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Introduction to Occult Practices

A Beginners Guide

By Keith GreenPublished 10 months ago 3 min read

Introduction, to Occult Practices; A Beginners Guide

The term "occult" comes from the word "occultus," which means "hidden" or "secret." Occult practices encompass a range of esoteric and spiritual traditions that explore the hidden aspects of reality. From astrology and tarot reading to crystal healing and divination the occult has piqued curiosity for centuries. This guide for beginners aims to provide an overview of some occult practices, their context and considerations for those interested in delving into this intricate realm.

**1. Astrology; Revealing Celestial Influences**

Astrology is one of the known occult practices. It is based on the belief that the positions and movements of bodies like planets and stars can impact behavior and events on Earth. Astrology divides the sky into 12 zodiac signs, each associated with distinct personality traits and characteristics. Birth charts, created using an individuals birth date, time and location offer insights into aspects of life such, as relationships, career paths and personal growth.

**2.Tarot Reading; Exploring the Power of Symbols

Tarot reading is a practice that involves working with a deck of 78 cards each adorned with symbols. Those who believe in readings think that these cards can provide insights, into ones past, present and future. During a reading session the cards are. Laid out in a specific pattern with each card representing a different aspect of the persons life. Interpreting the cards requires an understanding of their symbolism and the ability to tap into ones intuition.

3. Divination; Seeking Answers Beyond Everyday Life

Divination encompasses techniques used to seek guidance or answers from sources or hidden realms. Methods like scrying (gazing into surfaces) pendulum dowsing and rune casting are used to access the mind or spiritual dimensions. Practitioners emphasize setting intentions and maintaining a mind during divination practices.

4. Crystal Healing; Connecting with Earths Energies

Crystal healing involves utilizing crystals and gemstones to support emotional and spiritual well being. Each crystal is believed to possess energies and properties that can be harnessed for addressing issues or imbalances. Advocates of crystal healing place crystals on or, around the body meditate with them. Carry them as talismans.

While there is debate, about the validity of crystal healing many individuals find solace and find support in engaging with its practices.

**5. Channeling Intentions through Ritual Magick**

Ritual magick involves the utilization of ceremonies, symbols and invocations to manifest desired changes or outcomes. It draws inspiration from traditions like Western Hermeticism, Wicca and magick. Practitioners often create spaces, invoke entities and perform rituals with focused intention. The emphasis lies not on the elements of the ritual but also on the practitioners internal state of mind.

**6. Exploring Hidden Wisdom through Occult Philosophy**

Beyond practices occultism encompasses a philosophy that aims to unveil concealed truths about existence and reality. Occultists frequently delve into literature, ancient texts and mystical teachings to gain insights into consciousness nature the universe itself and the interconnectedness of all things. The pursuit of self knowledge and spiritual enlightenment holds a place within occult philosophy.

**Considerations for Beginners**

1. **Open Mindedness;** Approach occult practices, with a mind while recognizing that they may not align with mainstream beliefs. A willingness to explore and learn is crucial.

2. **Historical Background;** Many occult practices trace their origins back, to civilizations and cultures. Gaining an understanding of their context can deepen your appreciation and knowledge.

3. **Thorough Research;** It is essential to conduct research on any practice you wish to explore in the occult realm. There are a multitude of resources such as books, websites and respected practitioners.

4. **Respectful Attitude;** While certain practices may not resonate with you personally it is important to respect the beliefs and experiences of others within the occult community.

5. **Ethical Considerations;** Some practices involve interactions with entities. Working with energies. Before engaging in practices it is crucial to consider the implications and reflect on your intentions.

In conclusion delving into the world of occult practices offers a journey into aspects of reality. Whether you find yourself captivated by astrologys insights, tarots symbolism or the pursuit of wisdom approaching these practices with curiosity, respect and a genuine desire to learn can lead to a transformative and enriching experience. Remember that the occult encompasses a range of paths ensuring that your personal journey, through its mysteries will be yours.


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Comments (2)

  • Keith Green (Author)10 months ago

    Thank you very much, I will do that.

KGWritten by Keith Green

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