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From Stage to Screen to Live Concert

How I came to know about 1D

By Maya Papaya Published 4 years ago 6 min read

Many have seen the rise of One Direction in the glory days of the X-Factor. They all started out as solo singers looking for a big break. The judges deemed them decent but not good enough to win on their own.

They were given the crushing blow to leave the studio and it was at that moment that Simon, of all the judges, came to the rescue. He saw something in each of them that could be great as a group. He gave them a second chance!

He was the first to believe in them and expected great things. And did they deliver!

Going right to the top of the fan's hearts they took a blow by ending in third. Not many months later they were performing on stage.

Now as someone who had seen so many of her friends fall head over heels for a song, I did not think much of them. People kept bringing them up and screaming in my ear that they were perfect. I snorted and shook my head as I buried my nose back in my book.

I just did not get it.

Then the movie One Direction: This Is Us premiered in August 2013.

Around this time, I had a friend who was a hardcore fan of theirs and begged me to go to the movie with her and even payed for me just so I could be exposed to them! How could I say no?

So we went to the theater and this was actually towards the end of its life on the big screen before the DVD came out. We were able to get a whole screening for ourselves.

Now of course she tried to prepare me for what I was about to see. She was letting me know what stereotypical role of these guys in the group. (Zayn the mysterious and brooding one, Liam the father, Louis the prankster, Harry the hot one, and Niall the happy one) She also told me that her favorite was Harry, as she pulled out her phone to show me the picture.

That had to have been the first time I paid attention to how they all looked. It was a shock to me why people had a favorite because they were all good-looking.

It was at the time were Harry and Liam looked similar to each other in haircuts which is how I distinguished them. I noticed the guy with a shock of blonde hair and asked her who he was.

I may have had a thing for blonde hair and blue eyes. So of course I fell for him. Then I hear he was Irish and she played a clip of him talking and the accent was beautiful.

However, I wanted to know more of the band.

She then introduced me to a song that was put on repeat and I made no effort to say anything to change that fact.

Of course their most iconic song that every girl fell in love with.

We of course had a great time at the movie and I left wanting to know more. I had then caught up with most of their songs. I had been pulled into other fandoms, but came back when I heard that their band had broken up.

I was vaguely aware that Zayn Malik left to find himself as a performer because he was not happy towards the end. I did not fault him for leaving but I was never really invested in his solo career.

That wasn't the only break up. The other boys had a good run, but parted ways in the end. I was interested in the story and wanted to see where everyone would end up.

So who was the first that I caught up with?

None other than Niall Horan who had taken off as a solo artist along with Liam Payne. At the time Harry Styles was more in the movie industry and did rather well because of his name.

Of all of the One Direction members, I was never worried that Harry would leave the world of performing. He was born for the stage. He was always unapologetically himself and I was able to vibe with him a whole lot more than the others.

Liam is a strong singer and one that will take over the music industry and has.

Louis, who up until recently has stayed out of the lime light, had a life outside of music that he could survive and thrive in.

And that leaves one last member. . .

Niall Horan was one that I took the most interest in as right after the band breaking up he was topping charts with his single 'Slow Hands'. He then went on to perform, do interviews, make appearances in golf, and was able to develop a style of his own in music.

His voice has gotten so much more beautiful and strong. Seeing him on stage with a guitar is also a welcome change to the dancing and messing around that was prevalent as I looked back on older videos of the band.

While I loved all of the boys together in the band, for they had such a great dynamic, I also think that they grew into the singers that they wanted to be as well. They learned from each other and helped each other with vocal techniques, range, confidence, and emotional support when the world was wanting a lot from them.

I can only imagine what solo artists from day one have to go through when you see what happens with even just bands, especially at young ages.

I still want to see a reunion of these amazing people!

Overall, I never lost my interest in Niall as I got to see more of him and his personality in interviews, older videos, and of course the social media platforms.

I have always admired the way he seemed to be so lighthearted. His smile would light up a room and his laugh was infectious. He was a genuine person with everything he did and he attracted many good people.

He is very talented with music as well and it is evident that he loves and cares not only about the music but about creating a connection with the people who hear it. He makes an effort to reach out and connect directly through lives, stories, constant updates throughout platforms, and in interviews as well.

He was a part of my childhood crushes that showed me more and more that I loved the personality underneath. I am so grateful to have learned that lesson and continually look for the personality over looks.

But they don't hurt!

And one last picture just because I find him adorable <3

Thank you so much for your time and your patience with indulging a fangirl's story! I don't think you ever lose that part of yourself. If you want to follow more of my 'Embarrassing Crush Saga' (part 2) click here.


About the Creator

Maya Papaya

A creative at heart but a squirrel for a brain. Making the actual completion of anything is yet to be determined 😂

I am a content creator, writer, and world traveler (still getting to the last part)

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