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Blackwood's Sighting- Caged Bird

Chapter 14

By jessica moonan daviesPublished 7 months ago 6 min read
Blackwood's Sighting- Caged Bird
Photo by Mason Hassoun on Unsplash



Blackwood’s Sighting

Dove was close to Raine most of the night, shoulder to shoulder on the couch. With a little wine going to her head, she was feeling rather hot, and rather confident. After they were all pretty tipsy, Billie declared a chess match, to which Kitty happily accepted, seemingly more confident than ever. Dove laughed, knowing Billie’s confidence was actually real. She’d offered a bet, and everyone knew Kitty would be losing. Dove, Storm and Raine moved to the kitchen whilst the chess-players loudly commanded their pieces across the boards. Kitty seemed to think shouting loudly meant being logical. They could hear Billie laughing, as she swept both of Kitty’s knights moments into the game. Storm was pouring Dove another glass, she watched his hands, tattooed and rough. The three of them chatted and giggled in the kitchen, whilst Kitty roared for a rematch, and they knew the two would be in there a while, losing their heads to a board game. It was a Billie and Kitty thing, apparently.

“So, Dove, living independently now, aren’t we?” Storm’s smirk made Dove simultaneously wonder if he was joking, and try not to stare at his lips.

“Leaving home was the best thing I ever did! It was so boring there, plus I wouldn’t be with you lot. I’m so not used to living in a house like the Moonan’s, it’s just so, like..”

Dove was scrunching her hair up, perched on the long kitchen counter, as she tried to think of the right word. The wine had certainly gone to her head. She wasn’t spinning yet though. Although, the way Raine and Storm stood so close to her, watching her, definitely made her feel more out of it. Her capacity to not check them out with the alcohol blurring her mind was certainly damaged. Her skirt was probably riding up, but she didn’t care much, if we’re being honest here.

“Chaotic?” Raine helped.

“No. Warm. Yeah. They’re warm,” she giggled, and took another sip of her wine, but a drop slid down her chin, smudging her lipstick too.

Raine gently lifted his hand to her face. It was warm, too. He lightly rubbed her chin, his finger brushing her lip. Dove didn’t break eye contact. Fireworks went off inside her. Stuff the twin’s show, this made her feel explosive.

“Might want to slow down, Miss Levany,” Storm said softly, his eyes so, so dark.

“Don’t call me Miss Levany, or I’ll call you Mister Grey,” She whined as she said her name, giggling and wiping her bottom lip slowly. Circe, this wine was good. She thought of Raine’ hands.

Storm groaned, with a smile (Oh, Circe), and shook his head with mock disgust.

“Call me anything but that, darling.”

“Keep calling me darling,” Dove practically purred, and grinned at Raine cheekily, whose face was slightly flushed, and a couple strands of hair had fallen out of place, which she had been staring at since they moved into the kitchen.

“My, you are a flirt, Dove,” he teased, his voice so soft. How was it always so soft? He sounded so..

He was like a feather.

“Mm, maybe,” she said, thinking about his hair. She then rummaged through her little skirt pockets (why were women’s clothing so useless?)

“Smoke, anyone?”

The three of them went out onto Storm’s mini terrace that looked out onto the back of his house. There was quite a pretty garden, and a willow tree stood in the middle, which were Dove’s favourite trees, the wine made her remember. Looking at them drunk made her feel rather soppy. The wine also made her remember the shape of a man crafted from shadows leaning against a willow tree. Hair as soft as velvet.

“Willows are my favourites,” she said, leaning quite over the balcony for a better view. This was clearly a good idea, as Raine’s hand snaked round her waist pulling her back in case she’d fall, and she could practically feel the heat hum through her body. She wouldn't be surprised if he could hear her thundering heartbeat when she turned and laughed, as he said he didn’t feel like going back to the Nest with only Billie and Kitty. She could also smell the alcohol on him, and something else. Something.. Old. His magic? There was pure lust in her eyes, they were dark and big, and she pulled slightly away to light her cigarette, before her mind exploded. She was so attracted to him, she actually couldn’t trust herself to touch him for long enough. Storm had his elbows leaning on the barrier, inhaling deeply. His eyes were on the sky. The night air certainly was clearing Dove’s mind, and they all puffed in silence for a minute or so. The stars sparkled above them, not too bright, as the city’s lights drowned them out, but not too dim. The moon was almost full, and this made Dove wonder what Raine was feeling right now. They spoke quietly for a few minutes, until the conversation was stirred onto the house.

“I ran away when I was a few years younger than you. Never thought I’d be back, to be honest. Feels like a proper home now, though. Maybe over time you and your folks will feel like a home again, Dove. Or not. Maybe you’ll find your own place where you’ll stay. Seems to me like you had it going smoothly before things got complicated, eh?”

Dove looked at him and smiled softly. “Yeah, I was alright on my own for a bit. This entire summer has not been at all what I thought it’d be, but I didn’t really plan much anyway, just thought I’d figure it out along the way.”

Then Raine spoke, a flash of concern in his beautiful eyes; “How are you doing anyway, Dove? Things can’t be easy for you, even at the Nest. It’s quite alright if you don’t want to talk about it, but we can at least try to understand. To make it easier, perhaps.”

“Mm. I’m perfectly fine, honestly. You don’t have to worry.” She kept her eyes straight ahead.

Then, as if some greater power was intent on ruining a good night- Kitty came dashing out, looking quite perplexed.

“Er, Storm? Monty’s here. He just teleported in. Something’s happened, I think.”

Something had happened. Something bad. Dove knew it. A wave of nausea ran over her, and she suddenly felt very strange standing outside with half a cigarette in her hand. They went in, and Dove spotted her half glass of wine, the mood for drinking immediately vanished.

Why was Monty here at this time? What if it’s Mum or Dad? Thorne, or someone else? Attracting danger, once again…

They gathered in the living room, and Monty’s eyes immediately swivelled on her, scanning her like she was hiding something. He stood there, face serious, looking rather out of place. He was very muscular, usually dressed in scrappy clothing. His head was shaved. He also wore an eye-patch, which Dove had always found cool. He was like a pirate. Dove wanted only to think about pirates right now. Not moonbeams and teeth. Billie and Kitty’s chess board lay abandoned on the table.

“Evening. Apologies for dropping in so late. There’s something important you need to hear. Especially Raine, and judging on recent events, Levany here too.”

Great. Werewolf related, then.

Dove sat down. Storm and Raine stayed standing.

Billie spoke up. “What is it? Are they in trouble?”

“Blackwood’s been sighted. For the first time since the Battle of Tollymore.”

Dove let out a breath. Now, this was not good. Just what they’d been anticipating. If Thorne was working with him, they were in trouble. More than Dove already was.

“Where?” Raine said. His voice was thick, and his eyes flicked down to Dove.

She was scared. She had to admit, she was scared. Fane Blackwood was possibly more dangerous than Jaggar. He’d worked with dark sorcerers before, even vampires, something werewolves rarely do.

“Skelton. I believe Dove’s old hometown, is that correct?”


Blackwood’s looking for me too.

Young AdultRomanceFantasyAdventure

About the Creator

jessica moonan davies

in a world of my own🐇


obsessed with alice in wonderland, remus lupin, space, and anything mythical or gothic

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    jessica moonan daviesWritten by jessica moonan davies

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