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15 Times Niall Horan was a Complete Mood

He is a gift that keeps on giving

By GabiPublished 4 years ago 3 min read

When it comes to being relatable and bringing a broad range of mood-worthy gifs and tweets, just like his writing and musical talents, Niall Horan has it in the bag.

Through the years, Niall has been known as the nice, blond Irish member of One Direction. Usually one to keep to himself, and the least likely to get papped in random places. Overall, the Mullingar native has been able to keep a mostly low profile in comparison to his former bandmates, but that hasn’t stalled his star power, likability and overall ability to make every one fall in love his laid-back nature, infectious laugh and upbeat spirit. Something else that has made him incredibly loved – aside from his stellar music of course – has been the plethora of relatable content he has provided everyone to plaster all over their Tumblr blogs.

Between his time as a member of One Direction or now, as a solo artist, there is just no denying the meme-ability of the 26year old. So, with that in mind, let us run down just a few of the times Niall James Horan was a complete mood.

When you catch your best friend making a cheeky comment in the middle of a conversation and your heart swells with pride

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Friends who make a double entendre together, stay together.

Those moments when you’re out with friends and just space out and wonder why you ever agreed to be there, in that moment. Which ultimately leaves you to just awkwardly chuckle at something even though you have no idea what it is, but you literally just got back from your day dream and need to have some semblance of normalcy.

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We've all been there.

When you’re about to cook or just clean around the house but .3 seconds in, your mom jumps from the shadows to tell you, you’re already doing it wrong.

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Shout out to mums.

When your crush looks over at you, and you lose all ability to play it cool.

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Let’s be real though, did you ever really have it in you to play it cool?

When your friends just randomly bring up something stupid you said, years ago

I thought we agreed to never speak of that again!

Knowing the selfie you just attempted to take looks more Tales from the Crypt than it does Vogue.

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It’s been a rough few months for everyone, alright. Excuse me for looking like a zombie film extra.

Some days you just really want to be on your own, and that’s okay.

Just leave me with my feelings, Linda! Additionally, go stream “On My Own” by Niall Horan on Spotify.

When food is the main priority

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Sorry, what was that? I couldn’t hear you over my chewing.

"When you try your best but don't succeed"

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Niall, if by any chance you should see this, I am sorry for bringing this back.

I mean...

...does this even need a caption?

When your friend tells you to subtly look at the hot guy behind you.

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clearly forgetting that “subtle”, is not in your vocabulary.

When waiting to get to a bed, just isn’t in the cards.

Bed? Who needs a bed? Just leave me here, thanks.

When you’re absolutely done with everybody’s nonsense.

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Look, my caring meter is literally at an all-time low.

When you know someone is spewing a bunch of Bullsh*t.

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No, no. Do go on.

When you need to take a moment to appreciate the vision, that is your crush.

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Same Niall. Same.

In conclusion, he really is the best and we love him.

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Now go on and stream Heartbreak Weather on Spotify.

Note: Credit for unsourced gifs go completely to the owner


About the Creator


Always tired.

@gabelisabetta on Instagram

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