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Why My Tattoos Have No Meaning

Why having a tattoo without a meaning is ok

By Ciara With a CPublished 4 years ago 4 min read
Traditional tattoo drawings image I found on Google

I have twenty something tattoos on my body! About three of them have meaning to them! While a lot of people feel it is necessary that you must have a meaning to your tattoos as they are on you forever, I disagree. When I tell people many of my tattoos do not have a meaning, they tend to be shocked! I have had many a rant from a stranger that the ink is on my body forever therefore, it must have a super special sentiment to me! The meaning is that it looks cool and I like it! The only thing that matters is that you like your tattoos! That is literally it! I do understand that many people want meaning to their tattoos and I totally respect that. I just cannot face another lecture off a stranger in the street over my tattoos.

I am not even sure where this stems from to be honest. I just spent ten minutes there trying to come up with an idea of this mentality but I really cannot. Maybe the recentness of tattoos? Maybe that tattoos are permanent? The fear of regret? I honestly do not know! I do not understand why people see it fit to judge a person on their tattoos! By all means ask me about my tattoos, just be respectful. So many people say to me they like my tattoos and I love that! Just some people will start off by saying they like my tattoos and then ask what they mean, I say they mean nothing and then all of a sudden the mood drops. First of all, I feel it is not relevant to ask someone the meaning of their tattoos unless you are friends. Some tattoos have very powerful meanings to a person and they may not want to share that with a random person. Second of all, what meanings do people expect? If a tattoo has meaning to you it is probably very personal or symbolises a place, person, time in your life. Some of these are not something that has to be shared. I have a few meaningful tattoos on me and if someone asks me about them specifically I lie and make up something or say they have no meaning. This is purely because I do not want to share some of my personal story with a stranger. Sorry,

Why can some people not understand that I have a tattoo just because I like the aesthetic of it and wanted it on me. If I want a tiger tattooed on me, I will get it. For some people that may symbolise strength, patience etc but I literally just want a tiger on me because I feel like it. You would be surprised at how many people would give me a sour look for saying that.

I will explain to you some of my tattoos and why I got them. On my leg I have a tattoo of Homer Simpson. Why? Because I like The Simpsons. I have a The 1975 band logo on my ribs? Why? because I like The 1975. I have smiley faces tattooed on me? Why? because it makes me happy knowing that I have something positive on me. There is no real deep meaning. I have swallows, suns, moons, butterflies, roses, cameras, envelopes, planets, skeletons etc on me simply because I like the aesthetic of it and wanted it on me. I literally walked into my tattoo studio and picked them out of a book or thought the idea sounded cool and messaged an artist!

Although, many people are really nice and appreciate that tattoos are a form of art, some people just really annoy me. Hence this rant, sorry. I totally understand that people want meanings to their tattoos! It is on you forever! I just feel some people need to understand tattoo is a form of self expression and should not be questioned on meanings or judged if there is no meaning! If you are happy with your tattoos! That is enough! When people see that I have a picture of Homer Simpson tattooed on me they think I am crazy! Maybe I am but I got what I wanted and do not regret it. I love tattoos and I love when people are happy with their tattoos regardless of meaning or not. I will leave you with this-get whatever tattoos you want and just be happy!


About the Creator

Ciara With a C

Hi there! I am a 21 year old from the UK! I love to write about various topics such as music, poetry, television, books and things I do in my life! I love being positive! I also have a YouTube channel you can check out at Ciara WIth a C.

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