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10 Best NDP Songs in Singapore

Rhythms of the Little Red Dot: Singapore's Most Iconic NDP Songs

By Lyndon PacePublished 9 months ago 3 min read
10 Best NDP Songs in Singapore
Photo by Rogan Yeoh on Unsplash

Singapore, a mosaic of old-world charm and new-age dynamism, has always used music as a canvas to paint its evolving identity.

The songs from the National Day Parade (NDP) stand as a testament to this. They aren't mere tunes; they're the pulse of the nation.

Let's journey deeper into the stories behind ten of these iconic songs.

10. Home (1998) by Kit Chan

Memorable Line: "This is home, truly, where I know I must be."

"Home" is more than a song. It's an emotion.

Crafted by Dick Lee, it's a gentle whisper to every Singaporean's soul, reminding them of their roots. It's not just the older folks who hum its tune. The youth, too, find comfort in its words.

During the pandemic, many overseas Singaporeans played "Home" to bridge the distance with their homeland.

9. We Are Singapore (1987 and 2018)

Memorable Line: "We are Singapore, we are Singapore. We will stand together, hear the lion roar!"

Timeless. That's "We Are Singapore." It's a song that charts Singapore's meteoric rise.

The 2018 rendition added a modern twist, celebrating the nation's diverse cultural fabric.

Schools play it. People, young and old, sing it. It's everywhere, from local eateries to grand National Day spectacles.

8. The Road Ahead (2021)

Memorable Line: "We did it before, and we'll do it again."

Released amidst global upheaval, "The Road Ahead" shines as a symbol of hope.

It recognizes the pandemic's shadows but also celebrates Singapore's enduring spirit.

Frontline workers found solace in its melody, a testament to its deep resonance during tumultuous times.

7. Where I Belong (2001) by Tanya Chua

Memorable Line: "Where I belong, where I keep my heart and soul."

"Where I Belong" is a lyrical journey through Singapore's soul.

Tanya Chua's haunting voice, paired with evocative lyrics, paints a picture of nostalgia.

It's played at cultural events and has become an anthem for overseas Singaporeans, often leading to spontaneous renditions at gatherings.

6. Count on Me Singapore (1987)

Memorable Line: "Count on me Singapore, count on me to give my best and more."

This song is a clarion call.

It speaks of duty, passion, and the promise every Singaporean makes to their nation. Its rousing chorus is a staple at National Day events.

It's inspired countless souls to serve the community and wear the Singapore badge with pride on global platforms.

5. Stand Up for Singapore (1984)

Memorable Line: "Stand up, stand up for Singapore!"

"Stand Up for Singapore" isn't just a song; it's a clarion call. It embodies unity, beckoning every Singaporean to play their role in the nation's story.

Schools reverberate with its chorus, instilling pride in youngsters.

Beyond National Day, its influence is seen in community drives and local initiatives.

4. Our Singapore (2015 and 2019) by JJ Lin and Dick Lee

Memorable Line: "Our home, our heart, our Singapore."

When two musical giants collaborate, magic happens. "Our Singapore" is that magic.

The 2019 version, with its vast musical ensemble, was a sight to behold.

It's a generational bridge, connecting tales of the past with dreams of the future. It's everywhere - from grandparent's stories to youth's aspirations.

3. Reach Out For The Skies (2005) by Taufik Batisah and Rui En

Memorable Line: "Reach out for the skies, with wings we soar up high."

A song of ambition, "Reach Out For The Skies" encapsulates Singapore's spirit of pushing boundaries.

It's become an anthem for the young, inspiring them to dream big.

It's heard at milestones - from graduations to moments of sheer determination.

2. Song for Singapore (2010) by Corrine May

Memorable Line: "You're my brother, you're my sister, I'm thankful for my Singapore."

"Song for Singapore" is a melody of introspection.

Corrine May's voice, combined with thoughtful lyrics, offers a vision of hope.

It's a song for quiet moments, for pondering the nation's journey and potential.

1. Moments of Magic (1999) by Tanya Chua, Fann Wong, and Elsa Lin

Memorable Line: "Let us celebrate this moment, a brand new day awaits."

As the millennium dawned, "Moments of Magic" captured the essence of new beginnings.

It's been the soundtrack to celebrations, from grand Marina Bay events to cozy family gatherings.


In essence, these aren't just tunes; they're the soulful echoes of Singapore's journey.

Each song, with its distinct flavor and tale, weaves into the rich tapestry of the nation's narrative.

They're the rhythm of a nation, alive with emotion, history, and hope.

song reviews

About the Creator

Lyndon Pace

Content specialist based in sunny Singapore.

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