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Survival Tips For Wilderness Camping

Survival Tips For Wilderness Camping | Wildside Outdoors

By Logan SmithPublished about a year ago 4 min read
Survival Tips For Wilderness Camping
Photo by Caleb Jack on Unsplash

Wilderness camping can be a thrilling and unforgettable experience for nature lovers. However, it's important to be well-prepared and informed about the survival skills necessary to survive in the wild.

Hunting store shelves or Wildside Outdoors are lined with all sorts of camping gear, from archery equipment to fishing gear, tents, sleeping bags, and more that you need during your trip. In this article, we'll provide you with tips and advice on how to stay safe and comfortable during your wilderness camping trip.

How To Get Ready For Camping In The Wilderness

Before heading out for a camping trip, it's essential to research the location and its terrain, weather patterns, and any potential dangers. It's also important to select the appropriate equipment such as a sturdy tent, sleeping bag, and camping stove. Additionally, packing essential items such as a first aid kit, navigation tools, and a water filtration system is also essential. Finally, prepare for any possible emergencies by knowing the location of the nearest hospital or emergency services.

Survival Tips

Setting Up Camp

Setting up camp in the wilderness requires some planning to ensure a safe and comfortable trip. When choosing a site to set up camp, look for a flat and clear area to pitch your tent. Look for natural shelter from wind or rain, such as trees or rocks. Make sure to clear the area of any debris or sharp objects that can damage your tent and check for any potential hazards such as ant hills, poison ivy, or animal dens before setting up camp.

Finding Water And Food Sources

When camping in the wilderness, it is essential to have access to safe drinking water and enough food for your trip. It is best to research the area beforehand to identify any natural water sources, such as rivers or streams. Make sure you have food equipment with you when you leave for camping.

Bring a water filtration or purification system to ensure safe drinking water. Pack enough non-perishable food especially light snacks for your trip and bring a portable stove or grill for cooking.

Building A Fire

Building a fire in the wilderness is not only essential for warmth, but it can also be a source of light and a way to cook food. Look for a clear, open area to build your fire and avoid setting it too close to your tent or any other flammable materials. Collect dry wood and kindling to start your fire, and always keep water nearby to put out the fire when you're done.

Navigation And Orientation

When exploring the wilderness, it's crucial to have some navigation skills to avoid getting lost. Bring a map and compass, and familiarize yourself with the area beforehand. You can also use GPS devices or smartphone apps to navigate but always have a backup plan in case your technology fails. Be aware of any landmarks or distinctive features that can help you orient yourself in the wilderness.

Wildlife Safety

The wilderness is home to many wild animals, and it's essential to know how to stay safe around them. Keep your food and trash stored in sealed containers, away from your campsite, to avoid attracting animals. Take defence equipment like knives and guns with you. If you encounter a wild animal, keep your distance and make loud noises to scare it away. Learn to identify the signs of dangerous wildlife, such as bear or cougar tracks, and take appropriate precautions to avoid them.

First Aid And Medical Emergencies

Accidents and medical emergencies can happen even when you're prepared. Bring a first aid kit and familiarize yourself with basic first aid techniques, such as treating cuts or burns. Always let someone know where you're going and when you plan to return, so they can alert authorities if you don't come back. If you're in a remote area, consider bringing a satellite phone or emergency beacon to call for help if needed.

Leave No Trace Principles For Wilderness Camping

One more thing to consider when camping in the wilderness is the impact you have on the environment. It's important to minimize your footprint by packing out all your trash and leaving your campsite as you found it. Additionally, you should be aware of the local regulations regarding hunting and fishing. Some areas may have restrictions on certain types of hunting or fishing, and it's your responsibility to know and follow these rules. By being respectful of the environment and following local regulations, you can ensure that the wilderness remains a beautiful and sustainable place for future generations to enjoy.


In conclusion, wilderness camping can be a fun and rewarding experience for those who are well-prepared. By following these survival tips, you can ensure a safe and enjoyable trip in the great outdoors. Remember to always do your research, bring appropriate gear and supplies, and practice safety measures to protect yourself and the environment around you. With proper planning and preparation, wilderness camping can be a memorable adventure that you'll never forget.


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    LSWritten by Logan Smith

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