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I'm Surviving

By Merlin MystiquePublished 7 years ago 3 min read

Hi there! I'm Yannick. I am a singer who happens to be a survivor.

In 2015, I released an EDM single titled "Sustaining" from my upcoming album The Chronicles of the Priestess. Look for this album by fall of 2018. I guarantee that it will bless your life.

I got the inspiration for "Sustaining" after a spat with people that I admired, a failed relationship, and a vengeful ex-lover. The song is a proclamation that regardless of what evil that may come my way, I am not backing down. I refuse to allow anything or anybody to kill me off. I'm not easily broken.

My former mentors told me that even though I'm a free spirit of sorts, I could not survive and I didn't matter. I was condemned for simply being true to myself. Never mind that I was talented, approachable, kind, and a loving soul.

One toxic relationship taught me that I do not have to put up with someone else's unclaimed baggage. I learned that in order to sustain and maintain my well-being, I must get rid of everything that could kill me and poison me. Therefore, I had to let my ex-boyfriend take responsibility for his own mess.

Even though I had broken up with love, revenge and blackmail was thrown my way. Some objectionable pictures of me were leaked. Rumors were spread and I even had a former friend attempt to fight me over that ex. The former friend even tried to accuse me of some serious crimes, but the world quickly found out how much a fraud that they were.

Thankfully, that former friend saw the light and saw that my ex-boyfriend was no good for them and that I was the best thing to happen to them since sliced bread.

Through lies, devastation, depression, I have pressed and I have obtained my liberation. It was a necessary journey that caused me to write "Sustaining" from the depths of my soul.

I chose to write "Sustaining" as a dance hit because liberation will cause you to dance. Oppression causes you to weep, but freedom allows you to soar. My intent with "Sustaining" is to make you dance until the chains fall off your joints. Life will influence you to express yourself in a way that you did not think was valuable.

With "Sustaining," you will hear the vocal influences of Phyllis Hyman, Nina Simone, Sylvester, Beyonce, Leela James, and many other influential, iconic artists. This selection is a hit that will make you dance.

The kicks of the bass drum, the strums of guitar strings, and the heavenly vocals will take you to a place of victory. Your heart, bones, and hair will begin to shake, rattle, and roll as you shake off everything that may have tried to hold you captive.

As the background sings, "I'm sustaining. I'm maintaining," listeners will know that through pain and suffering, they too can survive and reach their destiny. The pain that you have been through is not going to kill you. It will make you stronger and wiser. You will come out better than before.

You may be devastated at the beginning of the song, but I guarantee that you will be liberated by the end.

"Sustaining" was created to encourage, educate, express, and give every personal attack a lethal blow. "Sustaining will send an uplifting aura of sound that will captivate your entire being on the first play.

Keep sustaining and keep pushing. You are a survivor. Always sustain, maintain, realize, and survive. Your destiny will be fulfilled.

Available on Spotify, Tidal, and all musical outlets.

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About the Creator

Merlin Mystique

Hi. I'm Merlin. I'm a Black Transgender Woman. This is My Evolution

Twitter MerinMystique

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