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The Exception of Enmity

Enemies to lovers, short story

By GlitchPublished 9 months ago 3 min read

In the bustling city of New York, the frenetic rhythm of life was shadowed by glittering towers, where people crossed paths, interwoven yet isolated. Among such individuals were fiery Lilianne, the intriguing artist who sees the world through vibrant colors and passionate strokes, and Gabriel, a stone-cold businessman who only trusted facts, figures, and monotony.

Their paths collided in a tête-à-tête commission meeting which had initially been arranged to discuss Gabriel’s newly acquired mansion's redecoration. Tension, like static electricity, charged the room. Gabriel, with his cynical disposition, doubted Lilianne's creative prowess based on whimsicality and impracticality. Lilienne loathed his mechanical, numbers-oriented mindset. Hating each other at the outset did little to dampen the strange, almost magnetic chemistry between them.

Gabriel’s stern demeanor contrasted with the striking, bold, and vibrant colors that Lilianne wore exceptionally well. Gabriel, dressed in his usual pristine, charcoal-gray suit, found himself inexplicably drawn towards the wildness of Lilianne, her auburn locks waving like a rebellious fire against the colorless pursuits of the world. Her usual kaleidoscope-like palette both bewildered and intrigued him.

Lilianne, meanwhile, scorned Gabriel's realist perspective, though she couldn't help but acknowledge his deeply buried, fiery intensity. His eyes, a dark, turbulent sea - were paradoxically charming to her. His composed, ebony-clad silhouette against the sterile, modernist architecture of the mansion was in stark contrast to the voluptuous curvatures she usually dealt with. She found herself itching to unfold him.

Their encounters bristled with heated disputes over color palettes and room layouts, imbued with tension and enigmatic allure. Among verbal clashes and fiery confrontations, their mutual dislike was a potent yet strange co-star to fluttering palpitations and unnoticed glances.

Give and take in their banter grew into a reluctant rhythm, charged with ambition and rivalry. The battle of wills became more than just work-related dynamics. Late-night meetings grew longer, lingering eye contacts frequent, and loathed closeness felt too far.

One fateful evening, as she was unveiling her final interior plan, a power outage threw them into darkness. With only the dimly lit candles dancing gently in their clandestine corner, the charged silence between brought them closer. In the flickering shadows, blind spots of hatred unveiled unexplored territories of desire.

Consumed by unspoken tension, Gabriel found his hand reaching for her. He felt her draw a sharp breath and braced himself for a bitter retort or a harsh slapping away of his hand. Except, it didn't come. Instead, he felt her hand subtly shake beneath his, the firmness equaling his.

He heard her whisper, soft but unsteady, "You're a perpetual pain...", leaving the sentence unfinished. Gabriel tightened his grip and inched closer, their breathing laboring more from anticipation than hatred.

Lilianne looked up to him, her eyes glistening with intimidated braveness and ambiguous desires. Gabriel locked his eyes with hers and finished her sentence, "...and you are my beautiful paradox..."

Their hatred seemed so minimal in the radiating heat between them, the strange chemistry they’d buried under their initial resentment now ignited, as their lips met in a passionate, long-awaited kiss. They discovered an unusual sense of ‘right’ within the ‘wrong’ they had nurtured.

As their secret relationship bloomed, so did their understanding of each other. Gabriel discovered warmth in Lilianne's fiery soul, while Lilianne found surprising soft edges behind Gabriel's stony exterior. Their differences that they initially loathed had tied them together in a bond that was far beyond physical attraction. They realized that even if there was a thin line between love and hate, their exploration leaned more towards an odd yearning than disdain.

Despite their journey's tumultuous undertone and constant ebbs and flows, they found themselves entwined in an enigmatic dance of passion-filled enmity - a dance that was purely 'their anomaly.'


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