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A Man Who Eluded Impenetrable Prisons Four Times

The Escape of a Man from Impenetrable Prisons Four Times

By Althea MarchPublished about a year ago 7 min read
An Escape from an Impenetrable Prison Four Times

Learn the amazing true tale of a guy who, not just once but four times, managed to escape from impenetrable jails. In his quest for freedom, he defies the strictest security systems and seemingly insurmountable challenges. Follow his extraordinary adventure to learn how he does it. This inspiring story of tenacity, creativity, and sheer willpower is likely to astound you.

Our fascination with the idea of breaking out of jail or prison has inspired many works of literature, motion pictures, and television programs. What about breaking out of an impenetrable prison? Even though it appears impossible, one man has succeeded not just once but four times. His tale is one of perseverance, shrewdness, and resilience in the face of overwhelming obstacles. We shall examine the astonishing actual account of a man in this article who regularly escaped from the most secure locations on earth, shocking even the most seasoned law enforcement officers. Prepare to be enthralled by the remarkable story of a guy who found a way to make his confinement a test of his own resourcefulness and resolve rather than submitting to incarceration.

Yoshie Shiratori was pacing back and forth within his cell as he thought about how he had been falsely accused of a crime. He needed to be shrewd and persistent to develop a workable plan because Aomori Prison was not the simplest one to escape from. Prisoners received bathing buckets that were covered in metal support rings that they could use as wires. And that's how he was able to get away for the first time; nevertheless, three days later, he was apprehended once more. The story only starts now because he pulled off the seemingly unthinkable feat of escaping not once, not twice, but four times.

Almori Prison in Japan, 1936: Yoshi Shiratori was pacing back and forth inside his prison cell, thinking about how he was wrongly imprisoned for a crime he didn't commit, didn't deserve to spend the rest of his days in this filthy, cold, and cruel place, and how he needed to leave. However, Amori Prison was not the easiest one to escape from, so he needed to be shrewd and patient to come up with a workable plan.

Shiratori began by watching the guards' routines. He knew that even a small mistake could put him out of commission, so he had to learn every move they made with extreme precision. After months of studying their schedules, he discovered that there was a 15-minute gap between their patrol times from 5:30 to 5:45. This was it; he had found the opportunity.

Yoshi found his escape window. Then there was the problem of how he was going to pick his cell lock. Shiratori was not the one to give up in the face of one minor inconvenience. Prisoners were provided with bathing buckets. To his surprise, when they were inside the bathhouse, Shiratori realized that these were wrapped with a metal support ring, which he could use as a wire. So one day, he smuggled one back into his cell and waited for his moment of freedom. When the clock struck 5 30 a.m. and the coast was finally clear, Shiratori made his move.

His hands were shaking due to the cold as he tried to pick the lock; and the fear of getting caught did not help either. It took him a few minutes, but he was finally able to kick his cell door open and run to his freedom. At 5:45 a.m., guards returned and checked his cell. To them, everything looked normal. Shiratori was sound asleep in his bed, but of course, what they didn't realize was that it wasn't actually him who was under the blanket.

Before he left, Shiratori had placed pieces of floorboard onto his futon to trick the guards and buy himself more time, so nobody suspected anything until the next morning, but by then Shiratori was long gone. However, this was only the beginning of Shiratori's story; he would later be known as the legendary Prison Break Magician. Three days after his first escape, Shiratori got caught again while trying to steal supplies from a hospital, and just like that, he was back in prison.

This time, he was sentenced to life for his escape attempt. He had no hopes of seeing his wife and daughter ever again. All those months of planning were for extended periods of time to make sure he could never attempt breaking out of prison again. They were determined to make an example of him. In addition to all the extreme manual labor he had to do, he was forced to sleep on the hard concrete floor during the severe winter cold, and when he wasn't working, he was placed into solitary confinement for extended periods of time to make sure he could never attempt anything funny.

You see, this isolation cell was specially designed to keep escape artists from escaping. It was very small, had a very high ceiling, and smooth copper walls that would make it impossible to climb. In addition, there was no sunlight whatsoever. The only window in the cell was the small one located in the ceiling, and on top of everything, Shiratori was truly depressed and deeply sad. However, one of them, Kobayashi, had compassion for him and cared about his welfare, so he periodically checked in on him. This made his sad life in this horrible location a little bit more tolerable.

Shiratori was nowhere to be found on the stormy night of June 15th at around midnight, and all that was left of him were his handcuffs. But how did he do it first of all? Shiratori knew all the tricks to get out of cuffs, so they just didn't work on him once his hands were free. By pressing his palms and soles of his feet on the smooth copper walls, he easily climbed the unclimbable wall of the cuffs.

Three months later, Shiratori knocked on the door of the person he thought to be his friend, Kobayashi. He wanted him to stand by his side as he fought against the corrupt prison system. Since he was the only guard who respected him, Shiratori felt like he could trust him to do the right thing. But this was a big mistake when Shiratori went to the bathroom. Kobayashi wasted no time in informing the authorities that he was there, so Shiratori was arrested and sent back to prison for the third time.

Since he became something of a legend, at this point, the authorities wanted to make sure he could not escape for the third time, so they sent him to the most notorious and high security Abashiri prison. It was in the northern part of the country and got plenty of snow, so no prisoner dared to escape. It was with their thin uniforms at first. He was thrown into an open cell exposed to the extreme cold, while still wearing his summer prison uniform, and the guards were awful to him. One time, he got so angry that he broke his handcuffs in front of them. But that just made things even worse, he got locked in a cell wearing heavy iron restraints fitted around his ankles and wrists, which required two hours to unlock by a blacksmith.

Shiratori vowed to escape, but this time it all seemed impossible. Yet again, he found a way every day when the guards delivered prisoners' meals. Shiratori would drip his miso soup on his iron shackles as well as the food slot on his cell door. This ever so slowly wore down the metal, and finally he was able to slip out of the chains. The hole, however, was still too small to fit a person, so Shiratori dislocated his own shoulder to slip through the hatch.

He was a free man once more, as well as the first man to ever escape Abashiri prison. He went into hiding for over a year but was caught again after he had a fight with a farmer for stealing a tomato from his farm. Authorities were not going to leave anything to chance now, and they locked him up at the Sapporo prison. The only opening in his cell was smaller than his head, and there were guards standing in front of it 24 hours a day, so you can imagine the shock they felt when they couldn't find Shiratori there one day.

This time Shiratori managed to escape by digging a tunnel right under his bed using a miso soup bowl. He was a free man for a year until, one day, an officer sat next to him on a park bench. He didn't realize his true identity, but Shiratori was so moved by his kind attitude that he decided to reveal himself. He was arrested once again, but this time, having reviewed his case, the court revoked the harsh conditions of his sentence and sent him to the more comfortable Fuchu prison in Tokyo, where he was released even earlier for good behavior. He was finally able to reunite with his daughter as a truly free man.

It is extremely amazing how a person managed to escape from impenetrable jails four times, which is the story of Yoshi Shiratori. It is proof of the strength of the human spirit and the creativeness of the human mind. This man defied the odds and pushed the boundaries of what was thought to be possible through his daring escapes. His experience serves as an example for all of us, showing us that even in the most dismal circumstances, there is always a chance for success. The story of this man reminds us to never give up and to constantly keep moving forward, no matter how challenging the trip may seem, whether we encounter challenges in our personal or professional lives.


About the Creator

Althea March

I am a writer who searches for facts to create compelling nonfictional accounts about our everyday lives as human beings, and I am an avid writer involved in creating short fictional stories that help to stir the imagination for anyone.

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Althea MarchWritten by Althea March

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