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Blue Diamonds - Chp 6

A Rock & Roll Love Story

By Andrew C McDonaldPublished 8 months ago 15 min read

Chapter 6

Pam ran off the dance floor to the bar and embraced Julie with an exuberant, drunken hug. “They are sooo good! Don’t you think they are soo good?” Pam slurred. “Oh my gawd! Jack… Jack over here!” she shouted over the noise of the crowd and the volume of the music. “What do you want, sweetie?” she asked Julie.

“Umm…I don’t know, coke or somethin’.”

“Hey darlin’. You back for more?” the bartender said with a wink at the punk- Barbie that was Pam.

“Yea Jack. I want two of you with coke please,” she teased back.

“Sure thing, sweetness.” Flipping the dishtowel in his hand over a broad shoulder Jack blew Pam a mock kiss and turned back to the liquor rack. A few minutes later Jack set two ice-laden glasses in front of the girls. “That’ll be eight bucks.”

“Here ya go doll, keep the change,” she said, handing him a ten-dollar bill.

“Come back soon you hear me, Jack.”

“You got it sweet lips.”

Turning away from her fun, Pam handed Julie a glass. “Here honey, Jack and coke, right?”

“Uhh, no. I said coke.” Picking up her drink, Julie ran a fingertip over the cool wetness of the glass.

The side of Pam’s mouth lifted in a little grin. “Coke…, riiight. That’s okay; maybe we’ll have that later.” Taking a healthy swig of her drink Pam said, “Drink up, girl. It’s time to party!”

Wondering about what her companion had just said Julie figured that Pam just couldn’t hear her. What with the horrendous noise level in the jam-packed club Julie knew that she couldn’t hear everything Pam was saying. Aside from the booming bass echoing from the speakers, everywhere people were yelling, talking, singing, and otherwise just making a general ruckus. The drunken crowd of music worshippers swaying at the edge of the stage brought to Julie’s mind the utter chaos of the medieval battlefields her father often drew pictures of when she was a small girl. Dipping a finger in the cool liquid of her drink Julie tasted the substance in her glass and decided that it wasn’t half bad. Abandoning herself to the feel of the moment Julie settled back to enjoy this insight into Nikki’s world.

By the time Julie had consumed two more Jack & Cokes she was feeling quite all right. Turning to the well-dressed man sitting next to her, she said “Hey. They’re alright.”

Leaning closer to better hear her, the stranger on the next stool replied, “What’s that?”

“The band, I mean. The music.” Spreading her hands to encompass the entire scene she said, “I didn’t really know what to expect from them. But they’re all right: not bad. You know?”

Leaning back on the bar the guy looked around at the scene. Taking it in for a moment, he said “You know what? You’re right… They’re not half bad. They’re not punk, but they’re not pop either,” he said thoughtfully. “A new sound really.” Focusing back on the hot young girl he said, “You’ve got a good ear. You happen to know them by any chance?”

Casting a quick glance back at the man Julie smiled and shrugged. “Why thanks. Yea - I do actually.”

At that moment the music crescendoed to a sudden stop. The crowd erupted into a fevered roar of applause as Nikki stepped up and spoke into the microphone. At the sound of her hero’s voice Julie, with a dreamy look in her eyes, switched all her focus back onto the stage. “Me and the boys need to take ten and grab some asses…, ha ha, I mean drinks. We’ll be back in about thirty minutes so don’t go anywhere!” Pointing one hand toward the booth on the second level over the bar, Nikki went on “In the meantime, here to keep you entertained is L.A.’s favorite spinner of tunes - D. J. Drake!”

A silken voice rolled lightly across the room. “T’anks for de intro boys. Now Whiskey patrons let’s hear it for my favorite band and yours...Clashing Forces,” said the California accented Jamaican voice from the booth above the bar. “Dey’ll be back soon but for now lets all get going wit de dark sounds of Black Sabbath. A little Paranoia may destroy ya.” As the first notes of Paranoid blasted over the state-of-the-art sound system the band dispersed.

Eric hit the bar first. With a quick “Woo Hoo!” he excitedly grabbed Pam around the waist and swung her around. “Man did you hear that shit?! Was that awesome or what?!” Plopping the blonde back on the ground he grabbed her drink from the bar and chugged it. Grabbing his woman with one hand in her hair, the other squeezing her ass, Eric pulled Pam in for a long hard kiss. Julie noted how Pam was squeezing Eric right back; a giggle escaped her lips. Distracted by the heatedly entangled couple next to her Julie didn’t notice that Eddie had snuck up behind her until she was just a little over a foot off her barstool and spinning in circles. “EEEEECCKKK …, Eddie…, stop! Put me down,” she demanded laughingly. Setting the luscious little number back down on her barstool, he kissed the top of her head, wrapped his arms around her, and whispered playfully into her ear “Spoil all my fun!” Chuckling lightly Eric unwound himself from Nikki’s newest little play toy and yelled “Yo. How about a cold brewski here man!”

