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The Indie Artist

The Introduction

By Bridget Sarai Published 4 years ago 5 min read

I guess I should start with an introduction. Hello, I'm Bridget Sarai. Ive been singing for as long as i can remember. It all started with me playing the CEO of white noise in the soundtrack of my family's life. We all know that kid that sat in the back seat and sang songs at random or loudly challenged the Muzak playing in the department store like they were in the top ten of American Idol. Well yep, I was that kid! Im positive I’ve heard every possible way one can say hush in the English language. Luckily I didn’t let it stop me. I kept singing and my parents finally got the hint that I wasn’t going to give up this annoying little habit. Luckily they signed me up for acting and singing lessons and I in turned dragged them to the local community theatre group. I auditioned for “A Christmas Carol”, fully expecting to win the coveted role of Tiny Tim. There I was a complete novice in the professional world of musical theatre, going to my first audition. I conveniently left out that my absolute and first audition was an acting gig where the director thought I was a natural and perfect for a starring movie role, until I refused to recite my lines for the fourth time at the tender age of four. It went something like this,

Director: Hello Bridget, say “Mommy can we go to the toy store”

Bridget: No I said that already I’m tired of saying it.

Director : She’s not ready

Back to A Christmas Carol, I didn’t get the role, I was however cast as random “Cratchit Family member”. I had one line “Why Mother they’re here”. I gave a Tony & Oscar worthy performance believe you me! Feel free to meet my early ambition of grandeur with blank stares and laughter.

Its best that we fast forward to middle school, I won the starring role in every musical production including Annie! Yes I an African American female played the red headed, curly haired, orphan we all know and love. I actually beat out a girl who was a dead ringer for the role curly red hair and all. Boy was that the gust of wind in my sail that NO ONE needed. I then auditioned for the Los Angeles County High School for the Arts. I got in and started singing with their vocal jazz group the summer BEFORE I actually started school. This is however where we took a turn. You would think being in a like minded environment with hundreds of kids who thought their talent reigned supreme would be a dream. Nope not at all, it was actually quite the opposite. The self doubt, insecurity, and confusion that became my best friend during this time was exhausting. I pushed thru and I truly doubt anyone even noticed how I shrunk myself to do just enough to get a good grade but was definitely not the star. My confidence got better as the years went on, my friends would book me for gigs outside of school with them. I started getting more solos and was starting to come into my own. Next thing you know it's time to start looking at College options.

I attended a summer camp for Berklee College of Music and LOVED every minute of it. At this point I made it my mission to earn a scholarship to Berklee College of Music, and I did just that. Enter my freshman year, hello self doubt, and insecurity how nice of you to join me in College as well. Gotta love lifelong friends. Sidebar have you ever had that person or many people in your life who have always been a reflection of everything you’re lacking, just constantly pointing it out and reminding you that you are far from greatness. Lets call this person/people Cameron ( I literally just picked a unisex name at random) Cameron would make appearances in my life throughout the years. College was no different, I felt like Cameron was growth living on my brain. I didn’t start to gain my confidence back until my senior year, talk about wasted opportunity and time. Being one that never quite grasp the concept of practicing makes perfect, go figure insert blank stare and judgement, I was floored to find out everyone had been practicing in their spare time. To say I felt cheated and betrayed would be an understatement. Yes I truly believed people were going up on stage and just spewing out absolute greatness the same way I was spewing mediocrity. I never practiced on my own outside of class. I was floored, you mean to tell me everyone was going back to their rooms or practice rooms and honing their craft? I thought those practice rooms were ill equipped napping pods well before their time. A place to hide from the every so prevalent unicorns who just opened their mouths and sounded like Whitney Houston, Stevie Wonder, Bonnie Raitt, and Anita Baker to me. As you could imagine I needed to be plucked from the shattered pieces of my existence when I found a Cameron in one of those very practice rooms PRACTICING!

Sadly this still didn’t crack the case I tried it but my habits of non practice would win me over most of the time. In my defense I was winning some of the same accolades with no practice so I was complacent. You would think I would eventually realize that I would be unstoppable if I would only practice. Nope I still struggle with this today, even Mr. Buckholtz in 7th grade told my mother this would be my downfall. Well here I am college graduated, fully supporting myself for the last 7 years as a session singer, touring background singer, and now embarking on the journey of being an Independent Artist.

Now that you’ve gain insight into my early and humbling beginnings, come take a ride with me as I give you a rare look inside what its like in this crazy world of entertainment. I go thru extreme highs and lows as I navigate thru this ever changing world. I plan to make this series an outlet for my thoughts, hopes, and dreams as I figure it all out. Usually you see this untold story once someone has “made it”, well lets dare to be different and watch it unfold as its happening in real time. See you soon.


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