years ago 3 min read

Do you ever find yourself wishing so badly that you could follow a strict schedule day in, day out and have no problem with it?

Wake up, go to work, come home, eat, shower, socialise then sleep a full 8 hours and wake up the next day feeling rested and fulfilled?

I wish this is the life I wish everyday that I could have but here’s how a typical day for me goes.

Go to bed at 2am, wake up for work at 5am, finish work usually no later than 1pm, come home, try to keep myself awake by watching Netflix but lie down for just a minute and wake up hours later. If you’ll notice there’s no time in there for eating or socialising because I regularly forget to do both of those things.

There are days where I have a more ideal schedule and these are usually my days off work when I have no other commitments than just being with myself, simply existing.

These days I allow myself to sleep in because I never get enough sleep so when I get the chance to do this guilt free I like to savour the opportunity.

I always tell myself that I will use my days off to clean my house and work on my writing but most of the time that is a pipedream that never usually happens the way I expect it to.

However today I woke up at noon and after immediately feeding my bunnies I entered the kitchen with the intent of just getting myself something to eat and then sitting down and watching the new season of Stranger Things for the fourth time in three days.

But instead, while I was cooking myself some food I put a load of washing in my washing machine and started a wash and dry cycle, I put away all my dishes and I tidied up all the rubbish on my desk and took it to the bin shoot outside my house.

This is a very easy and normal task for the ordinary person but for me I find this incredibly difficult at times.

I felt really relieved that I had actually managed to do some tidying that was completely unplanned.

Then while I was in this state of productivity I decided that I was going to work on my writing. I started out by promoting my writing on Twitter and Facebook as well as with my Vocal Facebook group chat. Then that leads me here where I am actually writing a new article with the intent of getting it published to my profile.

I love writing and I just hope that maybe one day I will be in a better state of mind as to where I can write everyday and make it less of a side job and more like my main source of income.

The typical day of a writer is getting either no ideas for writing projects or 100 in one day. For example…

The other night I had a dream and this turned into an idea for a book that I wanted to recreate. I woke up and wrote everything down in my notes app on my phone.

I want to be able to do it right. Considering how I have another work in progress just sitting in my documents half finished I want to make sure that I am spending my time wisely.

I decided that I was going to start slowly writing a simple sentence for each chapter. Then a page. Then both sides of a page. Then a book.

Good things take time and hard work really makes the difference. You just need to set yourself some small manageable goals and work towards it whenever you can manage.


About the Creator

Terri Allen

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