“Move outta my way scarecrow,” Nikki said, “and get your ass away from my girl!”

“Nikki!” Julie exclaimed excitedly. Wrapping her arms and legs around him, incidentally hiking her skirt up even further, she planted multiple smacks on his chest thru the mesh shirt.

“Hey there,” he half laughed as she kissed him with such enthusiasm.

“Hey, you wanted a drink? Here have mine,” she said, indicating the half empty glass behind her.

Reaching over a smooth shoulder, Nikki grasped the glass and took a sip. “Wait a minute, this tastes like Jack and coke,” he said suspiciously, taking another swig.

“It is. Pam ordered and you know what…? I like it. That’s my third… or…, is it the fourth? What the hell, I can’t remember.”

Stroking his sweet girl’s velvety soft hair as she clung to him Nikki suggested “Maybe you’d better switch to straight coke. This stuff’ll go to your head, and we don’t want you to get sick. I don’t want you getting kicked outta here either,” Nikki softly cautioned. Raising her chin with a gentle finger the singer softly kissed her forehead.

“Okay Nikki,” she drawled, but thought What-Ever! Switching mental tracks Julie enthusiastically exclaimed, “Jeez, you guys sound so good up there! I didn’t really know what to expect cause… well…” Batting her eyelashes she confessed coyly, “I wasn’t really listening last night, I was sortta, you know, focused on the task at hand. But, Jesus Christ, you guys are really, really good.” Weaving her fingers into the mesh weave of his shirt, Julie pulled him into her. “And you look…well…hotter than hell,” she breathed warmly into the crook of his neck. Nikki ran a possessive hand up her silky thigh to the hem of her skirt. Trying for nonchalance he tossed back the drink she had given him. Playfully fingering the edge of her skirt, Nikki leaned forward, successfully pinning Julie against the bar. Vainly trying to ignore the stabbing jolts of electricity shooting from where his leather clad cock was rubbing against Julie’s hot core, Nikki, voice cracking, yelled out “Yo Jack! I’ll have a beer. And a coke for the lady.” Turning his attention back to said lady, he noted the obviously well-heeled stranger next to her where Eddie had been a few moments ago. “So…Who’s the suit?”

“I don’t know. Just some guy. He seemed really interested in the music and your performance. So, I told him what I thought…that’s all.”

“Okay,” Nikki said and, brushing a light kiss on her forehead, shrugged the jealous thoughts aside. Jack put a bottle of beer and a coke down on the bar in front of the entwined couple and one to the side for the goofy drummer. “Thanks Jack.” They said in unison.

Flexing the muscular calves, which were still wrapped tightly around Nikki’s legs, Julie pulled him in closer still. Running a fingertip across the pulsating vein in his throat she passionately breathed into his ear. “Nikki?” she whispered with a questioning lilt.

With her moist, hot core pressed against him, intoxicating him like no drug ever had, he could barely think straight. He wanted to kiss her with reckless abandon, rip off her clothes and take her right there on the counter. Instead, he picked up his beer, kissed her on the cheek, and then took a long, slow drink from the bottle. He knew he was in for trouble with this girl, the question was how much and was he willing to pay the consequences for his actions. As he gazed into the trusting green eyes meeting his with such soulful trust in their whirling depths more questions passed through his mind. How will she feel? Will she break? I have to be careful. Go slow, and take my time... A mischievous grin split his face. Nikki liked the idea of taking his time with her. No, not like that…,hmmm…, on second thought, maybe just like that. With a conscious effort Nikki averted his eyes from her captivating gaze. Pulling her in to his chest he wrapped one arm behind her back. Running a fingertip over the small of her back as he inhaled the intoxicating odor of her coppery tresses Nikki fought to tamper down the desire coursing through every fiber of his being. As her creamy thigh, pressed so seductively against his leg, flexed with the beat of her heart he sighed and pushed back slightly.

Julie felt him putting space between them and wondered at the sudden tension of his body. Oh, he was interested, that she was sure of. She could feel that in the drawn tautness of his body – not to mention the throbbing pressure of the hard bulge pressed against her center. She sensed he was struggling within himself. “Nikki?” she said again, this time without the breathy passion in her voice. “Honey, I need to get up.” Nikki leaned back a bit further to look into her eyes. Rather than the passion and belief that had been there moments before he now saw the vestiges of the barely contained fear, sadness, and hopelessness warring with the naked want in the emerald depths of her eyes.

