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Hair thinning and falling out? Could be Androgenic Alopecia

Hair thinning and falling out? Could be Androgenic Alopecia

By Shivam Published about a year ago 3 min read
Hair thinning and falling out? Could be Androgenic Alopecia
Photo by Scotty Turner on Unsplash

We all dearly love our hair; don’t we? No matter what’s the occasion, our hands keep on caressing through them, shaping them, styling them, caressing them with care, all the time. But not every time we get blessed with the fortune of bulky and bouncy hair. Sometimes, when we pass our fingers through hair, we get big blob of hair and worries. Not many know that this dreadful problem could be Androgenic Alopecia. Androgenic alopecia, which is the scientific name for male or female pattern baldness, is a type of hair loss. But don't worry, you're not alone in this struggle. In fact, by the age of 50, around half of men and women will experience some degree of hair loss due to androgenic alopecia. So, grab a chair, and let's talk about this common condition.

What is Androgenic Alopecia?

If we say that androgenic alopecia is the most common cause of hair loss in both men and women, then we won’t be wrong. It is a genetic condition, which means it is passed down through your family's genes. Androgenic alopecia causes hair follicles to shrink and produce finer, shorter hairs until they eventually stop growing altogether. This usually happens in a predictable pattern, with men typically experiencing a receding hairline and thinning at the crown, while women may notice a widening part or thinning all over their scalp. So, if you have recently started to observe that the hair at the top of your head has started to lose weight and volume, you could be falling toward this.

Why Does Androgenic Alopecia Happen?

You might have heard of this terrifying hormone called DHT. The culprit behind androgenic alopecia is also this same hormone called dihydrotestosterone (DHT). This hormone is a derivative of testosterone. Here is what happens that leads to DHT pushing your hair to a terrible phase.

DHT attaches to hair follicles and causes them to shrink, which ultimately leads to hair loss. While men have more testosterone in their bodies, both men and women produce DHT. However, the sensitivity of hair follicles to DHT is believed to be inherited from one's parents, which is why androgenic alopecia tends to run in families. But just because it runs in the family doesn’t mean it can’t be stopped. Let’s look at some of the treatments available that help deal with this brutal disorder.

Treatments for Androgenic Alopecia

As far as we talk about complete cure, know that there is none. But don't lose hope just yet! There are several treatments available that can slow down the hair loss process and even promote new hair growth. Here are a few of the most common options:

• Minoxidil: This over-the-counter medication can help promote hair growth by widening blood vessels and increasing blood flow to the hair follicles.

• Finasteride: A drug that is taken orally and works by blocking the production of DHT in the body.

• Hair transplant surgery: You all might already know about it.

• Low-level laser therapy: The therapist uses a device that emits low-level laser light to stimulate hair growth.

Because these might be a bit expensive, you may buy these from sites like eBay that sell health and beauty products at a low price.

Living with Androgenic Alopecia

Dealing with hair loss can be a blow to your self-esteem and confidence; however, know that it's important to remember that you are not defined by your hair. Just because you have hair issues, doesn’t mean you must also have issues with your walk and your smile. Embrace the change and walk with confidence.

There are plenty of ways to embrace your new look and feel good about yourself. Experiment with new hairstyles, try out different headwear, such as hats or scarves, or simply embrace the bald look and rock it with confidence like Statham. The world is changing and people have started to accept the changes that come with time and age.

Remember that your worth is not defined by your hair. You are more than your appearance, so embrace your unique qualities and live life to the fullest.


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