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Taking Care Of Your Skin

A Beginners Guide

By M.L. LewisPublished 6 months ago 3 min read

Your skin is the most important and largest organ you have. It protects you from the environment, allows you to feel, and helps regulate your body's temperature. It makes up 15% of your body weight. The average adult has twenty-one feet of it on their body. Skin is made up of three layers; the epidermis, dermis, and subcutaneous. Because of how vital it is to your health it should be treated with care and respect. November is Healthy Skin Care Month, so here are some natural ways to protect your most valuable asset.

You Put The Lotion On

A lotion is a topical preparation that is applied to your skin with the intention of moisturizing it. Every year in the US people buy more than 20 million bottles at the rate of one bottle a second. One of the most important things you need to know when choosing a lotion is your skin type. Dry skin doesn't like lotion meant for oily skin. Pick out one with antioxidants and sun protection. Before buying a new brand you should always do a test patch first. This means applying a small drop on your wrist to see how your skin reacts to it. Lotion shouldn't feel greasy and should absorb well into your skin.

Lotion Alternatives

Almost every over-the-counter brand of lotion is full of chemicals in them. Most people don't like to use products with ingredients they can't pronounce. Here are some natural alternatives to store-bought lotions. Aloe Vera gel soothes and moisturizes while encouraging new cell growth. Virgin Coconut oil promotes dewy-looking skin. It could also be used as a natural make-up remover. Sunscreen protects your skin from ultra-violent rays linked to skin cancer and premature aging.

Listen To Your Skin

Just because Dermatologists recommend you wash your face twice a day doesn't mean you should. Irritation, tightness, and dryness are all signs of over-cleansing. This is because you are robbing your skin of much-needed moisture. Without this, the pores will produce extra oil to make up the difference. The best way to wash your face is to gently scrub in a circular motion with a facial cleanser for 20-30 seconds. Just enough time to work it into a lather. Then rinse thoroughly. When buying a cleanser use the same method you would to buy a lotion. If you must use a bar of soap, pick one that is gentle on the skin.

To Pop Or Not To Pop

Acne is the most common skin condition in the US. 50 million people will develop a case of it every year. Do not pop a pimple until a white firm head forms over it. Popping too early can cause scarring and infection. If there's bacteria in it this will cause your acne to spread. The fastest way to cure acne is by using Benzoyl Peroxide gel like Differin. Tea Tree Oil cleanses the skin while killing acne-causing bacteria. Dilo Oil is rich in antioxidants which is great at repairing acne scars. Don't forget to do a test patch first like you did with the lotion.

Curbing Bad Skin Care Habits

There are some everyday habits you might be doing that can cause skin damage. Smoking depletes moisture causing it to look wrinkly and worsening your acne. Alcohol increases the size of your pores and your skin's oil production. Chemicals, like cleaning products, can cause redness and dermatitis (inflammation of the skin). Not drinking enough water can dry the skin out since your body will likely use excess water for more important tasks like organ function. Replace the Vitamin A and D that the sun destroys by eating more eggs, carrots, mangoes, and leafy greens.

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About the Creator

M.L. Lewis

Welcome to my little slice of pie. This blog will primarily focus on prepping and homesteading skills with a sprinkle of fiction every now and then.

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