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Urine Trouble Now

Rent Increase Warnings from the Dog Pee Puddle in Your Stairwell

By Veronica WrenPublished 8 months ago Updated 4 months ago 6 min read
You know, the one shaped like Illinois. Photo by author: Reality Trekk

Neglecting our shared spaces only worsens our collective misery.

As a relatively new resident of this bustling apartment building, I’ve spent my existence yearning for a friendly greeting or nod of recognition. Countless passersby navigate around me every day, seemingly doing anything they can to avoid acknowledging my existence. Entire families shuffle awkwardly past with their eyes averted.

I’m their neighbor, I live here, too. So why do they act like I don’t exist?

To them, I’m a reminder of something they don’t want to see but can’t avoid; a disgusting blight they’d rather ignore than risk acknowledging the systemic issues that brought me here. So here I continue to mellow, basking in the glow of fluorescent lights and exuding an aroma that can only be described as distinctive.

Oh, how I long for someone to break the silence, to acknowledge me for more than the mere mess I am. You might think I’m nothing but an inconvenience or an eyesore, but there’s more to my story.

High and Dry

It is I, that enormous puddle of dog pee in the stairwell of your apartment building. You know the one, I’ve seen you ignore me.

Every day, my fellow tenants pass me by, their faces contorted with disgust. They know I’m there, they clearly want me gone (mega rude, but ok), but no one takes the initiative to clean me up. I’ve borne witness to the ridiculous lengths to which people will go to ignore something that disrupts their daily lives, including the person who allowed their dog to create me in the first place.

But is this simply human laziness? Or do I need to take a walk inside (rather than stickily on the bottom of) their shoes? Perhaps their indifference is rooted in the larger problems surrounding us.

Throughout my stagnant existence, I’ve witnessed a cycle of abuse of power, neglect, and frustration that has plagued not just our building, but our society at large. Join me as we dive into the repercussions of rising rents, unaddressed community issues, and the escalating consequences of neglecting our shared spaces.

Waters Rising

In our fast-paced world, where progress is measured in dollar signs, the well-being, health, and happiness of tenants often take a backseat.

It’s no secret our apartment management recently imposed a $250 increase in rent. This sudden hike left many tenants feeling financially burdened, panicked, and unsafe. Many who had planned to resign their leases were now suddenly priced out and scrambling to find a new place to live. Once relatively satisfied tenants were now financially-insecure, leaving them disgruntled, hopeless, and resentful.

When people struggle to make ends meet, their priorities shift. Dissatisfied with how they were being swindled by their landlords, residents are left with little motivation to clean up messes in shared spaces.

The Ripple Effect

Neglecting communal spaces like hallways and stairwells perpetuates a downward spiral in the building community.

As residents are priced out and forced to move, the sense of community diminishes, leaving an atmosphere of anxiety and dissatisfaction. Tenants withdraw from their neighbors, too concerned with financial woes and bitter toward the building owners to socialize. New neighbors don’t feel welcome and continue the trend of keeping to themselves. The once-thriving community becomes a desolate symbol of the self-interest that led to the rent increase in the first place.

As rent soars, so does apathy toward communal cleanliness. Struggling residents, burdened by the weight of their shrinking wallets, begin to cast aside the simple task of cleaning up after their furry companions.

“Why should I clean up when I’m being nick-and-dimed out of my home?” they think to themselves.

Neglect begets more neglect. Hallways and other shared spaces quickly deteriorate into a vile obstacle course, giving birth to a breeding ground for rogue dust bunnies and disgruntled socks.

As the building hygiene declines, residents feel validated in continuing the trend: “No one else here cleans up after themselves, either”.

Besides, it’s the only way to get even a sliver of revenge for unfair the rent increase. Landlords have a chokehold over their tenants, and although many landlords might find it below them to clean the mess themselves, a cleaning service would still come out of their profits. Maybe if tenants were treated with more respect, they would treat the building with more respect.

The unintended consequence of this punishment is, of course, that the poor souls paying an arm and a leg to live in their overpriced apartment now have to endure not only financial strain but also the unappealing mess strewn before them.

The Wanting Comes in Waves

Within the walls of our apartment building, the cycle of neglect mirrors the broader societal patterns. As rent prices surge and citizens withdraw, indifference towards communal cleanliness takes hold. The absence of accountability manifests as a breeding ground for chaos and discontent, reflecting our collective failure to prioritize the common good.

As the gap between the haves and the have-nots widens, empathy becomes an expensive commodity. Tenants, burdened by the weight of rising costs, find it harder to extend kindness and consideration to their fellow residents. The once vibrant community is now marred by a sense of indifference and self-preservation.

Our soiled building is an emblematic symbol of the underlying issues that plague our society. When residents attempt to dance around me, it highlights our society’s uncanny ability to turn a blind eye to the uncomfortable truths that lie right before us, stewing in their own damp misery.

These are pervasive societal issues we must confront head-on. By acknowledging the erosion of empathy, the consequences of unchecked capitalism, and the importance of collective responsibility, we can strive for a society where communal well-being takes precedence.

Chasing Waterfalls

In the pursuit of personal gain, we often forget the power of collective action. Using our analogy of the apartment building: each individual uncleaned mess contributes to the gradual deterioration of the entire building. On the other hand, the opposite is also true.

While it’s understandable that individuals may prioritize their financial stability, we must recognize that neglecting shared spaces ultimately worsens the living conditions for everyone. A clean and well-maintained environment fosters a sense of pride and unity among residents. We can work towards a better future by coming together and taking collaborative responsibility for the hygiene of our building (society).

Coming together to tackle an issue can help bring about change in other ways. One tenant complaining about an issue like a rent increase may not have much of an effect, but several working together to submit a complaint can pressure management into engaging in conversations with tenants. Exploring collective ways to address the rent issue, such as negotiating or advocating for more reasonable rates, can help create a more inclusive and harmonious community.

Flood Warning

Landlords, consider this a cautionary tale. Neglect and exorbitant rent prices turn once-desirable buildings into forsaken puddles of discontent. If you disregard the pleas of your tenants and allow filth to fester, soon your property will be nothing more than a symbol of repulsion and regret.

Self-interest breeds neglect, and neglect breeds puddles. Reassess your priorities before you find your vacancies multiplying like drops of water in a never-ending rainstorm.

A clean, content establishment with satisfied occupants or a vacant, pee-splashed monument to your managerial ability: the decision is yours.

Golden Opportunities

I symbolize more than just a physical inconvenience. I represent the consequences of neglect and the impact of costs on our already strained community. It’s time we acknowledge the interconnectedness of these issues and strive for a better balance.

Envision a future where empathy, responsibility, and collective well-being take center stage. A community is only as strong as the individuals within it. We can reclaim our building and build a brighter future together by taking responsibility for our shared spaces and advocating for fair treatment. Let’s unite, address the underlying problems, and restore our building’s pride and harmony.

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About the Creator

Veronica Wren

Trauma sucks. Recovery shouldn't. Subscribe here for your FREE exclusive guided journal

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Domestic Abuse & CPTSD Recovery Coach

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    Veronica WrenWritten by Veronica Wren

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