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The Bold Glamour Filter on TikTok

To Filter or Not to Filter?

By Jamu LimPublished about a year ago 3 min read

Today I want to talk about a viral beauty filter that's taken over the internet faster than you can say "Kardashian contouring."

But wait, before you click away thinking this article is only for makeup enthusiasts, hear me out.

This Bold Glamour filter on TikTok is more than just another tool for highlighting your cheekbones; it's a window into the future of AR filters and their potential impact on our perception of reality.

Beauty AI tools and filters are on the rise. The technology behind these filters is advancing so quickly that it's hard to keep up.

The Glamorous Filter That Blurs Reality

The Bold Glamour filter has taken TikTok by storm, with over 16 million uses in just one month. It's not hard to see why.

The filter contours your face in all the right places, giving you a sharp jawline, high cheekbones, and a lifted brow. It even adds long, thick lashes and a shimmery eyeshadow. In short, it makes you look like a million bucks.

But what's even more impressive is how well the filter works. Unlike other AR filters that glitch and distort when you move, the Bold Glamour filter blends seamlessly with your face. TikTok users even complained that the filter was so good, it was hard to tell if it was a filter or her actual face.

The Dark Side of Beauty Filters

Now, you might be thinking, "So what? It's just a filter. Who cares?" Well, I do, and here's why.

Beauty filters, like the Bold Glamour filter, perpetuate harmful beauty standards that are already too narrow. They promote features like plump lips, thin noses, and wide eyes, and they do so in a way that's easily accessible to millions of young people.

When combined with the influence of social media influencers and algorithmic amplification, these filters can have a damaging effect on young people's mental health and body image.

According to Dr. Renee Engeln, professor of psychology at Northwestern University, comparing yourself to an extra gorgeous version of yourself that doesn't exist in reality is far worse than comparing yourself to some famous, stunning person. She warns that we're likely to see psychological consequences as a result of this unrealistic comparison.

"It's one thing to compare yourself to some famous, beautiful person — it's another thing to compare yourself to an extra beautiful version of yourself that doesn't exist in the world anywhere."

‘Bold glamour’ TikTok filter can create unrealistic beauty standards and harm mental health, experts say

The Rise of Hyper-Realistic Filters

But it's not just about the Bold Glamour filter. It's about what it represents. With recent advances in machine learning and facial detection technology, we're likely to see more hyper-realistic beauty filters in the future. These filters will be so lifelike that it'll be hard to distinguish them from reality.

TikTok has already released generative AI tools that allow people to create their own filters, and it's only a matter of time before these tools become even more sophisticated. As exciting as this technology is, we need to have serious discussions about its impacts, especially when it comes to young people.

To Filter or Not to Filter?

So, what's the verdict? Should we ban beauty filters altogether?

As someone who loves a good filter, I don't think that's the solution. But we do need to be more aware of the potential harm that these filters can cause, especially to young people.

We need to have open and honest conversations about beauty standards, body image, and the impact of technology on our lives. And, most importantly, we need to remember that true beauty comes from within, not from a filter.

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About the Creator

Jamu Lim

I am a writer. I am a human being who writes. Sometimes people call me a novelist, but that’s not really accurate. I’ve written short stories and poetry, but I would classify myself more as a storyteller.

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