“What is it, Jewel?”

“I have to go.”

“Why? Where? I don’t…”

“The bathroom, silly. It’s been a while.”

“Oh…yea… right, okay. It’s just that… Well you looked upset.”

“Yea….well… we’ll talk about that later. Okay? Right now you have a show to put on. It’s nothing serious. It’s cool.” With one last squeeze, Julie relaxed her legs so that they were no longer wrapped so tightly around Nikki. With her hands already on his chest, she gently pressed him away from her. “Right now I just gotta go!” Taking a step back he straightened up and she released him. A smattering of goosebumps fluttered across Julie’s thighs as cooler air brushed across her body where Nikki’s closeness had been generating heat between her legs. She missed the warmth of him instantly but dismissed it. Placing her feet on the floor, Julie straightened her skirt with her hands. “Pam, go with me so Nikki doesn’t freak out thinking I’ll run off,” she said to the still absorbed girl next to her. Grasping her boyfriend’s bottom lip between her teeth Pam backed off slightly, letting his lip slide sensuously to a slowly earned freedom. Pam carefully disengaged Eric’s left hand from her mussed hair while wriggling her taut ass cheeks against his other for a teasing moment. Laughingly she pushed him from her.

“C’mon babe. Just one more kiss for good luck,” said Eric, his now free bottom lip protruding in a mock pout.

Pam placed an index finger on Eric’s chest and, leaning forward provocatively to just within a fraction of meeting his pursed lips, said “Later. I promise,” and pushed away from him. “Okay handsome. Be right back. Us girls are gonna go powder our noses, ha.”

Grinning, Eric gave her a swat on the ass as she pushed past him. “Not too much now babe, you gotta save some for me.” Turning to Nikki he said, “Dude, I’d better fix my make-up too. We’re back on soon.” Grabbing Nikki’s beer, he hastily swallowed the dregs. “I’ll be back in a sec,” he said and headed off.

Knowing that “fix my make-up” was code for snort a line, Nikki looked at his now empty bottle and, sighing, ordered a fresh one. What am I gonna do? Nikki wondered. This shit is deeper than I first thought, and a lot more difficult too. After a minute of deep contemplation, he turned his attention to the crowd swaying on the still packed dance floor. As his groin throbbed with unrelieved tension, Nikki noted the number of eager female faces that kept trying to meet his eyes, open invitation in their hungry faces. A hot young blonde winked at him over her dance partner’s shoulder and sexily sucked a forefinger into her mouth. Shit! Why can’t I just tap some of that... he thought. Then again, why not? Just screw some chick to take the edge off. Then I should be okay around Julie. It’s not like we’re really a couple, yet anyway. Nikki relaxed a bit after this ingenious revelation, finished off his second beer and ordered another one. Just as Nikki stood up to search the club for “release”, the suit on the next stool caught his attention.

“Excuse me, I know you have to get back soon. I was just hoping that later you and your band could spare me a few minutes.” Looking the guy over for a second Nikki wondered what was up. This well-dressed older guy certainly didn’t give off the vibe of a band groupie. Maybe he’s gay? Trolling for leather ...? Nikki hesitated, trying to find a way to escape.

Pulling out a black leather wallet the stranger fished inside. “I could make it worth your while.”

That got Nikki’s attention. “Dude, what’s your name?”

Handing over the business card he had just pulled out the man said “Steven. Steven Anthony. I’m with Capital Records. Here’s my card.”

Taking the card Nikki glanced at the logo prominently displayed there. His heart did a sudden rapid upbeat. Sticking the card in his front pocket he said “Okay, Steven. I’ll tell the guys and we’ll get with you at our next break.” Nikki turned and made his way up the stairs to D. J. Drakes booth. “Yo Drake!”

“Yeeaaa monn, How’s it?”

“Cool, I gotta favor to ask of ya dude.”

“You name it bra. Is yours.”

“I need a few minutes more this break. Could you run a little long?”

D.J. Drake was the most popular disc jockey in the city. He was well paid and well laid because of it, and he owed his career to Nikki. Just eighteen months back when the two had met Drake had been a struggling immigrant fresh from Jamaica. While well educated he didn’t have any solid leads for a full-time job doing what he loved to do – spinning tunes and rocking the sound system, and he was tired of flipping burgers.

While waiting to catch the bus to work one evening Drake had been taken aback by the leather clad figure of Nikki in full stage make up and clothes walking up. The outlandishly clothed white guy had plopped down on the bench next to him, nonchalantly gazing at the passing people. What the heck man? Drake wondered? Screwing up his courage he had finally asked the guy “Aayy mon. You gay? You in a band? What?”

