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A Mother’s Love

There is no handbook.

By Pashance APublished 2 years ago 3 min read

When I felt defeated by difficult pieces as a young artist, you would always tell me that there was nothing that I couldn’t do. After becoming frustrated, you’d make me take a break and revisit the drawing when I felt better. You taught me that the essence of beauty lives within my heart space & energy. That that which I produce, will reflect what I feel, and who I am.

You taught me that as a woman, I should always clean after my messes, and prioritize my responsibilities before all else. How to create stability within, so that I’m not moved by other people’s words of me. You taught me to be independent; how to take care of myself and a household, and the importance of balancing out my fighting spirit with kindness and love. You taught me to laugh more, and to walk in gratitude. You nurtured my creativity, and told me to follow my heart. So long as it was in accordance with my mind. Do unto others as I wish done unto me, you’d say.

I appreciate your faithful expression that my body is a temple. That further taught me the importance of keeping my temple clean, so that God may rest within me. Thank you, mom, for teaching me of class and grace; to see the beauty in both life and people when my eyes refuse to see. This life hasn’t been easy. For either of us.

Growing up, I used to wish that it was. However, despite the many challenges that we’ve faced; both together and in separation, I feel such an immeasurable sense of empowerment. Your sacrifices, wisdom, patience, grace, perseverance, resiliency, and trust in the divine are all values that I couldn’t have learned anywhere else. Life seems so different now that I know you beyond a child’s lens. I am more grateful than I’ve ever been, and I am so proud of you, Mom.

I remember you used to always say that there’s no handbook for parenting. You were right about that; but getting to grow up with you, and watch you continue to take on everyday by the horns, has been a priceless treasure. As the woman I’ve become (almost choked up there) I truly sit in reverence of you. The things that you’ve experienced in your own life, along with the trial’s of motherhood, would have knocked another woman off her axis… but another thing that I remember you telling me as a child, is that God will not give us more than we can handle.

I watched you defy all odds on so many occasions. When brought to your knees, you were still vulnerable enough to share some of those experiences with me. What you don’t know, is that: Each time I watched you get back up from bloody knees, you showed me what a woman is. What a mother is. Although you weren’t the childhood depiction of a fairytale mom, you were always My Mom; by choice, AND you did it alone. So, even without the parenting handbook, know that I still see a real life Supermom. You challenge yourself everyday, and continue to teach YOURSELF without a mother, to transition from a mindset of survival, to one of abundant life. I know that this journey of ours has not been easy, but I thank you for every choice that you made. Even those that you didn’t make, and the ones I didn’t understand because look at where we are today. Not only are you my navigation system when I get lost, but you are truly my best friend too. This love is unconditional. Para Siempre. 🤍🧿


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