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I said a long time ago that health preservation does not need to understand the laws of medicine, whether it is traditional Chinese medicine or western medicine. This remark was scolded by many people

Self-protectioThe most common mistake people make is to go deep into an area to study, and then be limited by the boundaries of that field, forgetting the interconnection of avenues and the Internet of everything. People often make this mistake when they go to study medicine in order to keep in good health. It is still easy for people to practice in order to keep in good health.n

By michaeldbarr khgPublished 2 years ago 6 min read


This article interprets the common medical laws to see whether the so-called medical laws are consistent with the laws of life. There are some common terms in medicine, and I start with these terms.

Complications: this is a clinical medical concept. The meaning of concurrency is very simple, that is, combined attacks, simultaneous attacks, simultaneous attacks. Chronic patients, in the course of treatment, often have a variety of complications. It is often said that it affects the whole body at the same time, which is obviously the embodiment of concurrency. As far as life is concerned, if your life is in a situation of low resistance and low anti-risk ability, once you have a problem in one aspect and you devote your main energy to dealing with this problem, then other problems will emerge, which is also concurrent.

Sequela: a typical medical concept. The so-called sequela means that the problem has not been completely solved and there are problems left over. Life is obviously the same, when you do not solve a problem, it must have sequelae. The more problems that are not solved, the more sequelae there will be.

Relapse: the same disease, in the same site, the second or more attacks, called recurrence. As far as life is concerned, the same mistake, in the same form, often occurs many times, whether or not relapse is the embodiment of reincarnation.

Metastasis: a disease, originally in one place, after treatment and intervention, occurs in another place, called metastasis. We often say that when a problem bothers you and cannot be solved for the time being, it is necessary to divert your attention to another place, just like the transfer of medicine. A person is angry outside, but does not dare to attack, comes home to have an attack to his own child, this is also a transfer.

Drug resistance: the so-called drug resistance means that after taking a drug for a long time, the body adapts to it, and it begins to have no effect on the body. The essence of drug resistance is adaptation, habit and numbness. Adaptation, and then become a habit, become numb and insensitive, which happens to be the normality of life, reflected in all aspects of life.

Hygiene: medical care pays more attention to hygiene, and hospitals generally do a good job in cleaning and sanitation. In our national department, there is no Ministry of Health, only the Ministry of Health, which used to be the Health and Family Planning Commission, but is now renamed the Health and Family Planning Commission. What is hygiene, health is defense, defense, hygiene, is to protect the cleanliness and purity of life, no harm power, no impurities. Generally speaking, impurities will be reflected as the power of harm. For life, we want to make our body and mind pure.

Cure both the symptoms and the root causes: this is a word that people often say. The so-called temporary cure is emergency, and the so-called permanent cure is to solve the problem fundamentally. What is a mark, it is a sign, a mark, it can only be seen with a mark, and the mark is superficial and floating on the surface. If a person does not have a long-term plan, always focus on the present, always in an emergency, that is to cure the symptoms. How to get to the root of the problem, of course we have to cure the heart. The heart does not change, the hardships to eat, the detours to take, there will be no less. For spiritual practice, correcting mistakes is a temporary cure. Continuous contemplation and seeing through everything is the permanent cure.

1/3 of diseases can be cured: this is an important medical point of view, but not many people know about it. My readers should know that. There is a similar view of life: life is not exactly what you want, to the effect that there are a lot of things that don't happen the way you want them to. If you accept this, you will not be able to ask the doctor to take good care of your illness every time. This cannot be done. If you accept this, you won't fall into the trap of overtreatment. If you accept this truth, you will rely more on yourself, you will begin to accept everything calmly and objectively, and your heart will naturally correct it.

Microcirculation: this is a typical medical concept. It is generally believed that microcirculation disturbance is the source of all diseases. However, the so-called microcirculation in medicine is not enough, because the resolution and detection rate of medical instruments are not enough, it still stays at the level of capillaries. What is the real microcirculation? it is the operation of the heart and spirit, the change of mind and the change of luck. A patient, before his body microcirculation problems, his heart and qi microcirculation, long before there is an obstacle. The microcirculatory disturbance of the body leads to physical problems, the microcirculatory disorders of the heart, and leads to life problems.

Immunity: I've written about this concept many times. Immunity, resistance, anti-interference ability, concentration, self-control ability, but the name is different, the core meaning is the same. You will find an obvious phenomenon, a person without concentration, who is easily affected, his immunity at the medical level is often relatively low. Immunity at the medical level is only physiological. In the psychological aspect, there is also immunity, together is the fixed force.

See the doctor: see "enter the road from health, get rid of the words in medicine, and open up health wisdom".

Digestion: see "the most fundamental digestion is chemical fate". "indigestion of energy information is the biggest form of indigestion! "

Disorders and disorders: see "how people's body and mind fail step by step."

Allergies: see "sensitivity without allergies is the best state of life".

Breathing: see "understand breathing, also understand life, too simple".

Metastasis of disease

What is a disease-free reaction, physical and mental three levels, very deep!

Don't practice complaining, don't be a complaining expert!

If you have forty years of life experience, but you have not become a life expert, what is the problem?

The correct use of their own life power is the key to all success in life. Reading this article is better than reading a ten-year book!

Ease is the truth, whatever is laborious, is not suitable for you to achieve now!

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Spring increases the mobility of your energy, and you can try to stay with fresh trees!

One of the biggest secrets: only when you are not afraid of getting what you want, will you really get what you want!

The secret of absorption: what you project, you attract, you receive!

Don't put the cart before the horse, don't put the dream upside down!


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michaeldbarr khg

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