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the crying alpha

by Trina S. Wilson

By Trina WilsonPublished 11 months ago 10 min read

Once there was a time, a time of a women name Anna decided to talk a walk in a hikers trail. as she walked, and walked, and walked, she stopped. She looked up at the sky took a deep breathe filling her lungs up with fresh air. with the sound of someone or something crying, she Gasp! She looked around trying to figure out where, who and what was crying so loudly and why? she slowly and patiently kept walking and listening. It's the sound likes a girl? questioning herself if anyone needs help! but then she hears a beautiful howl. like if a wolf was crying for help. as she kept walking, she heard sticks snapping in the woods." who goes there I know karate!" she spoke. as she gets closer and closer to the bushes, she sees a curious set of hazel blue eye's looking directly at her. she screams. "AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!!!!!!!" leave me alone! don't hurt me! " Hurt You?" now why would I hurt you? As the girl comes walking out with Leafs of magic all over her body. barely dressed just without clothes. I'm not a fighter! said the girl. I am a nurturer. Anna had spoken in stutter, who are you and why are you doing out here all alone in the cold? "cold"? I'm not cold. I'm warm. would you like to feel my hand? "But it's -5 degrees outside!

Love, I'm not just no ordinary girl out here alone, I'm an alpha wolf.

WHAT!!! an Alpha wolf but you just look like a normal girl to me? Here let me show you. as she lays down with her head up looking at her, she says. looking into my eyes don't be afraid. she looks into her eyes in curiosity. the girl she claims that she is a normal girl grow bigger than her with winter gray and white hair with hazel blue eyes as beautiful as the dawn moon. Anna brings her hand on the Alpha wolf and spoke. "You are very beautiful." what is your name. My name is Athala. Queen in your terms, but in mines its Alpha. Anna sat down to control her thoughts and emotions.

Can I ask you something? "Yes Anna." Athala said in a telepathic response.

If you are a wolf and can transform into a girl, why? Why were you crying? Athala puts her head down. as she telepathically spoken, "I was crying because I lost my son. just like I lost my Alpha. Alpha Mathew who happens to be my husband. as she told her story we heard horses stomping the grounds. Athala demanded Anna to get on her back and ran from the hunters. "Whoa, come on boys. we got find the rest of them dogs." oh, no Athala heard from a distance! " I have to go back to my packs. I have to warn them. Anna quickly rebuddled what about me wont they eat me?

Athala responded, not on my watch! as they scurried back the pack. Anna had gotten injured with an arrow. Athala yelled, ANNA.....NOOOO!!!!!!! as Athala howled very loudly a war started with the hunter's crowd of men. howling again for medical help to more wolves. Athala went into a cave where there was fire and medical attention. Athala quickly transform into a human again and cried. Mochana I need your help!!! As Mochana runs into the cave with a spindle twig basket he transformed into human and spoke. what is the meaning of this? Mochana, this is a women name Anna we heard stomping of horses running through the woods and we ran the hunters are looking for war and she got struck by an arrow he pulled the arrowhead out of her side and examined the weapon. this isnt any ordinary arrowhead? this is a poisonous arrow. Athala replied are you sure? Mochana spoke of a time where he had delt with this before, if the posion travels to her heart she will die. Athala backed up Growling at Mochana in her human form. she had to take a min to calm herself down. " What can you do"? Mochana spoke the very feared words that Athala was preventing to hear. "No not an option, hell no." Mochana replied with frustration, if we don't go she will die. we have to take her to the great Alpha of all tribes! FUCK! Athala responded. FINE, there goes my tail. Mochana and Athala traveled to the highest mountain of the tallest rocks as the rocks shaped of the great alpha. Mochana had said "we're almost there just over this hill and were there? when they arrived, the great alpha was extremely upset at Athala. "ATHALA" WHAT HAVE I TOLD YOU ABOUT THE HUMANS!!!!!!! Yes, great alpha I am aware, but we don't have time. Shes, dying she need my help, our help, please let me show you why. Athala put her forehead against the great alpha forehead. a memory of Anna speaking and asking her why she was crying? then another memory was brought up where she had her hand on Athala's fur, and she got ahold of Anna's deepest memories of her and her kids getting into a car accident, and she had lost both her daughter and son. " This is why we need to help her because I lost my son today your great great great grandson" the great Alpha whimpered and spoke. gentle as a nurturer "Ok.....just this once"

