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Blue Diamonds - Chp 1

A Rock & Roll Lust Story

By Andrew C McDonaldPublished 9 months ago Updated 9 months ago 18 min read
Blue Diamonds - Chp 1
Photo by Sam Moghadam Khamseh on Unsplash

She was cold and hungry. Rachael had told her where to go and where the right room was, but it was up to Julie to avoid getting busted. She had to get in first - that wasn’t so hard. All she had to do was find a lonely single guy and attach herself to him until they got inside. Once inside she would excuse herself to go to the restroom then she would get lost in the crowd. Of course finding a way to get backstage would be a little more difficult.

She found the red velvet rope that “blocked off” the public. She ran her hand over the rich texture of the fabric and was reminded of her mother’s favorite sofa: A light-blue, velvety plush Queen Anne. She was also reminded of how her stepfather had placed his hands on her on that same sofa, and why she had been out on the streets not quite a year now. That brought Julie back to the moment. “I have to keep going.” She looked around. Seeing no one, she ducked down and went under the rope and up again quickly. Acting like she had simply dropped something and was putting it back in her purse, she walked down the hall. Just as she was beginning to breathe easy she heard a man shout out “Hey you! Stop right there.” Julie didn’t stop though; she only picked up her pace a bit, and then glanced back to check if she was being followed. Crap! He is following me. He called after Julie again, then she started running. She was almost to the end of the hallway, she was almost there. She turned the corner, then something - or rather someone - hit her… hard, and they both went tumbling. Julie decided if she was going down, she was going down fighting.

Bored to distraction Nikki lounged at the back of the room. He was sick to death of the usual backstage crowd and wanting something different and exciting to happen. It was the same thing night after night. He had already bedded five hot, ready groupies, and there were more hanging on and around him. Nikki clenched his fist to stop the fingers he had been absently drumming on the arm of the chair. With a scowl on his face, and his eyes on the door, Nikki got up and headed in that direction. Since there was nothing new, he was going to get fucking wasted. Suddenly a man and woman exploded through the door and landed on the floor in a tangle of arms and legs right at his feet. Well, this is different, he thought to himself.

Julie was kicking and yelling at the man that had tackled her. “Get off of me! Leave me alone creep. This is assault! I have witnesses!” With a muffled curse the guard got up and hauled Julie up beside him.

Nikki got his first look at this wild cat with the fiery eyes. She was tall and slender, very well shaped. Goddamn! She’s hot, that’s for sure, Nikki thought, feeling a stir in his groin. Nikki’s body hadn’t reacted like this without overt provocation in over a month. Yeah, everything worked, he just got laid so often that his body didn’t jump to attention at the mere sight a girl anymore. At least not until this girl. As WildCat struggled with her exasperated captor Nikki ran his eyes over her: Long luscious legs, stuffed in stockings not those god-awful pantyhose. Her black skirt was hung up on one of the garter belt fasteners, and there were a few rips in her sheer stockings. Much to the guards chagrin - since one of them had just come down painfully on his instep - she had on a pair of worn, black stilettos which, to Nikki, made her legs hotter than hell. WildCat’s pearl necklace had broke in the scuffle and a few of the beads had gotten stuck in her ample cleavage. Nikki couldn’t keep his eyes from roaming her body and imagining what her creamy skin would feel like. Her cat-shaped eyes were green and shining like emeralds. As she tilted her head with disdain her creamy brown hair undulated like waves of milk chocolate. She was young, wild and beautiful. She was perfect. I have to have her! Nikki said to himself.

The guard was telling her to pipe down as he started to put the cuffs on her tiny wrists. I have to stop him before it’s too late, they both thought at the same time. Nikki shouted out “Hey John, let her go. She’s with me.”

“Oh, I’m sorry Nikki. I thought that she was sneaking backstage, so I gave chase.” John said in explanation.

“I understand John. I forgot to give her a pass, but I did tell her to come on back. It’s my bad. You okay, doll?”

Julie could hardly believe what she was hearing. Was this leather clad, blonde god, letting her in? Geezz, he’s gorgeous. He smiled; making her heart beat a little faster. Taking the two remaining steps that separated them, she wrapped her arms around his waist, meaning to give him a quick hug, but when his arms went around her, her knees went weak, then she needed him for support. He tightened his grip on her as he felt her start to go down, and she tightened hers as well. She regained her balance, but kept her hand wrapped around Nikki. “Yeah, I’m okay. My stockings are toast, but I don’t see any blood.”

