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6 Ways To Instantly Boost Your Attractiveness

You don’t have to have plastic surgery or lose weight

By AshleylxPublished 2 years ago 5 min read
6 Ways To Instantly Boost Your Attractiveness
Photo by Yogendra Singh on Unsplash

You know the headlines; ‘everyBODY is beautiful, or ‘love the skin you’re in’…

Does anyone actually think those things?

If you’re in the dating game, or maybe you want to make a solid impression at your new job, looks matter.

Should they, ethically? I don’t know.

But they do. Other people care what we look like, and it’ll probably be like that forever.

Here are a few ways to give yourself a little glow-up.

Wear clothes that fit you

By Heather Ford on Unsplash

I have a friend who’s pretty cute, but she wears clothes that are 10x too small. I’m not trying to be an asshole, but sometimes an article of clothing just… doesn’t fit.

She should be comfortably lounging in at least a 1X, but she squeezes into sizes that are way too small. And I know, stores all have different sizing, but she does this at every damn store.

She’s not ugly. Not at all. She has a pretty smile, smells good, and has nice teeth. She has good makeup skills and is overall a clean person… but she’s literally popping out of every outfit she wears.

I’m not insulting her weight. Even a thin person would look messy if their clothes were too small. It just… ugh.

She complains that she’s gained weight since having her kids, and I get that. But she wouldn’t look big if she stuck to the right sizing.

Sometimes, wearing a bigger size can actually make you look smaller.

I know progressive plus-sized culture says wear what you want and show all your skin no matter what’s on it, and that’s fine. But wear what you want and have it look good.

260 pounds squeezed into PINK white leggings doesn’t attract the attention she’s going for. I understand wanting to fit in with the trends that are popular right now, and I totally get wanting to be comfortable throwing on anything you have in your closet. I’m the comfort-dresser. But how is it comfortable to hang out of your pants?

And God-forbid she goes to an interview, she lets her boobs hang all the way out of her dress shirts.

There’s a way to wear your clothes without letting your clothes wear you.

Work out

By Flo Karr on Unsplash

Not to lose weight, either. It has nothing to do with toning up, getting ripped, or shedding pounds.

Working out boosts endorphins which make you happy. Exercise makes you feel lighter and puts you in a better mood.

I always feel my best on days I’ve gotten up and moved my body. Feeling lethargic, to me, comes from inactivity. The more I lounge around, the more tired and gross I feel.

There’s nothing inspiring about sitting around in sweatpants all day. (Although I do it frequently…)

Good energy and a good mood, plus radiant confidence, go a long way in sending out attractive vibes.

Don’t be obnoxious

By Austin Lowman on Unsplash

My cousin is extremely pretty. She’s also extremely annoying, 38, and can’t keep a boyfriend.

Her personality is entirely to blame.

She’s a drunken court jester.

At every family holiday, she’s in the center of the room hollering with a Coors Light in her hand like a drunken sorority pledge. She loved college, but not for the learning experience. And it was 14 years ago that she graduated… she doesn’t want to grow up.

She’s the loudest person in the room, and she knows it. It’s like she’s proud of it. Her entire life is a cringe-worthy moment. She’s the person you watch from across the room and feel a twinge of

“Ohhhhhh no someone tell her to stop…”

She doesn’t know when enough is enough.

As the ultimate attention whore, it’s like she should be getting paid. But if she’d tone it down she’d be a little more bearable. Maybe even enjoyable…

Know the difference between being outgoing and being in people’s faces. Or, being opinionated and blaring wannabe facts to every person you know. Hollering like a buffoon isn’t cute. On anyone…

Take care of your teeth

By Amir Seilsepour on Unsplash

Your smile is one of the most distinctive parts of your face, and I promise, people notice it. It’s one of the first things people will see.

Romantically speaking, a fresh, clean, well-maintained smile is much more kissable than a stained, yellow, crud-filled one.

Your teeth don’t have to be straight, or the whitest of the white, but basic hygiene can go a long way.

Flossing is a real thing, and it should be done regularly.

The bacteria in your mouth can produce some heinous smells, and sometimes we don’t notice our own bad breath.

Stay on top of that. If you have an interview and your breath is gaseous enough to make the interviewer faint, that’s not the impression you’re trying to leave.

You’d be shocked at how many people neglect their dental health. Don’t be that person…

Keep your nails clean (and don’t bite them)

By Chelson Tamares on Unsplash

Having clean, trimmed, well-taken care of nails is a sign of health and good hygiene. It means that even after doing chores or gardening, you’re washing your hands and not tracking nasty goo all over the place.

Washing your hands (and so many people don’t, it’s absolutely foul) prevents sickness and is one of the simplest ways of protecting your health.

Without fail, almost every time I pee in public restroom, I hear some dingbat walk out without even turning on the faucet.



This is why the pandemic spread as far as it did.

People piss, touch their privates, and don’t scrub their hands down. Then the next ignorant someone wanders in and touches the previous person’s private juice. And then their own. And then the handle.

Fuck, that's disgusting.

And please…DO NOT chew on your nails, for the love of God, don’t. The amount of germs under them is repulsive, and putting them into your mouth is revolting. Nail-biting/chewing has always been a dealbreaker for me. I’m not kissing those lips.

Drink more water

By mrjn Photography on Unsplash

Water is crucial for our health to begin with, but it benefits every aspect of our lives.

Our bodies run on water, so make sure you’re fueling it properly.

Drinking your correct water intake (half of your body weight in ounces) will make you look better. People are instinctively attracted to people who look healthy, and water does that.

Water makes you glow because it clears your skin and keeps you looking young.

It’s the best anti-aging potion there is. No need for Olay when your kitchen sink will do it for you. (Although you shouldn’t neglect your skincare routine)

By Icons8 Team on Unsplash

Not everything about attraction has to come from makeup, designer clothing, and having a supermodel figure.

Sometimes it’s the little things that count the most.

** This post was published on Medium first. You can read it here.


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I write what I'm thinking, and sometimes it makes sense.

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