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5 Things BTS Taught Me & Change Me Completely!

I am glad to be introduced to them a while ago.

By eiidakhaleedaPublished 4 years ago 3 min read

Who would have thought that being a Korean pop (k-pop) fan can change my view in life?

At first, I always am skeptical about K-pop artists because honestly, I am shallow and ignorant. Same like others, I thought that K-pop is nothing other than a plastic surgery face and fake talent. Boy, I was completely wrong.

"Don't hate too much because you might love the things that you hate," they said.

I was first introduced to BTS thru a reality program called Weekly Idol. I have never heard of the group and their songs before (this is during the 'I Need You' era).

However, I love how they promote themselves as a group and enjoyed the show and their songs as well. After that, I did my research and find out about their old songs.

I remember listening to their debut song, 'No More Dream', and reading the English translation, it hits me so deep and since that, I am a fan.

Many will wonder, what is it so special about BTS? Why are they taking over the world? What is it about seven-man on a stage that is different than other idols out there?

Here, I would like to share five important things that I learn from BTS that completely change my view about life.

Love yourself

The importance of self-loving. We keep hearing about this for god's know how long but there are only a few who practice it. What BTS taught me is that before you want someone to love you, you have to love yourself first. Learn to love your imperfection, your flaws, your good traits.

There is nothing good that comes from self-loathing and it will only eat you alive.

It is okay to dream

Source: Google

Having a dream is good. It can be your goal to achieve it. For someone who did research on BTS's success, I still have goosebumps knowing that they come from a small company and now manage to be known in the entire world.

From less than 100 people comes on the first fan-meeting to top-selling stadium and dome concert tour all over the world. People will do everything to go to their concert. They manage to makes their dream come true, what about us?

Hard work pays off!

Source: Google

There is no short cut to success. BTS's success did not come overnight. As the title of their song 'Blood, Sweat, and Tears', it takes all that for them to be in this position. And that is the sweetest success!

Success comes with great responsibilities

Source: Unicef

With a massive number of fans, BTS also has a lot of haters. However, that does not bring them down. They continue to spread love and not hate. They are also generous in giving back to people. They started the Love Yourself campaign and they always reminded their fans to take care of their health.

Once, BTS was invited to give a speech at the United Nations (UN) and it gains a lot of attention.

"I am who I am today, with all my faults. Tomorrow I might be a tiny bit wiser, and that's me, too.

"These faults and mistakes are what I am, making up the brightest stars in the constellation of my life. I have come to love myself for who I was, who I am, and who I hope to become," Kim Namjoon, 2018.

It is okay to take a break once in a while

Source: Google

Burn The Stage: The Movie and Bring The Soul: The Movie can be considered a generous gift for Army (BTS fandom) from BTS. In the movie, fans can see all the hard work the boys did for them in order to spread the love.

However, there are also times where fans can see how exhausted their life can be. But, they endured everything to appreciate the support and love they received from the fans.

Seeing this, fans beg them to rest and gain back their health and they happily comply. When the news came out where BTS will take a long break of two months, all Army rejoiced with this news.

The bond between the fans and BTS is remarkable and it is such a beautiful sight to see.

Source: Google

For those who still don't get it why BTS receives so much love these days, take a step back and look around. In my humble opinion, this is the true meaning of success and their footstep should be followed by others.

What do you think?


About the Creator


A writer I Love Travelling I Book-Lover I Kpop-lover

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