Julie decided to take a better look at her newfound host. She could tell right away that he was from one of the bands that played there nightly. He had on more make-up than she did, and to her amazement she liked the look on him. Leather was the theme of his ensemble. Tight black leather jeans clung to taut buttocks complimented above with a white leather open-front vest giving a nice peek at a well-developed chest. Black leather, high-heeled, bullet embellished boots were on his feet, with studded and spiked belts and bracelets all about. The rocker’s theme was rounded out by a studded collar around his neck stamped with the word “LIFE”. Noting that last she gave a slight chuckle. He was tanned and muscled and had a few tattoos on his arms. From what she could tell there was no hair on his chest and the hair on his head was obviously bleached, but it looked good to Julie. She strained to focus on what they were saying.

“Is this going to be a problem, John? Cause we could leave if it is.” Julie’s face showed her disappointment. Nikki tightened his hold on her. “Don’t worry Doll, the night’s not over yet. We can always go someplace else. Where would you like to go?”

“Oh, that’s okay, Nikki. You and your guests are always welcome here. Let me get you both a drink. On me.” John hoped to placate the pseudo-celebrity, to keep him from leaving or telling his boss about what had happened. Although Nikki seemed okay about taking the blame for what was, really, Nikki’s own fault, musicians are fickle, sensitive creatures, with hot tempers. One never knew when a musician would say one thing then turn around and do or say another. The one’s he’d had experience of at the club always blamed others for their frustrations or uncontrolled behavior so it was definitely better to be safe than sorry. “What can I get the lady?”

“Umm… I’ll have a tall Shirley Temple with extra cherries. What about you, lover?” Julie asked. That was so weird to say, I mean I don’t even know the man, but I could definitely picture myself with him.

“John knows what I like. Don’t cha?”

“Yeah, Jack straight up, right?”

Nikki just nodded. A Shirley Temple. How old is this chick anyway. She looks to be about 18. As the flustered guard straightened his shirt and turned to go, Nikki turned to the WildCat on his arm. “Come on doll, let’s go on in and get better acquainted.”

Edging his way between groggy groupies and harried stagehands Nikki led his charge to a large over-stuffed chair. Glancing back to make sure John was out of earshot, Nikki leaned closer to this exquisite creature and said “Well, I can’t call you doll all night - people will know something’s up. So, to quote Lynard Skynard, What’s your name, …little girl? What’s your name?”

“Oh, Umm…Julie. My name is Julie Waters.”

He turned Julie toward him; their bodies were pressed together as others squeezed past and around them. “Well, Julie Waters…” Nikki took his finger and moved a stray strand of hair away from her face. Julie’s heart was pounding so hard in her chest wanting to break free that she could scarcely breathe. Looking her in the eyes, he tucked the silken lock of hair behind her ear. Julie shivered slightly as Nikki’s finger continued on down her neck to the middle of her collarbone, then ever so slowly down, down, down and plucked a tiny pearl from her cleavage. Showing Julie, he said, “You have a few more of these…there.” Eyes unerringly following his finger Nikki glanced down briefly, enjoying the view, then back into her eyes. He leaned forward and touched his lips to hers in a sweet, tender kiss. His lips barely brushed against hers leaving just a slight tang of cinnamon like he had recently eaten a mint. Breaking off the kiss, he sat down in the large chair and pulled Julie down onto his lap. Locking his heated gaze with her confused one, Nikki ran his fingertips up the smoothness of a gorgeously shaped leg. Reaching the top of her stocking he gently unhooked her skirt from her garter.

Taking in a quick gasp of air as the trail of liquid fire which had followed Nikki’s hand up her leg slowly cooled Julie considered for a moment. After that brief encounter with Nikki’s lips, Julie decided that simply wasn’t enough. “I hope you don’t mind” Julie said, “but there is something I’ve just gotta do.” She leaned into him, pressing her soft body into his, and captured his lips with hers. As her lips parted, Nikki took the invitation and deepened the kiss, his tongue slowly exploring her mouth until it entwined around her own. Slowly he slid his hand up from her stocking to explore the sensually smooth skin of her thighs, setting butterflies to flight in Julie’s stomach. Blood pounded through Julie’s body sending rivers of warmth to settle in her extremities, kindling a fire which burnt low in her belly. Nikki, understanding the female form, knew she was wet with desire, and that thought excited him more.

