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9 Signs Your Body is Asking for Help

With Solution

By Chandrashekhar GoudaPublished about a year ago 5 min read

In this article, I am going to share with you 9 Signs that suggest your body is asking for help. These signs are like warnings that reveal a lot about what's going inside the body. Although, if ignored, these seemingly trivial signals can lead to major health issues. So without any further delay, let's get started.

#9 Whitish nails
Check your nails. Are they pinkish or whitish in colour? You will be amazed to know that practising Ayurveda charayas can state the level of haemoglobin in the blood just by having a glance at somebody's nails. If your nails are pinkish, your hemoglobin is in check. But if they are whitish, its a warning sign of low hemoglobin. Pale face and pale lips are some other signs of low hemoglobin. Low hemoglobin means you lack enough red blood cells to carry adequate oxygen to bodily tissues. If not acted upon, this warning sign can lead to constant fatigue, dizziness and headaches. But one can easily replenish the lost blood count by adding carrots, beetroot and leafy greens in regular diet. If you just drink carrot beetroot juice before breakfast for 30 days and get your hemoglobin checked, you will be astonished.

#8 Smelly Farts
A fart with mild to no odour is completely natural. Although, if your farts are smelly, its not only a nuisance for others around, but also an alarming signal for you. Smelly fart is a clear cut sign that either you are eating something which you are intolerant to or you are eating more than what your body can digest. Its a message from your body, stop overeating. These are common with people who are on high protein diet, since protein is a macronutrient which is not so easy to digest. In Ayurveda, its said, you are not what you eat. You are what you can digest. So, all those high macros on paper hardly matter. Simply, cut down your food and give your digestive system, the much needed rest.

#7 Muscle Cramps
Do you often experience muscle cramps in legs, particularly in the calf area? Its your body giving a signal, supply me with some vitamin E. Deficiency of vitamin E can lead to fast ageing. In a study when patients were given Vitamin E, in 3 months muscle cramps reduced by 68% concluding Vitamin E intake to be ideal for muscle cramping. Sunflower seeds, soaked Almonds, Cashews, Peanuts, desi cow ghee are good sources of vitamin E. Ayurveda suggests that when the body is dry within, it is prone to muscle cramps. Abhyanga that is self body massage using almond oil will really help replenish vitamin e and relieve from muscle cramps.

#6 Pain in Feet
If pain in feet troubles you time and again, be cautious as it is a sign of liver malfunction. You might even face itchy, hot burning feet and bad odour from feet. Its basically body's way of saying that liver is overloaded which is why it is not able to detoxify the waste properly. If not paid heed to, you are inviting problems like skin pigmentation, premature greying of hair, high triglyceride levels and cirrhosis. Cut fatty, sugary, packaged junk and eat homely most of the time. Your liver will breathe a sigh of relief. Ayurveda suggests fresh sugarcane juice often. When sugarcane juice was given to mice with damaged liver, rapid improvement was observed. Thus establishing its liver protective property.

#5 on the list is Round face
Do you find that your face looks a bit puffy and that the jawline isn't clearly visible? This is a clear signal that there is excess water retention in the face and overall body. This generally happens when you are eating way too many carbs. Or your diet is comprises of excessive tablesalt. Or when drinking alcohol is a regular affair. This is why many people complain of a swollen face in morning after partying the previous night. Well, cut these three and your body will naturally flush out surplus water. Exercise reduces water weight by burning the glycogen energy stores. Keep yourself hydrated, your body will have no reason to retain excess water and you can have that sharp look on face.

#4 Dry Flaky Skin
Dry flaky skin, especially around the nose and forehead area is your body's way of saying, I am deficient in omega 3 fatty acids. If ignored, you are risking the health of your brain and heart. A majority of us consume way too many omega 6 fatty acids in the form of oils but omega 3s are almost missing in diet particularly if you are not a sea food eater. Well, you need not spend your money buying fish oil supplements. Walnuts and flaxseeds are two proven vegetarian sources of omega 3. You can snack on 4-5 soaked walnuts. Dry roasted and grounded flaxseeds can be mixed with chapati dough or you can even top them up over porridge.

#3 Anal itching
Is itching around the anus keeping you awake and restless? Or drooling is your problem? Or you grind teeth while sleeping? According to Ayurvedic scriptures, these are all definitive signs of intestinal worms. These worms if not pushed out can cause malnutrition, intestinal blockages and even piles. Its like a tenant asking monthly rent from the house owner. Intestinal worms are more common in children but at times adults too face them. The single most important determining factor is eating food which may have been prepared in unhygienic conditions. First things first, stop the intake of sweets for a while as these worms thrive on sugar. Eating fibre less food will add fuel to fire. On the flipside, food rich in dietary fibre mainly vegetable salads quickly force the intestinal worms out.

#2 Swollen Gums
Check your gums. Do they appear reddish and swollen? Or your gums bleed while brushing? Or they are receding? These are typical signs of vitamin C deficiency. Your gum health is also an indicator of your intestinal health. So, don't ignore. Not need run to a chemist shop. Just include foods like amla, guava, lemon, orange, capsicum in your day to day diet. Gently massaging the gums with a tooth powder stimulates the blood flow allowing fast recovery. Strictly avoid strong mouth washes and start the traditional practice of oil pulling.

#1 White spots on face
Look into a mirror. Do you notice any such white spots? If yes, then this is your body screaming, I need calcium. Tooth decay, cavities and cracking sound in joints are some other familiar signs of calcium deficiency. Why risk your bone health? Milk products, sesame seeds and peanut butter are among of the best sources of calcium. Now, you might be thinking I already eat all these. Then why I am still facing these signs? This is because to absorb calcium, your body needs vitamin D. In a recent study, it was concluded that people who had white spots on face were actually vitamin D deficient. So, to actually fulfil calcium deficiency, don’t just mindlessly pop calcium tablets. Rather focus on vitamin D. Mushrooms and desi cow ghee are potent sources of vitamin D. Ayurveda strongly recommends sunbath as it reloads vitamin D like no other. So, friends! These were those 9 signs and signals which I felt are not only common but are also important. If we remain aware and proactively resolve these often overlooked warning messages, we would save ourselves a lot of trouble.

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About the Creator

Chandrashekhar Gouda


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