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2 Powerful Insights From The Book ‘LimitLess’


By Vinay Kumar ThumPublished 2 months ago 3 min read

This book is about a girl who once tried to kill herself from the 19th floor.

It’s a story about a girl with physical imperfections. It is about how she overcame imperfections by embracing them.

And this is the story of ‘Radhika Gupta,’ the youngest CEO in the Financial services industry in India. If you are interested in Indian stock market investing, Radhika Gupta needs no introduction. She is also widely known as ‘The girl with the broken neck’ after the video of her speech went viral.

This is her debut book, and it is well-written in simple language. As the name suggests, this is a book about challenging your limits.

It tells us how to cope with failures and rejections. It inspires, instills confidence, and helps you improve your life.

Below are 2 powerful insights that I found very inspiring.

1. Accept Rejection

We grow up hearing things like work hard, be focused, get good marks, get into a good college, and then a good job will follow.

But these words are not enough, as life is not straightforward and has ways to test us. Success in life depends on more than just good grades.

Our family and education system only tells us how to excel and succeed. But we needed to be told how to handle failures, criticism, or rejections.

Our daily lives revolve around success stories, such as rags to riches, young people who are successful under 30, etc. Despite the abundance of documented success stories, there is virtually no exploration of the stories of failure and rejection.

Almost everyone is so focused on success that they don’t learn from failures.

Most people have faced many rejections on their platforms and finally became successful because of those initial rejections. Before coming to the Indian film industry, Amitabh Bachchan was struggling for a job and applied to All India Radio(AIR) as a newsreader. He was rejected for his voice. Years later, his voice has become India’s favorite voice in Indian cinema. During covid times, the government of India has featured his voice as a novel coronavirus caller tune while making calls.

Someday, we will experience rejection and failure in our lives. That is a guarantee. Failure is an important lesson everyone must face at some point in life. Learning how to handle these setbacks is essential as they shape our perspective and attitude.

Rejection or failure hurts; they are humiliating. It crushes your self-esteem and throws you into a vicious cycle of self-doubt.

You must remember that Rejection means you were meant for something else. It’s a redirection to another place that may be better for you. It may open up the doors to new dimensions in your life. When you face rejection, ask yourself the question of how much the incident matters in five years — not much at all.

“What feels like a big blot today will be a small dot tomorrow.”

So, Zoom out.

2. Be Flawsome

A Flawsome is an individual who embraces their flaws and knows they are fantastic regardless.

We all have some stories, flaws, and imperfections that we are embarrassed about. It could be a physical imperfection like body image issues, a scar, a bald spot, or height or weight issues. For some, it is a professional failure, a heartbreak, or an old mistake. This imperfection grows and weighs with time.

When Amitabh Bachchan was rejected for his voice, he might have felt his voice could be an imperfection for this career. But imperfection or rejection has moved him to different dimensions of life. It made him successful and unique.

Life is not just what everyone posts on Facebook or Instagram. They, too, have stories of struggle and insecurities that we might not know.

Accept your imperfections and stop comparing your life to others.

Stop caring about what others think. Everyone is unique for a specific reason. Embrace your uniqueness. Nothing in the world is flawless.


About the Creator

Vinay Kumar Thum

A Data Engineer who loves to write more than just coding | I read, write, and repeat about Books, Self-Improvement, Life, Motivation, and other stories.

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