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Smart Guitars. Specifically: Lava Me 3

How do they work? Features? And why are so many people against them?

By Jay,when I writePublished 2 years ago 4 min read

Note: I have not bought/been given one. I've read reviews on Google, watched Youtube videos, and I've read Youtube comments acting as reviews

I only have my own regular degular electric guitar

Let's focus on Lava ME 3 guitars. They're the smartest of smart guitars apparently (or at least the newest ones I've been hearing the most about). They're about 1,00o...which doesn't seem real becuase they're like...smartguitars (but who am I to say that when I spent a measly $...I don't even remember how much my electric guitar was... that's how not close it was to $1000 it came out to be). I want to see why so many people either love or hate them. Then, I'll share my thoughts.

What do they come with?

1. A small touchscreen

2. A system that doesn't need mobile connection, and supports Wi-Fi and Bluetooth

3. A recorder

4. A tuner

5. A metronome

6. Effects that you can adjust to get the tone you want

7. And a trainer/ practice app with different modes to focus on different skills like listening, and you even get feedback

8. They come in a few different colors (blue, gray, red etc.)

Complaints I've seen/heard

I first looked at comments on the Lava Me 2 and saw people that had a few complaints about the bridge being slightly off, and how nothing was adjustable. I've also seen a few complaints about the tech support for them. Not being able to get help and get them fixed easily would be something that'd scare me. If you buy a guitar from an instrument store, or a friend, then they would know what to do. It would also be easy to google the issue. Whereas with these, you may need extra help that won't be so readily given.

As for Lava ME 3, I've seen people talk about how it sounds soulless. But, this would depend on whether or not you believe the guitar is to blame, or the guitarist. Would it not? How much is the guitar to blame?

Most of the Youtube videos actually look like ads, so I mainly stuck with honest comments under those videos made by others, and reviews found other places.

No one seems to mention the tone or

Other things that may scare someone away:

1. The logevity- I mean, they are smart guitars. They may mess up like a phone due to weather, or just time. Will they hold up for ten years like a regular guitar?

2. This goes with longevity-The battery and the screen. What if they get wonky or just stop working?

3. They seem slippery-A youtube commenter talked about theirs sliding off of their lap frequently, and I wonder if that would be a big problem. Look at it, it does seem slippery

I've listened to a few videos. Here are two of my favorites. I've actually decided I prefer it unplugged, because it sounds less... "smart guitar" that way. Less manufactured. Listen to the first two to compare them and hear what I mean.

I recommend watching: Seiji Igusa's videos on Youtube to listen to it being played or Darrell Braun Guitar's video on Youtube to listen to a review/it being played.

My opinions:

I think that the anger from the guitar community is uncalled for. I get it, they are "gimmicky" that isn't necessarily a bad thing. It's just a fact. They have an interesting selling point. They will not make other guitars obsolete because other people will want to keep their own guitars (me) or stick with the traditional ones. They seem pretty interesting and like a nice addition to the collection if you're into cool guitars. I think that if I had the funds, I'd go for it...maybe. I'm not incredibly interested in them, but I don't think they're bad from what I've seen. I've heard some great covers on them, and some lackluster ones. But, I love how sleek they are and how many features you can have at your fingertips. Especially as someone who tries to create their own songs. Imagine recording a song using one thing, no phone, no nothing. Just the guitar. Seems cool.

What do you think?


About the Creator

Jay,when I write



23, Black, queer, yup

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