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He Couldn’t Hear Her Whispers

A Story About Escaping Domestic Violence

By Charelle LandersPublished 6 months ago 10 min read
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Here is a snippet of a domestic violence novel I am working on.

“He Couldn’t Hear Her Whispers”

Chapter 1

“Ain't No Easy Past”

“The glimpse of the past comes with a burning passion like the sun.”

This is how Tasha Randolph- Washington started her self-proclaimed memoir—a domestic violence tribute. A survivor turned activist, Tasha had been ready to tell her story since settling down and marrying football star Bradley “Walk on Water” Washington of the Pittsburgh Steelers three years ago. After spending ten years in therapy, volunteering at events hosted by her then-future husband, advocating for domestic violence victims, and being the voice for other victims, she finally found the courage to correct her past in detail.

“From manslaughter to God's daughter,” she wrote.

Buzz, buzz, buzz, Tasha’s phone vibrated on her desk. She glanced at the screen to see it said; Hubby enlisted with the bedazzled emojis and kissy faces. She knew it was his lunchtime and thought he wanted to call and say he loved her and appreciated her cooking—the usual conversation for the love birds at lunchtime.

“Hello,” she answered hurriedly. “Hi babe, tell me what’s good.”

“Hey babe,” he greeted her on the other end. “I wanted to say-”

“Are you just calling to say you love me and how much you adore me?” she interrupted.

“Of course, babe, and to thank you for my empty stomach this afternoon, lunch was delightful.” sacarsim shot through her ear.

“Oh shit, babe, forgive me; I have been so distracted writing this novel that I forgot to make your lunch. It completely slipped my mind.” she shot one excuse after another.

“Sure,” he responded, rolling his eyes. “How is the book coming anyways?”

“I’m still on the first page, but I have two sentences.” They both laughed hysterically. “You know, thirteen years and ten weeks, and I can’t even find the right words to speak about him.”

“Don’t worry, babe, and you got this. All you have to do is forget the scars and embrace the truth. Remember I told you you’re safe now.” he reassured her.

Bradley had done all he knew how to do to encourage Tasha over the past three years, but the truth is that Tasha doesn't feel safe. She told her friends that she felt alone and afraid and that Brad and Walter, her ex had similar traits.

Tasha replied, “I know, babe. What would I do without you?” She said. “I promise to make it up to you with a lunch date tomorrow, my treat.”

“You must be reading my mind, or you must have a timer on your phone that lets you know when my lunch hour is up.” He responded while moaning to the cheerleader embracing his manhood in the passenger seat. “It's okay about the lunch date tomorrow. We scrimmage today, and tomorrow we have a team meeting.”

“No, babe, I just want to return to my book and let you return to what you do best. I don’t want you to be in your head when you dust them rookies on the field at scrimmage today.” She replied with agitation in her voice. Did he moan? He's probably with some cheerleading sleazeball in the parking lot of McDonald's. She thought to herself, but she quickly reverted her attention to the conversation. “Oh, okay, whenever you want to remind me, I owe you. Let me know how I can make it up to you.” She responded in her sexiest tone.

“Just stay beautiful, babe.” He replied. “I love you, and I will talk to you soon. Bye,” He hung up before Tasha could respond to his kindred words.

As Tasha hung up, her mind began to process the whispers of her stressors. This is what happened every time Bradley would call while he was working. Something felt off, and her PTSD was a response trigger to her reality. She began to drift away from her computer and take notes on Bradley's tone. Something about Bradley made Tasha feel uneasy over the last year. Was he cheating? Did he have another family? Why is he never home? These are the thoughts that swarm in Tasha’s mind.

Tasha decided she was hungry and wanted to grab Chipotle down on Forbes. She ordered pick-up but knew that the 15-minute drive would clear her mind. She quickly dressed in some royal blue Nike jogging pants, a white Nike half-shirt, with some blue and grey Nike air max 270s. She proceeded to grab her keys. As she got in the car, she saw what looked like Walter’s oldest son Chomp standing in the driveway.

When she approached the driver's side door she saw a note with the scripture Isiah 53:10 written in French.

“Et pourtant, il plaisait au Seigneur de l'écraser; il l'a mis au chagrin: quand tu fears de son âme une offrande pour le péché, il verra sa semence, il prolonger ses jours, et le plaisir du Seigneur prospérera dans sa main”


As she entered the vehicle, the person vanished. Tasha placed her location in her GPS and turned on her satellite radio to listen to the Unqualified Therapists Inc. podcast. Today's topic was From Survive to Thrive.

Tasha was diagnosed with severe PTSD in 2009 after shooting her ex-boyfriend Walter Drake twice in the head after he beat and abused her throughout their ten-year relationship. Tasha stood 5’6 with brown eyes and curves to match her height. She rocked a short curly afro and wore makeup to cover up the cuts on her face from being thrown threw a glass window in 2006. Tasha arrived at Chipotle and parked while walking back to her car with her food Tasha was greeted by Walter’s best friend, Tom. Tom waved at Tasha, and Tasha put her head down and hurried out of the restaurant.

