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10 Best Songs About Paris

The City of Love in Melody: A Musical Journey

By Lyndon PacePublished 9 months ago 3 min read
10 Best Songs About Paris
Photo by Chris Karidis on Unsplash

Ah, Paris! The city of love, lights, and legendary music.

From the enchanting streets of Montmartre to the majestic Eiffel Tower, Paris has inspired countless artists to pen melodies that capture its essence.

Let's embark on a musical journey through the city, exploring ten of the best songs about Paris, each with its unique story and emotion.

10. "Little French Song" by Carla Bruni

Picture a quaint Parisian alley.

Carla Bruni's "Little French Song" is that alley, filled with the scent of morning coffee and the distant hum of a violin.

Bruni, once a model, now serenades us with a tune as delicate as lace curtains fluttering from a Montmartre window.

It's Paris in a melody: intimate, charming, and utterly irresistible.

9. "Les Champs-Élysées" by Joe Dassin


That's the essence of Joe Dassin's tribute to the world-renowned Champs-Élysées.

It's a song that dances, twirls, and celebrates the avenue's bustling life. From dawn's first light to the shimmering twilight, Dassin captures it all.

Tourists, locals, laughter, whispers - life in its myriad forms, all on one iconic street.

8. "I Love Paris" by Ella Fitzgerald

Ella Fitzgerald's voice?


Her rendition of "I Love Paris"?

Pure magic.

Jazz intertwines with tales of Parisian seasons. Winter's chill, spring's bloom, summer's warmth, and autumn's golden hues - Fitzgerald makes you feel them all.

It's not just a song; it's a sensory journey.

7. "Sous le Ciel de Paris" by Édith Piaf

Édith Piaf, Paris's very own sparrow, sings a tale as old as time. "Sous le Ciel de Paris" is a mosaic of city life.

Lovers on bridges. Children's laughter echoing in Montmartre. The elderly reminiscing over past glories.

Piaf captures the soul of Paris, raw and unfiltered.

6. "Paris sera toujours Paris" by Maurice Chevalier

Maurice Chevalier's melody is a jubilant ode to Paris's spirit.

Through wars, storms, and time itself, Paris stands undeterred. Chevalier celebrates this resilience.

His song?

A lively dance through rain-soaked streets, where every corner holds a memory, every note a promise of tomorrow.

"Revoir Paris" by Charles Trenet

Ah, the bittersweet longing of returning. Trenet's "Revoir Paris" is a melancholic waltz through memory lanes and boulevards of yesteryears.

The song, with its hauntingly beautiful chords, evokes the feeling of seeing Paris again after a long absence.

Imagine the Seine's shimmering waters greeting you like an old friend, the Notre-Dame's bells ringing in joyous reunion.

It's nostalgia, wrapped in notes and lyrics.

"April In Paris" by Ella Fitzgerald & Louis Armstrong

Spring in Paris is a spectacle. Fitzgerald and Armstrong capture this marvel in "April In Paris."

Short bursts of trumpet notes mimic the playful breezes, while Ella's voice, smooth as silk, paints a scene of cherry blossoms and lovers sharing stolen glances in the Luxembourg Gardens.

It's a song that feels like a warm April sun on your face after a long winter.

"Free Man in Paris" by Joni Mitchell


That's the essence Mitchell captures in this song.

Paris, for many, is an escape—a place to shed the weight of expectations and just be.

Mitchell's lyrics tell a tale of a man unburdened by fame, wandering the Parisian streets, lost in thought and wonder.

The song's rhythm, sporadic and unpredictable, mirrors the heartbeat of a city that never sleeps.

"Paris" by The Chainsmokers

Modern, pulsating, and electric.

The Chainsmokers' "Paris" is a far cry from the classic ballads of old, yet it captures a new facet of the city. It speaks to the younger generation, those who seek solace in neon lights and rooftop parties.

The song's catchy beats and lyrics tell a story of escapism, of finding oneself amidst the city's towering skyscrapers and bustling nightlife.

"Paris In The Rain" by Lauv

Rain in Paris is not just weather; it's an emotion. Lauv's "Paris In The Rain" is a testament to that.

The gentle pitter-patter of raindrops, the cobblestone streets glistening under the lamplight, lovers sharing an umbrella as they wander aimlessly—Lauv captures it all.

The song is a gentle embrace, a reminder that even in the rain, Paris is beautiful.


From the nostalgic lanes of Trenet's Paris to the vibrant beats of The Chainsmokers, these songs showcase the city's multifaceted charm. Paris, with its timeless allure, continues to inspire artists across generations, each song a new love letter to the city's ever-beating heart.

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Lyndon Pace

Content specialist based in sunny Singapore.

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