Though Julie felt betrayed by her body’s reaction to this man, she was also thrilled to find that he reacted to her as well. She was sitting on the proof of his interest. They ended the kiss and just looked into one another’s eyes.

Slow to come out of the lust induced fog, her brain started to work. Julie slowly sat back up. “Umm… I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have… How audacious of me.”

Nikki smiled at her sudden uncertainty. “No, really. I don’t know what that word means, but… It’s just, well…” The beauty perched so nicely on his lap was young; the question was, how young? “Julie, how old are you?”

“Why? Does it matter?”

“Yes, it does. I don’t want to end up getting myself in trouble if you know what I mean.”

“Oh! Ok, yeah. I’ll be nineteen next month.”

John brought the drinks and set them down on the table near the couple. “Here you go folks. I hope you have a good time the rest of the night.”

Julie grabbed her glass and tried to get one of the three cherries off the bottom. “Thanks John, and I’m sorry about the incident earlier.”

“Let’s forget about it, okay. No harm, no foul, right?”


As the guard walked away, Nikki watched Julie dig around in her glass for the red, candied fruit. It amused him, and he remembered when he used to do the exact same thing. “So… what was so important, that you were willing to get busted sneaking backstage, to get at?”

Julie took as deep a breath as she could, considering her proximity to this good looking, hunk of a man. “Look, I’ll understand if you want to kick me out of here. Contrary to what you might think, after I, …kissed you.” She blushed, and Nikki was fascinated. “I didn’t sneak in to party, or get autographs, or to… sleep with the bands. I snuck in so that I could eat and take some food back for some friends. This girl that I’m staying with, Rachael, was here yesterday. In any case, Rachael was here to party and sleep with the bands.” Blushing slightly Julie dropped her eyes for a moment. “Actually, she was paid to be here. Well, in any case, she told me about the food and that they just throw it out at the end of the night and, you know,” waving one hand in a little twirling motion as she worked through her embarrassment, “well…, things are tough right now, you know?” Raising her gaze back up, she locked eyes with Nikki. There was a slight sheen of moisture clouding their emerald hue as her eyes pleaded with Nikki to understand and not think less of her.

Recalling the night before Nikki remembered a girl named Rachael. Rachael was one of the hookers that were always backstage – the fiery redhead with the nice knockers. Women like Rachael had their uses, but what was this little girl doing hanging out with hookers? “I’m not going to kick you out hon, but where were you going to put the food you were hoping to take home? I don’t see very many places that you could hide anything.” Grinning he glanced at her breasts again.

“I have a friend outside with a backpack.”

“Ah, I see. Tell you what Jewel, I have a better idea. Why don’t you let me take you to the supermarket, buy some food for your friends, and you come stay with me? Before you answer, just hear me out.” Julie nodded as Nikki went on. “I know we only just met and all, but I figure you’re on the run from something.” Before she could argue the point, he continued. “No biggie, I was too, sorta, but you don’t really need to be hanging out with hookers. Look, I share a place with two of my bandmates. We always have a ton of people over so they won’t care or even notice if one more stays over. You could take my bed and I’ll sleep on the floor.”

Julie thought about what Nikki had said and, even though his offer didn’t make sense given that he really didn’t know her at all, she knew she had to leave Rachael’s, and soon. Rachael’s pimp was pressing Julie to work for him; it was only a matter of time before he started hitting her like he did Rachael and the others. How much worse off could she be with Nikki and his band friends? Making a sudden decision she said “Okay, but I gotta give my friend Tommy your address and phone number. For my safety, you know.”

“I don’t have a problem with that. It’s settled then. So, shall we grab a bite and then run off to the store?”

“Food now - yes. Supermarket later - no. I was really just going to save the food for later. Actually, my friend Tommy lives with his parents, and Rachael can get her own. She’s right over there anyway.”