As the great Alpha put his chin up high took the deepest breath, he howled like if he was howling under the great full moon, to the moon gods. the moons gods can running down form the walls in a blue silk spirit. one God said, " why have you summand us." another god said, "why are we here and you better have a great explanation for this?" my moon gods, I need your help I need the dance of healing this Human named Anna was hit with a poisonous arrowhead this specific arrowhead with this specific poison will travel to the heart and kill her. may you please with all due respect dance to heal? As the moon gods looked at each other. one moon god looked at him and spoke with determination. "Do you have an explanation, if so bow your head into the spirit of memories." As the great alpha bowed his head and all the memories of Athala spill into the spirit of memories, the great alpha started to cry and whimper. "So, this is why?" one of the moon gods ran to fetch Athala's son's spirit to bring back to the moon gods temple. The rest of the moon gods started to circle into a tornado and howl differently for the spirits of the animals to come forth and help Anna spirit animal which was the wolf herself. Came forth. the great Alpha was shocked that Anna's animal spirit was a wolf of summer. "I don't believe it, she's beautiful" Athala and Mochana in shocked as well, they both looked at each other and said she's the next summer Alpha tribe. the moon Gods and the animal spirits transformed her into her animal spirit in her own human flash where she can be human, but she can transform into a wolf but only during the summer. when the elder summer Alpha passes, she will be the next summer alpha of the tribe. the moon gods gave a great howl and Anna became a wolf for now. the poison from anna was stripped from her side and placed into a glass jar. "Anna" one moon god awoke her. Anna woken up. "what happened" whoa am i still dreaming and do i smell chicken? as Anna went to go stand, she thought she was human until she looked down and saw paws instead of hands. "Now Anna don't freak out we are all shocked as you are" why am i a wolf? the moon gods brought Athala's sons spirit back. "MOM" Eric! the great alpha ask Eric what happened? Eric had spoken the truth. i remember playing with mom in the woods when all of the sudden everything went black my vision kept going in and out the only thing i remember was......"Eric." the moon gods has spoken. you will explain everything before you continue at the temple. for now, calm down and try to bring back your memory in silence. as for you great alpha this will be our settlement for the help of your debt of the healing dance. "Thank you moon gods for all your help, as a payment down in life my spirit will serve you for whatever is needed or commanded." Athala step forward and requested to say goodbye to her son Eric. the moon gods granted her request and she proceeded. Eric, I love you very much you listen and do what they say, or it will be an automatic dishonor to everyone not only down here but up there as well. do you understand me love? yes, mom i respectfully understand you and i love you too. as eric went to walk away with the moon gods he turned and called for his mom one more time. "OH, and mom." yes, love. "it's not good-bye, it's see you later." as Eric replied to what his mother told him long ago. as he walked away Athala cried and whimpered and gave a great howl to her son as for Mochana the great alpha and the rest of the tribe did as well. Anna did the same as for her children in heaven. she saw her children's spirits and said "it's not goodbye it's see you later." as every spirit disappeared, Athala the great alpha and Mochana looked at Anna and said you need some training so you can go back into the wild. everyone started to laugh and as time goes by as Anna was training, she did as was said. she trained, went back into society like nothing happed at home to her husband and the only person that knows her secret is her husband. As years passed by every winter she would go and visit Athala. One day Athala received some bad news and good news. "Anna i have some bad news and good news." which one do you want to hear. Anna has responded let me hear the bad news.....the summer elderly alpha has passed. Oh boy, Anna replied. "Let me guess the Good news is I'm the Summer Alpha for the summer tribe?" Athala responded "yup" and you're going to need allot of training on how to be an alpha.

Anna was sad....

Athala asked what was wrong? Anna responded with "how am i going to tell my husband?" wellllll........ for a min Anna thought long and hard. Athala! what did you do? Athala got a little nervous and spoke out......"i kind of transformed into a human and introduced me as your friend and told your husband everything as well.......Anna screamed."U DID WHAT!!!!!!!" please dont be mad at me, he did say that he had to process everything and give you an anwser when you got home today! OMG! YOU GOT TO BE KIDDING ME. that's your cue to runback fast!

Anna ran back as fast as possible and went running in the house to find her husband anthony sitting on the chair waiting calmly and pateintly for her."Anthony i can explain." Anthony puts his full hand up an dpoint his finger down into the chair as if she was in trouble. "Honey, i love you. i kinda already knew." As Anna yelled again "WHATTTTT". come on let's go where I would tell you I was going fishing every summer. as her and Anthony took a walk near the woods to a big lake, he took her into the woods, and he said" lay down with me and keep your eyes on me.

as Anna and Anthony kept looking at each other she transformed into a wolf that has crystal blue eyes and brownish black fur as well for him he transformed into a bigger wolf with light brown eyes and all black fur. As he asked can I show you something else as well? As she nodded her head, they both went up to the great alpha cave and visit. Anthony we're not supposed to be here its only for emergencies only. Anthony snickerly responded. why not you afraid were going to get into trouble? As Anna replied yes that's what we have been told remember? yes, honey i remember but......before Anthony can finish the great alpha wolf can out and greeted Anthony." Hey, Anthony long time no see look how big you've grown." Yes, Antonio you still the same dog when we were pups. WAIT! you know each other!" yea me and Antonio go way back like way before I met you. "Yea hey Anthony remember when we use to go cliff diving and you landed on that boat and scared every human on that boat that was funny." yea i remember Antonio. Anna in shock of everything she looks as if she wanted to faint or needed to get air. As Antonio starts to explain why Antonio leads her up her is because Anthony will be the next great alpha wolf when i pass. "WAIT! you're kidding me right bite my tail if this is a dream." Antonio bit his tell then to ask if it hurt." Of course, Anthony said it's not a dream. as everyone celebrated. Anthony looked into Annas eyes and said let's move into the woods near the lake together. Anna replied "YES."So as planned they went back home gathered all their stuff and moved into the woods to start a new life.

And when walking back into the woods, they built a wooden house together and had a family to take care of, which was a full tribe every summer.

the end.


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    TWWritten by Trina Wilson

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