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How to use music to enhance your productivity and creativity

Effects of music on human behaviour, productivity, creativity

By Alex HarrisPublished about a year ago 3 min read
Photo by Ivan Samkov


Do you ever experience difficulty concentrating or coming up with fresh ideas while working? Have you ever thought about utilising music to increase your creativity and productivity? Many people use music to increase the quantity and quality of their work. But in what precise ways does music influence our actions, creativity, and productivity? In this article, we will explore the effects of music on human behaviour and provide some tips on how to use music to enhance your productivity and creativity.

Types of music that boost creativity

Have you ever noticed how certain musical genres, tempos, rhythms, lyrics, and moods may affect your ability to be creative? According to studies, music can improve creative performance by stimulating the right hemisphere of the brain, which is in charge of imagination and creativity. For instance, it has been demonstrated that listening to classical music, particularly baroque music, enhances creativity and problem-solving abilities. Additionally, moderately paced, simple jazz and instrumental music can inspire creativity. On the other hand, fast-paced music or music with distracting lyrics can be detrimental to creative endeavours.

Consider the type of project you're working on, your personal preferences, and the qualities of the music that have been proven to enhance creativity when selecting the best music for your creative tasks. Try out various playlists and music genres to see which ones suit you the best.

Productivity music playlist

Music can also help you focus, concentrate, motivate, and energize yourself for work. The right music can create a conducive environment for productivity by blocking out distractions, reducing stress, and increasing arousal levels. A productivity music playlist should include music that is instrumental, has a moderate tempo, and has low complexity. Music that is familiar and has a positive association can also be effective in motivating you to work.

Creating a personalized music playlist for work is easy. Choose your preferred music streaming platform, create a playlist, and select the music that meets the productivity criteria mentioned above. You can also search for existing playlists that have been designed for productivity.

The science behind music and Productivity

The effects of music on productivity are not just anecdotal; there is a scientific explanation for them. Research has shown that music affects the brain, the nervous system, the hormones, and the emotions. Music can trigger the release of dopamine, a neurotransmitter associated with pleasure and motivation, which can increase focus and energy levels.

Moreover, music can reduce cortisol levels, a hormone associated with stress, which can improve the ability to concentrate and recall information. Music also has a positive impact on mood, reducing negative emotions like anxiety and depression, which can improve overall work performance.

Overall, music can influence mood in several ways, depending on the type of music, the individual's preferences and experiences, and the context in which it is listened to. By understanding how music affects our emotions, we can use it to our advantage to regulate our moods, enhance our emotional wellbeing, and improve our overall quality of life.

To optimize the benefits of music for productivity, consider the time of day, the type of work you're doing, and the volume of the music. Listening to music in the morning can set the tone for the day while adjusting the volume to a moderate level can help block out distractions without being too loud or too quiet.


In conclusion, music can be a powerful tool for enhancing productivity and creativity. The type of music you choose to listen to, the playlist you create, and the science behind music and productivity all play a role in its effectiveness. By experimenting with different types of music, creating a personalized playlist, and optimizing the benefits of music, you can take advantage of the positive effects of music on human behaviour. Start incorporating music into your work routine and see the positive impact it can have on your productivity and creativity.

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About the Creator

Alex Harris

Hey, I'm Alex - a music reviewer with a passion for the latest beats and melodies. My style is energetic, with puns and pop culture references. Stick around for fresh perspectives on the hottest albums and artists!"

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