Nikki followed Julie’s gaze over to the tall scantily clad redhead that was staring back at them. As their eyes met Rachael disengaged the wandering hand of one of the roadies from her kneecap and rose to her feet. She walked over to the pair, leaned in close to Julie, and said “If I thought you were gonna start working it, I wouldn’t have told you about this place!”

Gently Nikki set Julie aside and stood up. Flashing his most winning smile he took Rachael by the arm and led her to the door. “Rachael, I have to thank you. To tell you the truth, your friend is exactly what I was looking for. You know, if it weren’t for you, I never would have met her. Thank you for bringing her here.” Pulling out his wallet he carelessly fished out a hundred-dollar bill and handed it to her then escorted her through the doorway. As the door closed behind the startled hooker Nikki turned back towards Julie. “Well then,” he said heartily, “what would you like to eat?”

Pulling her gaze from the closed door through which her friend had just been escorted so neatly, Julie shook her head to regain her equilibrium. Shifting mental gears back to the proper rail she said “Oh!! Uh … anything would be fine. I just have to tell Tommy and get my backpack and stuff.”

“All right then, let’s do it,” said Nikki. Together, they worked their way through the throng to one of the back doors. As Julie approached the security door Nikki gave a quick thumbs-up to the muscular young man standing nearby. Nodding back at the band member the unobtrusive bouncer returned his attention to the other occupants of the backstage area.

Pushing on the metal bar Julie opened the security exit to reveal a guy in his late teens lounging outside. Julie’s friend was very well dressed, which threw Nikki for a loop. Given Julie’s circumstances the musician had expected to find some thin kid with dirty jeans with holes in them and worn-out sneakers. Instead, he was faced with a dark haired, immaculately dressed teen in a maroon silk shirt and dark slacks. Dropping his cigarette, the young man ground it under an expensive looking black loafer. He approached Julie with a smile on his face and a backpack in his grasp.

As Julie talked to Tommy, Nikki noticed how she touched the boy on the arm and smiled and laughed. Nikki got a jealous twinge in the pit of his belly.

Setting the backpack down the young man nodded toward Nikki. “Who’s your friend?”

“Oh, sorry. Tommy, this is Nikki …, um. I didn’t get your last name.”

“ Smith. I’m Nikki Smith from ‘Clashing Force.’ And you are Tom…?”

“Tom White. But please call me Tommy.” Holding out his hand the young man smiled broadly. “I’m pleased to meet you. I’m a big fan of yours. I bought the record you guys put out last month. Really cool tunes.”

Julie noticed Tommy’s face light up as Nikki spoke to him. It all made sense to her because she loved music and boys almost as much as Tommy did. That didn’t stop the jealous streak that ran up her spine.

“So Tommy, Rachael got her panties in a twist, so I’m going to stay with Nikki for a while. That’ll keep me away from Raul too.”

“Good! I’ve been worried that he’d start in on you again. This way I don’t have to worry as much about you,” Tommy declared.

Pulling out a little flip pad and mini ink-pen from one of his many pockets Nikki jotted something down and ripped off the paper. “Here’s my address and number in case you have to reach Julie for anything. Please keep in mind though, that we do tend to sleep in until around 10:30 since most of our gigs are at night. Oh, and please don’t give that out. Okay?”

As the boy pocketed the note Julie said “Tommy, thanks for all your help, I’ll call you tomorrow. Love you.”

Nikki’s gut clenched. Are they a couple, or just friends? I don’t want to waste my time waiting if it’s all for nothing.

Julie kissed Tommy on the cheek, picked up the backpack, and then turned to Nikki. Nikki relaxed a bit to see her kiss the other guy’s cheek. He’s just a friend. If they were a couple that would have been on the mouth…Right? The two young men said their ‘good-byes’ and ‘nice to meet you’s’, then Tommy headed off down the alley.

Rapping his knuckles on the door Nikki flashed a grin at the bouncer who opened it. Nikki and Julie went back inside the club.

“I have to grab my jacket and get my cut from tonight’s show. Stay close, I don’t want to lose you in the crowd.”

Julie grabbed a hold of Nikki’s belt. “I’ll hang on tight.”