When Tasha got back to her vehicle she couldn’t help but believe Walter was haunting her from the grave. “Why is my past coming back to haunt me?” She thought. On her drive home Tasha said a prayer asking God again to forgive her for murdering Walter. Tasha arrived home and allowed her thoughts to transcend to her emotions, as she sat her food on the counter she plopped on the couch in deep thoughts about the night that changed her life forever.

Chapter 2

“The Devil Can Run But He Can't Hide”

Later on that evening, Tasha was awakened by Brad. “Babe, babe, wake up” he said shaking her immensely. Tasha jumped up from the couch in a defensive manner. When she realized it was Bradley she began to relax.

“Don’t do me like that Bradley, if I’m sleep just let me sleep. I told you everything that happened it gives me flashbacks to when… Tasha stopped mid-sentence, she had noticed that Bradley was on his phone and was not listening to what she was saying. “As if I matter anyway she murmured as she walked up the stairs to the master bedroom..”

Bradley, hadn’t noticed Tasha was gone. He laid back on the leather sofa and turned on ESPN to check out some basketball highlights. As the evening winded down, Bradley had drifted into a snooze. When Tasha noticed that Bradley was asleep she snatched his phone to see what was so important that he ignored her cries. What she found was very disturbing. Bradley had been watching a sex video with him and Tasha’s ex friend Jasmine.

Tasha proceeded to wake Bradley up, but thought what’s the point. All he’s going to do is deny the allegations, play me as if I’m crazy, and gaslight me into believing that it was another man. Tasha thought. The tattooed arms and his birthmark on the left side of his abdomen were a dead giveaway she said to herself. No wonder why it’s been hard to please him lately. He’s been sleeping with this slut. Tasha decided to wake him up to have sex. She tapped him on his shoulder.

“Yes honey,” he responded.

“I’m in need of some martial sexual satisfaction, can we play our little game?” She asked.

“What game?” He replied

“The game where we make love all over the house for hours. Remember that game? We start in the kitchen with some fruits, then end in the master bath with a shower.”

“No babe I’m tired I just want to get some sleep.”

Tasha slammed his phone down aggressively on the table waking him.

“What was that?” He asked aggressively. He glanced at the table and saw his phone was not on the couch anymore.

“You’re going through my phone Tasha?” As he picked up the phone he noticed the screen was cracked. “And you broke it. I really hope you found what you were looking for.”

“You know what Bradley you are so selfish. Day in and day out I support you I endure your neglect and cheating adulterous ways, and you’re going to have sex with my ex-friend. How long have you been intimate with Jasmine?”

“For as long and I know I have.” He responded sarcastically. “Why are you going through my phone worried about me and my sexually desired life all of a sudden now, just a week ago it was you were working on your book and you didn't have time for high school games. You don't even show up and support me at my games talking about you support me, yeah when a new deal on the table.” He responded nonchalantly.

Bradley responded carelessly to Tasha’s feelings. Grabbing his belongings and leaving the condo door standing wide open Tasha was in tears. All Tasha kept thinking was he was just like Walter this is how everything started with him, first the roses, then the clouds.

Tasha climbed into bed not expecting Bradley to return home for the rest of the night. As she drifted off to sleep, she couldn't help but be reminded of how much Jasmine said she was in love with Bradley during their lovemaking scene. Maybe they were talking before me she thought. Maybe they've been screwing around just as long. Idk all I know is that the devil has to flee from me. So I'll ignore his calls until he apologizes and faces me like a man, or who knows maybe he'll come to his senses and remind me of all the reasons I fell in love.

Chapter 3

“ Permission to Rule”

As she expected when she woke up Bradley was nowhere in sight. On any other day, Tasha got up dressed in her robe, and headed toward the kitchen for a cup of cappuccino and to make Bradley breakfast, avocado toast was his favorite. She would usually call her family back in Chicago. But today seemed different. Today was different she thought and she felt the desire to stay in bed. She had spent all night crying about her and Bradley’s horrid fight. She looked at her phone to check the time only to see she had thirty missed calls from Bradley and two from an unknown number.

She tried dialing Bradley’s number back but it was going straight to voicemail. As she proceeded to send him a text to see what was going on she was startled by a knock on the door. “Who’s there” she screamed standing on top of the steps. “It’s Mrs. Washington, Bradley’s mother.” Tasha knew that security had to have known the visitor to let them up to the mansion. It was Bradley’s mother Mrs. Cynthia Washington spokeswoman and councilwoman of district 11. Tasha opened the door.

“Hey Tasha” Mrs. Washington greeted Tasha as she walked into the house.

“Hi Mrs. Washington” Tasha greeted back.

“Oh please you’re my daughter in law it’s about time you start calling me mom.”

Tasha chuckled. She always thought that Mrs Washington’s jokes were hilarious. Only Mrs. Washington was not joking.

“What brings you here so early in the morning is everything okay with Bradley?” Tasha showed concern.

“Nine o’clock is not early in the morning. And no everything is not going good with Bradley. He has been arrested for a DUI.” Tasha’s jaw dropped.

Young AdultPlot TwistPart 1Fiction

About the Creator

Charelle Landers

Published author, (A Serious of Unfortunate Events, pen name Jessica Wright) and mother to six wonderful children. I find that writing is a healing passion of purpose and the ultimate pursuit to happiness.

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