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My Personal Story About Getting A Boob Job

One Week Later After Breast Augmentation & Recovery

By Alexandria BotezPublished 11 months ago 5 min read
My Personal Story About Getting A Boob Job
Photo by philippe spitalier on Unsplash

Welcome to my one-week update about my recent breast augmentation surgery. I've received numerous questions about my recovery process, the surgery itself, and other related aspects. In this article, I will explain my experiences and address the most common queries I've received. If you're interested in knowing how I prepared for the surgery or how I chose the size of my implants, you can find all the information in my previous video, which I will link below. Let's dive into my journey starting from the day of the surgery.

Preparing for the Surgery: Choosing the Size and Pre-Op

Before surgery, I had to make crucial decisions regarding the size of the implants and the pre-operative preparations. In my pre-op video, I discussed how I made these choices and what factors influenced my decision. If you're curious about the process, I highly recommend watching that video for a comprehensive understanding.

The Day of Surgery: Anxiety and Anesthesia

On the morning of my surgery, I arrived in Austin feeling a mix of anticipation and anxiety. Being put under anesthesia was a significant concern, as it tends to make me nervous. However, the entire process went smoothly. Once wheeled into the operating room, I received anesthesia and fell asleep, waking up later feeling groggy but not in pain.

Recovery: Initial Experience and Nausea

I experienced tightness in my chest upon waking up, but it wasn't excruciating. The surgical bra and band were already in place, providing support and compression to aid healing. However, I did feel nauseous due to the combination of anesthesia and an empty stomach. Fortunately, I had an anti-nausea prescription, which quickly alleviated my discomfort.

Post-Op Care: Surgical Bra and Band

I continued to wear the surgical bra and band during the initial recovery period. The band, in particular, exerted additional pressure on my already tight and swollen breasts. As I had opted for silicone round implants placed under the muscle, the band helped ensure proper settling and positioning. Although uncomfortable, I understood the importance of wearing it for at least two weeks.

Managing Discomfort: Tightness and Breathing Difficulties

In the first few days following the surgery, I experienced tightness in my chest, making breathing challenging. The presence of the band further intensified this sensation. However, thanks to the prescribed pain medication, I want to emphasize that my discomfort was not particularly painful. It was more of a constant reminder of the changes happening in my body.

Size and Implant Placement: Same Size Implants and Uneven Recovery

The decision was made during the surgery to use the same size implants for both breasts, despite initially considering different sizes. The surgeon determined that they looked more even when I was lying down, using a sizer to assess the outcome. However, due to my smaller breast size, the recovery process for that side has been slightly more challenging. It still feels tighter after a week and bothers me more than the other side, although it's not necessarily painful.

Importance of Mobility: Getting Up and Walking

In the initial stages of recovery, my doctor stressed the importance of getting up and walking every hour. Even though I didn't always feel like it, my mom acted as a supportive drill sergeant, ensuring I followed the recommended mobility routine. This helped prevent stiffness and aid in the healing process.

Showering and Wound Care: Using HIPAA Cleanse and Taking Breaks from Bra

After 24 hours, I could shower carefully, using a product called HIPAA Cleanse, which my doctor recommended. It's readily available at various pharmacies. I was cautious around my incisions, as they were on the inside and had glue on the outside. To avoid any potential complications, I followed the instructions provided by my surgeon. Additionally, I was allowed to take breaks from wearing both the bra and band, providing some relief from the continuous pressure.

Sleeping and Positioning: Challenges and Adjustments

Sleeping after the surgery presented its own set of challenges. Before the procedure, I was a stomach sleeper, and adjusting to sleeping on my back was difficult. To help with this transition, I purchased a neck pillow to encourage sleeping on one's back. Initially, I found sleeping in a recliner at a hotel more comfortable, where my mom took care of me for the first few days. However, since returning home, I've adjusted by surrounding myself with pillows to prevent accidentally rolling onto my stomach.

Recovery Timeline: From Pain Meds to Tylenol

Initially, I relied on prescription pain medication to manage any discomfort. However, after about four days, I switched to taking only Tylenol. The need for pain medication decreased as time went on, and I felt more comfortable. While there was tightness and discomfort, I can confidently say that it wasn't unbearable pain.

Post-Surgery Experience: Discomfort vs. Pain

Throughout my recovery, I realized discomfort and tightness were more prominent than pain. The level of discomfort can vary depending on factors such as the surgeon's technique, the size of the implants, and the individual's unique body. In my case, the discomfort stemmed from the tightness and swelling and the additional pressure from the band. However, it was necessary to remember that this was all part of the healing process.

Settling and Feeling Like Mine: Adjusting to the Implants

As the days progressed, my implants began to settle, and they started to feel more like a part of my body. Initially, the sensation was foreign, and I was conscious of their presence. However, as they settled and the swelling decreased, they started to feel more natural and familiar. I grew to love them and appreciate the confidence they brought me.

Clothing and Sizing: Changes in Wardrobe

One aspect I didn't anticipate was the impact the implants would have on my clothing. Oversized hoodies, for example, fit differently, becoming tighter in the chest area. This unexpected but welcome change added a new dimension to my wardrobe. However, it's essential to be prepared for potential adjustments in clothing choices and sizes after the surgery.

Stats and Cost: Height, Cup Size, and Surgical Expenses

Many of you had questions regarding my physical stats and the surgery cost. I am 5'3" tall and had an A/B cup size before the surgery. As for the price, the retail value of my surgery was $5,550. Considering its transformative impact on my body and confidence, I believe it is a reasonable investment. It's important to note that options like CareCredit allow for payment in installments if that's a more feasible approach for you.

Conclusion: Overall Experience and Excitement for the Future

In conclusion, my one-week update after my boob job has been incredibly positive. Despite the initial tightness and discomfort, the recovery process has been relatively smooth. I am pleased with my decision to undergo this surgery, and I look forward to the final results once the swelling subsides completely. If you have any further questions, please feel free to reach out. I will provide additional updates on my progress in my two-week recovery video. Thank you for joining me on this journey.


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