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Florida regulation impacted after consent slip shipped off hear Dark writer's book


By MD SyfullahPublished 4 months ago 4 min read
Florida regulation impacted after consent slip shipped off hear Dark writer's book
Photo by Eugenio Mazzone on Unsplash

Controversial "Parental Consent" Rule in Florida Sparks Debate Over Education Policy

A contentious regulation regarding parental consent slips in Florida has stirred renewed scrutiny after a standard about parental consent slips caused confusion at a Miami elementary school, where parents were asked to sign a slip allowing their children to hear a guest speaker read a book "written by an African-American."

Charles Walter, a parent of two at Coral Way K-8 Center in Miami, shared a Miami-Dade Public Schools consent slip online on Monday, which outlined an in-school library event for his daughter's 1st-grade class. The students would "participate and listen to a book written by an African-American," while guests for the activity were described as "firefighter/doctor/artist."

"I had to give permission for this or else my child wouldn't participate???" Walter wrote on social media. He told The Washington Post in an interview that this was the first parental permission slip he received since the policy took effect the previous fall, but he has since received others.

The state rule in question is an extension of a "parental bill of rights" that Governor Ron DeSantis (R) signed in 2022. DeSantis touted the bill of rights and other education reforms as a way to help parents combat what he and other conservative figures claimed was "liberal indoctrination" woven through the K-12 and higher education system. However, critics of the law argue that its vague language and lack of clarification by state officials are causing confusion and chilling effects on teachers.

The Miami-Dade Public School District did not respond to specific questions about the consent slip protocols, but in a statement acknowledged that the description of the event "may have caused confusion, and we are working with our schools to reemphasize the importance of clarity for parents in describing activities/events that would require parental consent."

"However, in compliance with State Regulation, consent slips were sent home since guest speakers would participate during a school-approved education-related activity," the statement continued.

Florida Board of Education Chair Ben Gibson argued that Coral Way administrators misinterpreted the rule—and said the rule is so clear that those advising Coral Way on the consent slip policy were "grossly misunderstanding" the rule or intentionally misrepresenting it for political reasons.

"Clearly, it is improper to interpret the rule to require parental consent for students to receive standard instruction, including subjects mandated by state statute and Department rule," Gibson wrote in a letter to Coral Way's principal.

While Gibson's letter stated that Coral Way was the only school he knew of to misinterpret the state regulation and referred to the rule as "self-evident," another Miami-Dade County school encountered similar confusion just one week earlier.

Parents at iPrep Academy in Miami were asked to sign a consent form to participate in "...class and school-wide presentations showcasing the achievements and recognizing the rich and diverse traditions, histories, and countless contributions of the African American communities," Miami news station WPLG reported.

iPrep's consent slip request also drew confusion and backlash, while Florida Education Commissioner Manny Diaz Jr. said in a statement that "Florida does not require a consent slip to teach African American history or to observe Black History Month."

A spokesperson for the Florida Department of Education did not provide clarification on whether the department's rule requires parental consent slips whenever guest speakers are present, regardless of the activity, saying, "The Commissioner's comments and the letter from Chair Gibson speak for themselves."

Andrew Spar, president of the Florida Education Association, is among the law's critics who believe parents have the right to oversee their child's education, but that Florida's regulations are hamstringing teachers.

"The issue in Miami highlights the confusion created by the Governor and the Florida Department of Education — they have created an atmosphere of fear in our state and districts are concerned that any educational decision can be challenged," Spar said in a statement.

State Senator Shevrin Jones (D) took particular offense with Commissioner Diaz and other DeSantis-aligned leaders at the FDOE dismissing the confusion over a policy they enacted as a "lie" or a media fabrication.

"Let's not mince words: it's not a lie, it's a reality," Jones said, noting DeSantis followed up the parental bill of rights with the "Stop WOKE Act" that restricts how concepts about race can be taught in schools.

"And if it's a lie in [Diaz's] opinion, I would like to have any leader clarify what does the law say? What should administrators in school districts do? It was presented by the legislature, by the governor, through the Department of Education. So if it's false, the commissioner should clarify."

Walter, the Coral Way parent, believes most parents were surprised to receive the parental consent form. He praised Coral Way's principal for doing a good job of navigating confusion created by the school district and the state.

And while Walter said he welcomes strong communication between parents and schools, he sees clear flaws in the consent slip policy, including the fact that it's opt-in, meaning by default, students cannot participate in a designated activity unless their parents have provided written consent.

"I commend the school for continuing to offer enrichment activities in light of additional policies that are being requested," Walter said. "My concern is how this gets rolled out statewide, and if it could deter other schools from offering extracurriculars."

Walter also worried about how the consent slip policy affects students' exposure to activities their parents disapprove of, regardless of merit. He never learned specifically which book "written by an African American" was read at his daughter's library activity on Tuesday but stated none of the parents opted out.

Vocal Book Club

About the Creator

MD Syfullah


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  • MD Syfullah (Author)4 months ago

    Tnx All

  • Alex H Mittelman 4 months ago

    Always allow everyone to go to the doctor, parents or not! Great work!

  • Test4 months ago

    Incredible work. Very well-written!

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