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A World In A Book


By StaringalePublished 9 months ago 3 min read

"A book is the doorway to worlds unseen,

where our souls wander and our hearts find peace."

I am a book lover, it's one activity that does not make me feel as if I have wasted time. There is always so much to learn, so many new perspectives, so many unknowns and many more. It's like starting a captivating journey into a whole another world, away from the confines of reality.

This unknown world is where the time seems to slow down until it appears to be standing still, as you traverse through the pages. The burdens of reality are momentarily lifted, as I  become a silent observer or an active participant in plot unravelling. The emotions from enthused to happy to sad to depressed to shock and many more become a part of you, the experience of these upheaval of emotions helps get a better understanding and insight into human behavioural psychology.

With every page turned, your expedition gets deeper and deeper through the uncharted territories of creativity and intellect. As you began reading the words turn into magic keys that open the door to allow me to explore, learn, grow and broaden my horizons. It's like having a boundless adventure from within the confines of book, showing that it is not merely a collection of prints but a gateway of unknown waiting to be discovered.

Your imagination takes flight and your senses come alive with vivid descriptions, unsuspected twists, interesting plots and engaging characters.

You traverse varying landscapes from enchanted forest to a quiet suburb to a bustling metropolises to the hidden depths of human psyche. This literary universe bends the laws of reality to the will of author's narrative. The beauty of author's ability to meticulously craft this world, and present it as a vibrant hues of words and phrases that boost your senses and spark your imagination and where you can taste the sweet nectar of fantasy, feel the chill of suspense or embrace the warmth of love. The tapestry of the author's prose weaves an intricate fabric of sights, sounds, and emotions, and you find yourself dancing through a narrative ballet, choreographed by the author's creative genius. It's a world where you can be anyone and go anywhere, the ultimate escape from the humdrum of everyday life.

The pace of the plot doesn't remain the same in one chapter it is a slow languid crawl and in the next it is a race. The characters become they companions, mentors, or foes on my this incredible journey, whose presence I feel with each heartbeat. The mundane world is left behind and a realm of limitless possibilities open. It's a place where I can explore the deepest recesses of human emotions, unravel the mysteries of the universe, or bask in the sheer joy of a well-told tale.

For me, a book transforms into a cherished refuge, offering a safe haven from the clamor of reality. As I open the cover, I step into a sanctuary where my troubles melt away, replaced by the excitement of the unknown. The words unfurl like a welcome mat, inviting me to escape into a universe where my imagination can roam freely. With each line read I immerse myself in the lives of the characters, forging a connection that transcends the confines of the pages. It's a realm where I can dream, learn, and empathize, all while tucked away in a cozy nook with a book in hand, a companion that never disappoints.

Has you read the last line, the last word escapes your lips and you close the book and stay over there for a few minutes to get a hang of being book-lagged, you get a feeling that you can now better understand the human psyche.


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Excellent work. Looking forward to reading more!

Top insights

  1. Compelling and original writing

    Creative use of language & vocab

  2. Easy to read and follow

    Well-structured & engaging content

  3. Eye opening

    Niche topic & fresh perspectives

  1. Heartfelt and relatable

    The story invoked strong personal emotions

  2. On-point and relevant

    Writing reflected the title & theme

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