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a place where I live

By Alexander jacksonPublished 8 months ago 4 min read

In the heart of Mesopotamia, a region known as the cradle of civilization, there lies a city with a history that stretches back to ancient antiquity. This city is Babylon, a place where I had the unique opportunity to grow up. From its earliest beginnings to its rise as a powerful empire, Babylon has been a living testament to human achievement, innovation, and the intricate interplay of history, culture, and science.

The Early Roots of Babylon

Babylon's story begins in the Bronze Age, around 2300 BCE. The city's strategic location near the Euphrates River provided essential resources for agriculture and trade, laying the foundations for its growth. As I walked through its streets, I couldn't help but feel a deep connection to this ancient place.

One of the defining moments in Babylon's early history was the reign of Hammurabi, who ruled from 1792 to 1750 BCE. Hammurabi is renowned for his "Code of Hammurabi," one of the earliest known sets of laws. This code was a testament to the city's commitment to justice and fairness, and it set the stage for a just society.

The Enigmatic Hanging Gardens

The Hanging Gardens of Babylon have captured imaginations for centuries. While there's debate among scholars about their existence, there's no doubt about their enduring legacy. Described as a terraced garden with lush vegetation, these gardens were considered one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World.

The stories of these gardens, whether as a marvel of ancient engineering or as a testament to the king's love for his queen, added a layer of wonder to my childhood. Their allure spoke of the grandeur of my city.

Cultural and Scientific Marvels

Babylon was not just known for its architectural marvels but also for its contributions to culture and science. The city's mathematical system, based on a base-60 numerical system, is still evident in our measurement of time (60 seconds in a minute, 60 minutes in an hour).

Astronomy was another field where Babylonians excelled. Their keen interest in tracking the movements of stars and planets and their ability to predict celestial events had a profound impact on the development of astronomy in other civilizations.

The Babylonians' contribution to literature was remarkable as well. The "Epic of Gilgamesh," one of the earliest works of literature, was a tale deeply rooted in our city. This epic, with its themes of friendship, heroism, and the search for immortality, was a narrative that resonated with me as I walked through the same streets where these stories had been told.

The Rise and Fall of Empires

Throughout its history, Babylon saw several dynasties and rulers. The Neo-Babylonian Empire, under the rule of Nebuchadnezzar II, marked a period of considerable growth and influence for the city. Nebuchadnezzar II expanded the empire, strengthened the city's fortifications, and constructed many of its renowned buildings.

However, the rise of empires often came with their challenges. In 587 BCE, the city faced a major crisis when it was besieged and captured by the Persians, led by Cyrus the Great. This marked the end of Babylon's independence as a city-state.

Babylon in Biblical and Historical Context

Babylon's historical significance extends to the realm of religion and the Bible. It features prominently in various biblical texts, including the Book of Daniel and the Book of Revelation. In these texts, Babylon is often portrayed as a symbol of sin, decadence, and oppression.

Babylon's historical and biblical associations have contributed to its enduring mystique and importance in both scholarly and popular culture. It is a city that represents the rise and fall of civilizations and the complex interplay of history, religion, and culture.

Legacy and Rediscovery

The modern rediscovery of Babylon began in the 19th century when archaeologists unearthed its ancient remains. Notable excavations and restoration efforts have revealed significant insights into the city's architecture, culture, and history.

Today, the ancient city of Babylon is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and a symbol of Iraq's rich heritage. It stands as a testament to the enduring human spirit, where past and present converge, offering a glimpse into the achievements and challenges of an ancient civilization that has profoundly impacted the course of human history.


As I grew up in Babylon, a city with an illustrious history and an enduring legacy, I was surrounded by the echoes of the past. The city's rise from a humble city-state to a powerful empire, its contributions to mathematics, astronomy, and literature, and its historical and biblical significance all shaped my perspective.

Walking through the city's streets, I couldn't help but feel a profound connection to the rich tapestry of history that enveloped me. Babylon was not just a place on the map; it was a living testament to the resilience of human civilization. It was a reminder that our past continues to inform our present and shape our future.

Today, as a resident of Babylon, I look upon the city not just as a place of historical significance but as a dynamic, thriving community that carries with it the echoes of the past. The legacy of Babylon remains alive in the hearts of its people, and we are honored to be the custodians of this invaluable piece of human history. It is a privilege to call Babylon home, where the past and the present coexist, offering a profound and enduring connection to our shared human heritage.

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Alexander jackson

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Comments (1)

  • Luther8 months ago

    Nice work ❤️ I’m new here hope my stories are good 😊

Alexander jacksonWritten by Alexander jackson

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