Looking at the dark-skinned dread bedecked Jamaican next to him Nikki had snorted. “Nah. I’m in a band man. Clashing Forces. Maybe you’ve heard us?”

“No. Can’t say as I ‘ave mon.”

One thing leading to another the two had continued their conversation over the course of the twenty-minute bus ride, finding much in common despite their obvious differences. When Drake had got up to exit the bus Nikki had said “Hey Drake, you’re a d.j., right?”

“Yah mon. Dat’s right.”

“Meet me tomorrow afternoon at the Whiskey A Go Go. Two o’clock. Maybe I

can help you out.”

Tossing a quick smile over his shoulder Drake had said “Cool mon. See you den.”

The next afternoon Drake had auditioned for the manager at the Whiskey and had been a fixture there ever since. So, if Nikki needed or even wanted anything from Drake, he was going to find a way to give it to him. Besides, this was a ‘nothing’ favor Nikki was asking for. “Of course monn, that’s no proableeem!” Drake said, his accent dragging out “problem” just a little.

Giving the disc jockey a quick high five Nikki said, “Thanks man, I really appreciate it dude.” Making his way back down the stairs he noticed a hot redhead eyeing him. Catching her eye he motioned for her to come over. Placing his index finger under her chin he tilted her head up and whispered in her ear “What can you do for me sexy?” and grinned when she replied “Whatever you want.” With one quick glance around to ensure Julie and Pam were still in the bathroom, Nikki took the girls hand and led her to a comfortably dark corner.

Pam led Julie through the frantically gyrating crowds to the ladies’ room, dexterously avoiding the grasping hands of horny club goers trying to cop a feel as the blonde bombshell squeezed past. Luckily there wasn’t much of a line and the girls got in quickly. After taking a quick pee in one of the stalls, Pam made a beeline for the sink counter, motioning Julie to join her. While apparently touching up her still perfect make-up, Pam used the bathrooms mirror to eye the other occupants of the ladies’ room. Apparently satisfied with what she saw, the blonde pulled out a cosmetics case that was about six by six inches and opened it up to display a rectangular make-up mirror. Julie was puzzled by the fact that the case contained no make-up. Setting the open case on the counter next to the sink, Pam then fished a small vial from her purse. Uncapping the vial Pam sprinkled two lines of white powder, each about two inches long, onto the cosmetics mirror and, turning to Julie, offered her some. “I told you we’d have our coke a little later, didn’t I?”

“Oh…no thank you. I really don’t use,” Julie responded.

“You don’t drink either, sweetie, but the way you’re going tonight you’re gonna pass out before the show’s even over. Look, you’ve never dated someone in the rock scene before. If you want to keep up, you’ve gotta keep up. If you wanna keep HIM, you gotta roll with it and be willing to share. Sex, drugs, and rock and roll, that’s what it’s all about for them right now. If you’re not into that, they are not gonna be into you for very long. I’m sorry, but that’s just the way it is. I like you. You’re a sweet kid, but you’ve gotta choose, either you’re in… or you’re not.” Cupping the make-up case in one palm Pam leaned over and, using a forefinger to pinch one nostril closed, snorted a powdery line with the other. Switching nostrils, Pam repeated the process. Smiling, her eyes lit with a barely contained manic energy, Pam lifted the vial up in offer again.

I like him a lot, but is it worth all this trouble? Pam seems to think so. She sure doesn’t seem concerned with the legalities of it all. Shoot she doesn’t seem worried about anything at all, except Eric and the band and maybe…it seems as if my happiness. Is this what Nikki wants? It looks as if she’s just trying to help me get what it looks like I want…sooo…“Yea…okay. How...? What do I do?” Julie asked.

After determining that Julie wouldn’t need much to get her going, Pam cut out a quarter gram line and rolled up a twenty-dollar bill. Julie placed the rolled-up cash into her right nostril and snorted the small line of cocaine. After fighting off the urge to sneeze, Julie realized that her face was slowly going numb. She reached up with her right hand and felt her mouth. Wow! That works pretty quick. That’s what they should use at the dentist office instead of Novocain. “You go on back to the bar Jules. I’ve gotta fix my make-up.” Pam instructed.


About the Creator

Andrew C McDonald

Andrew McDonald is a 911 dispatcher of 30 yrs with a B.S. in Math (1985). He served as an Army officer 1985 to 1992, honorably exiting a captain.

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    Andrew C McDonaldWritten by Andrew C McDonald

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