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The Mental Game Changer

The Mental Game By Jason Timothy

By OneWithPenPublished 9 months ago 3 min read

The Mental Game altered the course of my character development by the planting of a single idea: patience.

" Patience is a virtue. " We've all heard someone say before, but what is patience? How does it apply to our daily life?

By dictionary definition, patience is the capacity to accept or tolerate delay, trouble, or suffering without getting angry or upset.

In particular, patience is a requirement for enduring trials and building character. It's easy to give up when things get hard, tasks feel monotonous, and life gets tedious. Yet that is where patience grows; it grows in frustration. It develops when you're weary, tired, and ready to give up.

I read The Mental Game in 2020 during the beginning of COVID-19's outbreak, when I needed the most patience. At the time, I was prepping for college to get an associate's degree in Music Production at LAFilm school. Although, I was still undecided about pursuing music due to my love for it. Did I love music or what it brought me?

From my early childhood to my early twenties, I relied on music to help me maneuver the world around me. My favorite artists would rap and sing songs that resonated with my soul, delivering me a feeling of euphoria that temporarily eclipsed the sundering pain of loneliness, building a fortress in my soul. Music was the prescription for intense emotions, and since I had such a great prescription, I read about how to develop my own.

The Mental Game taught me through its detailed descriptions of the music editing process and the author's personal experience of emotions and states of mind that action relentlessly iterated forged the path to achievement. Before reading this, I felt hopeless, yet reading it helped me crawl out.

Similarly, patience is a requirement for long-lasting success and learning from " failures." Although I learned how to create music with enhanced precision, what was most valuable was creating a lasting system, mainly the formation, analysis, and iteration of forming healthy habits and moving forward.

" If you seek quantity over quality, you will get both. "

Jason Timothy

" You also become great by learning to make decisions quickly instead of overthinking the 10,000 options available to you at every moment. " - Jason Timothy.

I embedded these two quotes by Jason Timothy in the depths of my heart. Before this, I grew accustomed to self-deprivation and self-abandonment to please others, namely my biological family, who convinced me of my " worthlessness." As such, I let emotions dictate my actions, negatively impacting my work quality.

My work has improved by writing daily in a journal and submitting, and publishing works that I put my all into even when I feel they are not "perfect". Regardless of emotions, I do what I intend to, keep my word, and stay consistent.

Reading through the mindset chapter of The Mental Game reinvigorated my curiosity and fueled the energy to pursue peace in idealistic pragmatism.

After finishing the book, I began researching and experimenting, deepening my search to create and ascertain an identity of my own, not one the world " claimed " for me.

What began as an overwhelming sensation of challenging my perpetual incapability thus became a journey of hopeful and practical action taken towards building my life. I loved reading and writing since I was a child, and although it's not what the world teaches to be " masculine,' it is nonetheless the joy of my world.

I let go of this identity as a musician, a talented music producer, and an engineer who could rap. Instead, I pursued what gave me true joy and deep satisfaction in writing. I read and wrote daily and still do, as both are integral to my livelihood.

Thank you, Jason Timothy, for creating and publishing The Mental Game! It was, and still is, a great read on Kindle Unlimited. Thank you, Jesus, for freeing me of the bondage of trauma and shackles to ideas that people forced me to conform to as a youth.


About the Creator


My imagination, our journey, and this world we call Earth. What shall we make of the time we have left here? Well, with my time I will give you many stories. Read with caution welcome Pen's page; good reading.

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