Nikki wrapped his arms around her and kissed her. The second their lips met, Nikki felt the hunger for more. Waiting was going to be tougher than he thought, but still, he’d do it for her. Reluctantly breaking the kiss, Nikki led her thru the narrow hallways till they were back where they had met. Nodding at the occasional friend who looked at him, Nikki continued through the crowd, then stopped in front of three dark-haired men. All three were clad in leather not unlike Nikki. One of the men was older than the others, but he wasn’t the one in charge. One of the younger men stepped toward Nikki, gave him a hug, and laughed out loud.

“That was a great show Nikki. Don’t you think Eric?”

“Yeah, it was cool. You really got the chicks going there for a while. We did good tonight. The manager gave us two bills for the show. What’s that …fifty bucks each?”

“Yeah, cool. Hey guys, this is Julie. I asked her to stay with us for a while. Julie, this is the band. Eric here is our bass player and songwriter. The old man there, is our lead guitar, Mark, and this is the drummer and your new roommate and mine, Eddie.”

Eddie picked her up, swung her around, and kissed her on the cheek. “Cool! You’re cute. One question though: What’s with the beads?”

Julie looked down and blushed. Obviously, guys were going to notice her breasts, but the pearls drew even more attention, and questions. “Oops! My necklace broke and I forgot about those.” Feeling the heat still suffusing her cheeks Julie plucked another bead from her ample cleavage and dropped it into a pocket. “Nikki here kind of distracted me.” Remembering how much she had enjoyed the ‘distraction,’ she blushed an even deeper shade of pink and stuffed her hand down her shirt to pull out a handful of pearls.

Nikki took them from her and put them in his front pocket. “Jewel, I’ll be right back. Eric, could I talk to you over here for a second?” Eric and Nikki walked away from the group, leaving Julie to make conversation with Mark and Eddie.

“He likes you. I can tell by the way he keeps his eyes on you and the look he gave Eddie when he kissed you,” Mark said.

“Yeah, I saw that look. It sent chills down my spine. We share a lot of things, but I don’t think you’ll be one of them,” Eddie said.

Passing a worried glance at Nikki’s friend, Julie said “I don’t want to come between you guys.”

“And I’m fairly sure Nikki doesn’t want that either. As a matter of fact, I don’t think Nikki wants you to cum anywhere near anyone but him,” Eddie teased.

Not quite sure what he was talking about Julie said “What do you mean? I don’t understand.”

“Sweetheart, Nikki is smitten. He wants you. He wants you bad, and he doesn’t want anyone else to even look at you, let alone fantasize about you, or do anything else to or with you. Do you understand?” Mark explained.

“Umm…Yeah, I…I get it.”

Mark watched her cutely puffed cheeks color once again as the blood suffused them. How cute. I can see why Nik’s attracted to her. Following her abstracted gaze, he noticed how she looked at Nikki. “You like him too, don’t you?”

“Why… I hardly know him. I’ll admit…,”

“What?” Nikki asked. “You’ll admit what?”

Julie startled at Nikki’s voice. “Oh, you’re back. I didn’t hear you.”

“You’ll admit what, Jewel?”

“Oh, nothing much. Just that I’m a klutz around cute boys, and it is quite obvious that I think you are very cute.”

“Well, that explains the beads and the holes in your stockings,” Eddie razed.

Reaching up, Julie ran a fingertip along the edge of the collar ringing Nikki’s neck. “By the way, what’s with the ‘LIFE’ on this?”

Releasing the pent up breath he had gasped in when her fingernail had traced a line of fire on his throat, Nikki unsnapped the studded collar. With a half smile full of whimsical sarcasm Nikki twisted the collar around in one hand. “I had this made special about a month after I left home. I figured that every time I was tempted to give up I could look at this dog collar and remember that sometimes life’s just going to be a bitch.”

Mark just nodded his head. Yeah, It’s like I thought. I’ll have to keep my eyes on them, so they don’t fuck things up for the rest of us.


For more see …


About the Creator

Andrew C McDonald

Andrew McDonald is a 911 dispatcher of 30 yrs with a B.S. in Math (1985). He served as an Army officer 1985 to 1992, honorably exiting a captain.

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Comments (1)

  • Babs Iverson9 months ago

    Super chapter!!! ❤️❤️💕

Andrew C McDonaldWritten by Andrew C McDonald

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