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Follow your DREAM!

and follow what your heart wants.

By IszaPublished about a year ago 3 min read

Once upon a time in a small town, there lived a young student named Emma. From a very young age, Emma had a deep passion for arts. Whether it was painting, sculpting, or sketching, she would lose herself in the world of colors and creativity. Emma's eyes would sparkle with excitement whenever she saw a beautiful masterpiece or a performance that touched her soul.

As she grew older, Emma's love for arts only intensified. She spent countless hours honing her skills, experimenting with different mediums, and exploring various art forms. It was clear to her that she wanted to pursue a career in the artistic realm. However, there was one obstacle standing in her way—her parents.

Emma's parents were hardworking individuals who valued stability and financial security. They believed that pursuing a career in the arts would only lead to a life of struggle and uncertainty. They wanted Emma to choose a more conventional path—one that would guarantee a stable income and a secure future.

When Emma expressed her desire to study art in college, her parents immediately dismissed the idea. They insisted that she should pursue a "practical" course that would provide her with a reliable job. They envisioned her becoming a doctor, engineer, or lawyer, believing that these professions would ensure a successful and prosperous life.

Emma found herself torn between her parents' wishes and her own dreams. She understood their concerns, but her passion for art burned brightly within her. She couldn't imagine a life without creativity and self-expression. Emma knew deep down that she had to follow her heart, regardless of the obstacles in her path.

With unwavering determination, Emma decided to pursue her dreams against her parents' wishes. She researched art schools and found a renowned institution that offered a comprehensive arts program. She applied, not knowing how her parents would react.

When Emma finally gathered the courage to share her decision with her parents, they were disappointed and worried. They tried to dissuade her, telling her that she was making a mistake and that she would never find success as an artist. But Emma remained resolute, explaining to them that she couldn't ignore her true passion and calling.

Despite their concerns, Emma's parents eventually realized that their daughter's happiness and fulfillment were at stake. They began to see the fire in her eyes whenever she talked about art and witnessed her unwavering dedication to her craft. Slowly, they started to accept her decision, albeit reluctantly.

Emma embarked on her journey as an art student, facing both challenges and triumphs along the way. She poured her heart and soul into her work, constantly pushing herself to improve and grow as an artist. She took risks, explored new techniques, and let her imagination soar.

As the years passed, Emma's talent began to shine. Her unique style and ability to evoke emotions through her art captivated people from all walks of life. Galleries started showcasing her work, and art enthusiasts were drawn to her exhibitions. Emma's name began to spread, and she gained recognition as one of the most promising young artists of her generation.

With each success, Emma's parents' doubts faded away, replaced by pride and admiration for their daughter's determination and talent. They saw firsthand the impact she was making in the world of art, and they couldn't help but feel a sense of joy and fulfillment in her accomplishments.

Today, Emma stands as a beacon of inspiration to aspiring artists everywhere. Her story reminds us that following our dreams, even in the face of opposition, can lead to greatness. She serves as a testament to the power of passion, resilience, and unwavering belief in oneself. Emma's journey proves that true success lies not in conforming to others' expectations but in embracing our authentic selves and pursuing what sets our souls on fire.

ExhibitionPaintingFine ArtDrawing

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    IWritten by Isza

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