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Winter skin care tips you don't want to miss!

Different weather conditions can have different effects on your skin, so it is important that you alter your skincare with the seasons to make sure that you are giving it everything that it needs.

By Melissa WilsonPublished about a year ago 3 min read
Winter skin care tips you don't want to miss!
Photo by Anika Huizinga on Unsplash

There is no escaping the fact that winter is now firmly upon us, and the temperatures have dropped. It means that you might start to change a few things in your routine, like wearing different clothes, putting the heating on, and cooking different foods, but have you ever thought about making a change to your skincare too?

Different weather conditions can have different effects on your skin, so it is important that you alter your skincare with the seasons to make sure that you are giving it everything that it needs.

To explain further, expert dermatologists, Skin Inspection, share their advice on how to look after your skin throughout the winter months.

Stay hydrated

One of the biggest obstacles that your skin can face during the winter is a lack of hydration. You might think that this should be a summer problem, but the humidity in the air helps to combat the dryness of the sun. In the winter you are faced with no humidity, biting winds, and drying central heating, so you need to make sure that you add plenty of hydration into the mix.

Sip water throughout the day to make sure your skin stays healthy. You can even get your hydration fix from winter teas such as natural ginger and lemon for a warming sensation too.

By Chris Ralston on Unsplash

Cleanse with care

We all know that we need to cleanse our skin, but during the winter you need to be especially picky about which cleanser you choose.

Ingredients such as alcohol and artificial fragrances will add to the stripping effects that the winter weather brings, so try and move towards something cream based which can give you some extra moisturisation whilst removing dirt and make-up.

Still use sunscreen

Sunscreen is not something that you just need for your holidays – it should be something that you use all year round. The colder weather can trick you into thinking that no damage is being done, but UV light can still be harmful even at Christmas so make sure that you apply sunscreen to your hands and face every single day.

By Jocelyn Morales on Unsplash

Don’t overdo it

As we start to feel our skin becoming dryer, it can be tempting to throw lots of different products at it, but this doesn’t always help. Changing too much of your routine can overload your skin, so if you feel that you need to step your skincare up a gear, try layering your products carefully.

Use a moisturiser and any water containing serums first and then top off your skincare regime with a rich facial oil. This helps to keep the moisture locked within the skin’s layers and is suitable for a wide range of skin type, even oily ones.

Use lower temperature water

We all know how lovely it is to step into a hot steamy shower on a winter morning, but it could have adverse effects on your skin. Water that is too hot can draw out the precious moisture in your skin leading to dryness, itching and irritation.

Lukewarm temperatures are ideal for showers and baths as it’s just as effective in removing germs and opening pores without damaging and irritating your skin.

By Victoria Alexandrova on Unsplash

Layer up

The cold winter air can draw out moisture and leave you with dehydrated, cracked, and painful skin. Layering up with some warm gloves, a scarf and even a hat could make a big difference in the health of your skin.

Our hands and face are usually the places that are affected the most by the winter air that’s why focusing a little more on protecting these areas can prevent irritation and sometimes more severe effects. Investing in a heavy-duty hand moisturiser on top of wrapping up will give you the best results.

Exfoliate, exfoliate, exfoliate

Exfoliation is one skincare step that people often forget about during the winter, but you shouldn’t. By gently exfoliating your can remove the dead skin cells that are still clinging on to prevent pores becoming blocked and breakouts starting whilst also revealing the fresher, newer skin below that gives us that healthy and youthful glow.

Get misty

It is only natural that we will spend more time indoors this winter, so it will be subject to a very dry atmosphere for most of the day. Keep a humectant facial mist handy and have a spritz every few hours to add moisture and lock it in.

Your skin has to put up with a lot during the winter, so it is important that you take good care of it. Always try to use the best quality products that you can afford and make sure that you choose a routine that you are able to stick to every single day in order for it to be able to be effective.


About the Creator

Melissa Wilson

Melissa Wilson is a practice manager at Skin Inspection, a specialists dermatology clinic that provide a range of dermatology procedures and assessments.

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