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Nutritional Value: Rich in Vitamin C.

By Md. KamruzzamanPublished 9 months ago 3 min read
Lemon Garden

Herbal Properties:

The demand of lemon is very much in our daily life. Lemons are rich in vitamin C. Moreover, lemons are always in demand in the market and fetch good prices. Lemons are generally of two types round lemons and desi paper lemons. Among these, the popularity and demand of unbleached paper lemons is relatively high. Farmers can earn a lot of money by cultivating lemons on a commercial basis. In the Sylhet region of Bangladesh, there are several other varieties besides round and papery lemons. The nation produces lemons and these lemons are exported in large quantities abroad, especially to London and various cities in the Middle East. But in London, the price of 'Jara' lemon is the highest. It earns the country a lot of foreign exchange. Below is some discussion about lemon cultivation methods.

Drinking lemon juice mixed with honey or ginger or salt relieves colds and coughs.

Suitable Land and Soil:

Lemon cultivation requires high loam and fertile soil. Soils that do not accumulate water are suitable for lemon cultivation. However, if you can use dung, compost, etc., lemon can be cultivated in any soil. However, the soil needs to be somewhat loose so that air can circulate well in the soil. Slightly elevated hilly land is suitable for lemon cultivation.

Breed Introduction:

Bari Lemon-1 (Cardamom Lemon): High yielding lemon Bari Lemon-1. Odor is its main characteristic. The tree is large in size. Leaves are large and broad. If cared for, the tree bears fruit twice a year. Fruits are suitable for eating in July-August. Mature trees bear up to 150 fruits. Large in size, oval in shape and average weight of each fruit is 195 to 260 grams. In greater Sylhet and many other areas cardamom peel is eaten.

Bari Lemu-2: Bari Lemu-2 is a high yielding variety. Medium sized and shrub like tree. It bears abundant fruit throughout the year. Fruit round, medium weight. The skin is smooth and the number of seeds is relatively low. This lemon is suitable for cultivation all over the country.

Bari Lemu-3: A late (nabi) variety Bari Lemu-3. Plants and leaves are small. The fruit is round and small. The skin is very smooth, the shell is thin and the number of seeds is also less 18-22. The juice content is very high (37.7%). Fruits are suitable for eating in September-October. Fertilizer and water are provided to produce twice a year. Suitable for cultivation all over the country.

Take Care of Lemon tree

Planting: Guti grafts and cuttings are prepared and planted at 2.5 m spacing in mid-Baishakh to mid-Ashwin months. Mid-Baishakh to mid-Ashwin months are suitable for planting.

Fertilizer management: 400 grams of TSP fertilizer, 400 grams of MOP fertilizer, 500 grams of urea fertilizer and 15 kg of dung should be applied per plant. Fertilizer should be applied in three installments with first installment from mid Bhadra to mid Kartik month, 2nd installment from mid Magha to mid Phalgun month and 3rd installment from mid Jaishtha to mid Ashad month.

Pruning: Every year during the month of Madhya Bhadra to Madhya Kartika the unwanted branches of the tree should be pruned.

Irrigation and Weed Management: 2-3 irrigations are required during dry season. Care should be taken that water does not accumulate.

Insect Spider Management

Insect Name: Lemon Butterfly Insect

Damage pattern: The caterpillar starts eating from the edge of the leaf and eats the entire leaf.

Management: Eggs and leaves containing larvae should be collected and buried under soil or burned. If the attack is more Dimicron 100 EC 1 ml or Sevin 85 SP 1 gram per liter of water should be mixed and applied after 10-15 days.

Insect name: Lemon red spider mite

Examples of damage: The mite eats the leaves and green part of the fruit of the lemon plant. As a result the leaves turn yellow and white coating appears on the fruit. If you look at the underside of the leaves, tiny mites can be seen moving.

Management: Remove and destroy affected leaves with spider mites. If the level of attack is high, mix 2 ml of Ethion 46.5 liquid or Neuron 500 liquid per liter of water and soak lemon leaves and spray.

Harvesting: Fruits should be harvested while green when fully matured.

GeneralFine Art

About the Creator

Md. Kamruzzaman

Health is wealth

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