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"Little Numbers," Big Excitement: Getting Cozy with BOY at the TLA (Concert Review)

Reminiscing About an Unusually Cozy Concert at Philadelphia's TLA

By Ashley Hans: Philly Music VocalizerPublished 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago 4 min read
PHOTO CREDIT: Lauren McLean/Queen McLean Media

You know how sometimes you hear a song and immediately it reminds you of a certain event in your life? Maybe it reminds you of meeting an old flame. Or of your eighth grade semi-formal. Or of a particularly debaucherous sorority party in college. For me, whenever I hear the irresistibly catchy indie-pop song from BOY, "Little Numbers," I immediately get flashbacks to October of 2013. That's when I saw one of my favorite and most unique live shows I've ever witnessed at the Theatre of the Living Arts (TLA) in Philadelphia. That's when BOY was headlining for an especially cozy and comfortable concert at the TLA in Philly.

PHOTO CREDIT: Lauren McLean/Queen McLean Media

Now, I got this BOY flashback very recently, when I was driving around Chester County listening to music. Sometimes I'll do that. I'll take the long way home for the sole purpose of listening to and (re-)finding music. I have 7,018 songs on my phone.

That's not a little number. It's a pretty big one. It's how many songs my nearly-filled-to-the-brim iPhone contains. All at my driving disposal. I had my iPhone set to shuffle under the "Songs" category. I often do that, as opposed to listening to one of my predefined and carefully curated playlists, for the chance of stumbling across a never-before-heard gem. Or an I-haven't-heard-in-a-while gem. Such as "Little Numbers." Without Genius Shuffle turned on, that means there was a 1 in 7,018 chance my phone would play any given track. Which is a 0.000142% probability that BOY's "Little Numbers" would come on. Now THAT is a little number.

For those not in the know, the band BOY is certainly not a boy band. Nor is BOY a band comprised of boys. BOY is a Swiss/German lady pop duo comprised of lead singer Valeska Steiner and bassist Sonja Glass.

After what seemed liked years of waiting, the night of Saturday, October 5th, 2013 FINALLY arrived. Die hübschen europäischen indie-pop goddesses performed at the TLA during their first-ever USA tour. To say I was über-excited would've been an unter-statement.

BOY was touring in support of their debut studio album Mutual Friends, first released in Germany on the independent German label Grönland Records in 2011. In the same year, 2011, BOY won the "Hamburg's Newcomer of the Year" category for the Hamburg Musician Prize HANS. The next year, in mid-2012, BOY's song "Little Numbers" was featured in Lufthansa Airline's Business class advertisement. With all this "Hans" love, meiner Nachname, I can't help but feel the love. I'm sure neither could BOY. In 2012 Mutual Friends was released by British music label Decca in the UK. Mutual Friends additionally won the 2012 European Border Breakers Award (EBBA). The next year, in 2013, the album was released in North America by Nettwerk Records, which brings us to BOY's sensational show in Philadelphia for their first-ever national tour of the United States.

If I had to describe BOY's concert in one word, it would've been "cozy." The TLA took on an unusual living room vibe on that fated and special Saturday night, which isn't an energy I've ever felt before (or since) at South Street's Theatre of the Living Arts. At World Café Live, MilkBoy, and the now defunct Tin Angel? Sure. But quaintness isn't typically associated with rock venues. However, Sonja Glass and Valeska Steiner's friendly banter only added to the cozy vibe. Though the dynamic dames are from Europe, not the States, the duo's charm had a beguiling way of making you feel at home.

PHOTO CREDIT: Lauren McLean/Queen McLean Media

There wasn't a huge crowd at the show, but the crowd there was comprised of totally smitten BOY supporters. "Oh my God! They're SO cute!' was a comment I heard more than once. True, the comment was made partly because the gorgeous gals are easy on the eyes. But mostly, people were saying that because of BOY's personality. It was whimsical and endearing.

Towards the end of the set, Sonja says in her thick German accent, "Last time vee vere in Philadelphia vee made a promise. And vee alvays keep our promises."

Then Sonja puts a baseball cap on her head, turns it sideways, and she and Valeska bust out with the theme song to The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air. It was adorable. Everyone's heart melted right there on the spot. Valeksa, bopping up and down like a hip-hop artist, knew each and every word to the song. I'm FROM Philly, I've watched the show dozens of times, and even I don't know all the words to Fresh Prince's theme song. BOY is such a great act to catch live because it's refreshing to see artists who not only love what they do, but who also have fun doing what they love.

PHOTO CREDIT: Lauren McLean/Queen McLean Media

"Little Numbers," the last song of the show (not counting two encore songs) was the highlight of my night. I say that not because of how much I love "Little Numbers." I say that because of Valeska's reaction when everyone started singing the song along with her.

Her smile was ear-to-ear. Glowing with happiness and legitimately blown away, Valeska took out her earpiece just so she could hear the audience better. She was soaking up her fans' love as if it were a sweet Riesling from the Rhein. I bet it was an experience she'll never forget. I know I won't either.


About the Creator

Ashley Hans: Philly Music Vocalizer

Indie music lovers pride themselves on having an eclectic taste in music; so do I. But there are two differences between the pretentious masses and me. One, my taste is better. Two, I'm not pretentious.

(e): [email protected]

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