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How much of your body change every year

Change of the body with a year

By nancy mulwaPublished 5 months ago 3 min read
How much of your body change every year
Photo by Miguel Salgado on Unsplash


Not tethered to the calendar, there may indeed be some validity to the notion. Consider when the body generates new components through the regeneration of the liver after partial donation or the unexpected growth of a new spleen. While humans may not possess the ability to regenerate lost limbs like certain animals, our capacity for self-renewal is more extensive than commonly recognized. This natural regeneration can occur organically or be guided with intent.

In the realm of speculative science fiction, a future envisions using stem cells to regenerate various body parts, and this futuristic concept is gradually becoming more tangible with each passing year. In this regard, stem cells, derived from unexpected sources such as menstrual blood, are pivotal in advancing the frontier of regenerative medicine. Now, let's delve into the significance of stem cells, their types, and their potential applications.

Stem cells, characterized by their remarkable flexibility, can differentiate into specific tissues as they replicate. Analogous to an Eevee adapting to its environment, stem cells transform into distinct cell types depending on external cues. Unlike a firestone determining Eevee's evolution, stem cells receive signals directing them toward becoming liver cells or other specialized tissues.

The burgeoning field of regenerative medicine focuses on healing or replacing damaged tissues resulting from trauma, disease, congenital abnormalities, or aging. Stem cells emerge as promising agents in this endeavor, offering hope for therapies that involve transforming them into specialized cells, such as neurons, to address various medical conditions.

Embryonic stem cells (ESCs) possess unparalleled potential due to their extreme plasticity, capable of evolving into any tissue or organ within the human body. However, their application faces ethical debates surrounding embryo destruction and challenges in sourcing fresh cells. This has led researchers to explore alternative options, such as mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) from adults.

MSCs, ethically less complex than ESCs, exhibit considerable plasticity, able to differentiate into bone, muscle, blood vessels, connective tissue, and even liver cells. Despite not reaching the same level of versatility as ESCs, MSCs, particularly those obtained from menstrual fluid, demonstrate notable advantages. Menstrual MSCs, derived from an unconventional source, exhibit rapid proliferation, outperforming MSCs from bone marrow or other bodily locations.

Recent studies highlight the potential of menstrual MSCs in treating various conditions.

In simulated stroke conditions, these cells improved outcomes in oxygen-deprived rat neurons. In Alzheimer 's-afflicted mice, menstrual MSC injections corrected cognitive deficits and reduced brain plaques. Additionally, these cells have shown promise in treating diabetes, restoring liver function, improving surgical outcomes, reducing inflammation, and expediting wound healing.

While the concept of menstrual fluid as a source of MSCs is groundbreaking, it faces challenges in accessibility. Current options for menstrual fluid donation are limited, with only a few facilities in India and private banking services in Florida. Nonetheless, clinical trials in the United States are exploring the collection of menstrual blood during gynecological visits, paving the way for potential advancements in regenerative medicine.

In conclusion, the journey towards harnessing the regenerative potential of stem cells, particularly those from menstrual fluid, signifies a remarkable stride in medical science. As research progresses, the transformative impact of these cells could revolutionize treatments for various ailments, offering renewed hope for the future of regenerative.

The human body has remarkable regenerative abilities, but there are limitations to certain organs and tissues. For instance, while the liver can regrow, repeated donations might pose challenges for both donors and recipients. Teeth, unlike some animals with regenerating sets, can only be grown once.

Tooth evolution diversified shapes for specific functions, with heterodont species like humans having specialized teeth. Carnivores, for example, have carnal teeth for slicing, while certain primates have a CP3 honing complex for territorial defense.

While mammals lose the ability to regenerate teeth, some exceptions exist. Elephants continuously grow new molars, and silvery mole rats generate new molars as needed. The trade-off between specialized tooth shapes and regenerative abilities led to the loss of multiple sets of teeth in mammals.

Gray hair results from melanocyte death due to oxidative stress. Researchers are exploring ways to prevent hydrogen peroxide buildup to preserve hair color. Additionally, understanding melanocyte movement may offer potential solutions to reverse graying.

Comparing human regenerative abilities to other animals, salamanders stand out for their limb regeneration. Salamanders form a wound epidermis, triggering a series of events leading to the regeneration of limbs. Macrophages, repair cells, and play a crucial role in this process, releasing signals that prompt undifferentiated cells to regenerate.

Despite advancements, human limb regeneration remains a distant goal. However, insights gained from studying regeneration may lead to faster wound healing and reduced scarring.

In the quest for scientific knowledge, researchers continue unraveling the mysteries of regeneration across different species, holding the promise of future breakthroughs in human medicine.


About the Creator

nancy mulwa

I am a writer an I write about scientific stories.

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