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The Art of Living: Embracing Curiosity, Connection, and Fear

Hokusai's Wisdom for a Meaningful and Fulfilling Life

By Nice GirlPublished 10 months ago 3 min read
We are grateful to Rupali Bhuva for offering this hand-made painting for this reading.

Hokusai's words resonate like a timeless echo, reminding us to cherish the art of observation and introspection. To look carefully, to pay attention, and to notice is a practice that brings depth and meaning to life. In a world that seems to move at an ever-increasing pace, his advice serves as a guiding light, inviting us to slow down and embrace the wonder in the simplest of things.

As we age, Hokusai encourages us to welcome the transformations that come with it. Getting older is not merely a passage of time; it is a journey of self-discovery. With each passing year, we shed the layers of pretense and societal expectations, revealing more of our authentic selves. Embracing these changes and staying true to our passions allows us to evolve gracefully, like the brushstrokes of a masterpiece.

Repetition is not to be feared, Hokusai says, as long as it remains intriguing. He acknowledges that there will be moments when we feel stuck or find ourselves treading familiar paths. Instead of resisting, he suggests embracing these cycles as part of the human experience. Just like the artist who tirelessly refines their technique, life invites us to find beauty in the iterative nature of existence.

Doing what we love and praying, in Hokusai's perspective, are intertwined aspects of a meaningful life. Pursuing our passions connects us to the core of our being, where joy, contentment, and strength reside. And in moments of uncertainty, prayer becomes a way to ground ourselves, to find solace in the vastness of the universe and to tap into a higher power.

His words remind us that we are all connected by our humanity, encompassing both the innocence of children and the wisdom of ancient souls. We share the commonality of having a body and experiencing fear. But within this shared experience lies the opportunity to cultivate empathy and understanding for one another, to hold each other's hands as we navigate the complex emotions of life.

In Hokusai's worldview, everything is alive and interconnected. Nature is not a mere backdrop but a living entity, and we are intimately entwined with it. The world outside is a reflection of the world within. The trees, the water, the mountains - they are all a part of us, and we are a part of them. To live in harmony with the world is to recognize this inherent bond and to cultivate a sense of reverence for all living beings.

Hokusai's words echo the wisdom of ages past, urging us to cherish the present moment and find purpose in the simplest of acts. Whether we are artists or craftsmen, writers or thinkers, our pursuits matter not in comparison to societal measures of success but in how they allow us to express our humanity. What truly matters is that we care deeply, that we feel wholeheartedly, and that we allow life to flow through us, like a river that carves its way through the landscape.

Fear is a natural aspect of being human, but Hokusai encourages us not to succumb to it. Instead, he invites us to face our fears with open eyes, knowing that the world is vast and teeming with possibilities. Life, like an ever-patient guide, offers its hand, ready to lead us through the uncertain terrain.

In conclusion, Hokusai's message is timeless, urging us to embrace the beauty of curiosity, to cherish our authentic selves, and to find solace in the interconnectedness of all things. Through observation, introspection, and a profound connection to the world, we can experience the richness of life and let it flow through us, like a masterpiece that continues to unfold with each passing day. Let us heed his words and find meaning in the art of living with intention and purpose.


About the Creator

Nice Girl

High School Student Who is struggling to earn money.

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