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Best Ways To Get Rid of Acne

There's a common misconception that getting rid of acne scarring is as simple as peeling the skin, or even using home remedies like toner and blackhead removal creams, but it's not as easy as that!

By Balbo SaidPublished 2 years ago 4 min read

There’s a common misconception that getting rid of acne scarring is as simple as peeling the skin, or even using home remedies like toner and blackhead removal creams, but it's not as easy as that. Getting rid of acne scars requires patience, persistence, consistency, follow up care and the usage of top-notch medical products and treatments. You can get rid of acne scars at home with our expert advice that will help you get your face looking fresh and new again in no time.

How to Get Rid of Acne Scars

1. Exfoliation

Exfoliating your skin twice a week is enough to remove dead skin cells which help to prevent further breakout of acne in the future. And don’t forget to use scrub gel as this helps exfoliate deep into the skin for effective results. We recommend scrubs made from natural ingredients such as coconut oil and rose water as they are gentle on the skin and do not make a clog your pores.

2. Dermatologist consultation

A dermatologist can give detailed advice on how to deal with your acne, what kind of moisturisers and treatments you should apply, and what medicines you can take to avoid any side effects. Once you have finally decided to go for cosmetic surgery, we suggest consulting a doctor before opting for facial surgeries. A facial surgeon also acts as an advisor on how much time you should take to prepare for your skin's full recovery and treatment. They will check the scars left after surgical procedures and advise on the best way to treat them.

3. Home Remedies For Removal of Blackheads & Whiteheads

Home remedies can be used to get rid of acnes such as salicylic acid solution or tea tree oil or cucumber or rice vinegar extract or lemon juice as these can effectively reduce skin inflammation. Salicylic Acid Solution is best suited for sensitive skin while whiteheads and blackheads can be removed with the help of tea tree oil and cold compresses. Cucumber and rice vinegar extract are also good options if you’re having trouble removing blackheads. Lemon juice can also be applied directly with cotton pads after massaging your face and ears for 10 minutes and washing off with warm water.

4. Chemical Peels/Microdermabrasion:

These chemical peels will peel away damaged skin layers including white and rough areas, leaving healthier and smoother skin. The microdermabrasion procedure gives you more control over the texture of your skin. Microdermabrasion usually takes 30 to 60 minutes to complete.

5. Massage With Oatmeal And Honey Or Applying Cream After Shave

Massage with oatmeal and honey may help reduce the appearance of breakouts. Apply cream afterwards and wash off with warm water. This technique works well in reducing oiliness and pigmentation and brightening your skin tone. Be sure to apply only light massage post shaving for 10 to 15 minutes to avoid irritation.

6. Sunscreen

While there isn't a lot of research about sunscreens, many celebrities swear by sunless tanning and anti-aging serums that promise to keep their skin looking young and glowing. It's all just hype. While skin tone issues can occur due to exposure to too much harmful UV rays, some anti-aging treatments like retinoids, retinol, vitamin C and beta hydroxy acids can actually help fade blemishes. When done right, tanned skin will glow, smooth skin texture and firmness, and reduce signs of aging. Always consult a dermatologist when choosing a sunscreen over a drugstore product.

7. Oral Care

Always maintain healthy oral hygiene to avoid dental problems like gum disease and bad breath. Use mouthwash with fluoride toothpaste to whiten teeth while avoiding sugary drinks and foods high in sugar. If you want to freshen those breath, try brushing your teeth every night. Flossing and regular flushing with a mouthwash can help clean all your gums, teeth, lips and tongue and help prevent plaque buildup that leads to cavities. Mouthwash will also keep the gums moist which prevents bacteria growth. Avoid sucking on sweets and dry fruits and avoid consuming alcohol and refined grains. Do not ignore oral injuries like broken teeth and missing pieces of bone. Consult a dentist immediately if any of these symptoms appear.

8. Moisturise Your Skin

Moisturising your skin may eliminate the look of fine lines and wrinkles on your face, neck and chest which makes them appear smooth, soft and youthful. Choose a lighter foundation with SPF for sensitive skin in summer to avoid discolouring, while a heavier one with sunscreen may work better in winter. Remember to use a proper sunblock with SPF in the morning and at night to protect your skin from damaging ultra violet (UV rays) rays. Also wear loose clothes in direct sunlight and use clothing with multiple layers to prevent tanning. Keep your face covered and protected from harsh rays.

9. Don’t Forget About Daily Facial Hydrating Treatments

Facial hydration is essential to maintain healthy skin. Some natural and DIY hair masks and serums, cleansers, moisturizers and other topical applications with vitamins and minerals, will help replenish dry skin. Make sure that your body needs a certain moisture level to stay hydrated so choose products according to your skin type and then stick to them. Healthy eating habits and drinking plenty of fluids and hydrating water are important to keep from dehydration. So make sure that you eat a balanced diet balanced meals and lots of water. Give yourself 5-10 minutes during the day to get your blood circulate properly by doing aerobic exercise that helps release excess fluid. Don't forget the importance of maintaining optimal skin hydration so never skip your facials.

10. Maintain Normal Eye Health

Avoid exposing your eyes to harsh UVA and UVB radiation from the sun if you are prone to glaucoma and cataracts. Wear protective eye shades during sunny days. Check out Dr Mehmet Oz for customized skincare solutions to improve vision health. Ask him about dermarolling at his office to get rid of dark circles under the eyes and get clear skin. He also has a special program called “Skin Reset” where patients receive laser treatment. Laser removes wrinkles and smoothes the skin. No matter what age you are, you need to take steps to fight against damage to your eyes.


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    BSWritten by Balbo Said

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