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You believe you are in control of your life, but your gadgets are changing the conditions

You might think you are in control of your life, but technology is changing the conditions under which you live.

By Claudie DelafossePublished 2 years ago 5 min read
You believe you are in control of your life, but your gadgets are changing the conditions
Photo by Rana Sawalha on Unsplash

I'm pretty sure that you are in control of your life. You make your plans, decide on the things that you do. This all seems fine, but there is a tiny thing I want to point out to you – your gadgets make big changes to your everyday life. The point I'm trying to make is that most of the things we use are just not what they seem at first.

No matter how beneficial and useful they are, sometimes they also can turn against us. For example, it may seem valuable and convenient to check an email directly from your watch or phone. On the other hand, this can take a lot of time from free time for family and friends as well as it makes another device that you need carry around with you.

Gadgets have changed the way we work

You believe you are in control of your life, but your gadgets are changing the conditions. Gadgets have changed the way we work, rest, and play. They influence our health and happiness. They have become an essential part of our lives. Gadgets make us lazy Because gadgets are so easy to use, we tend to use them more often than necessary.

We do not want to go through the trouble of searching for something on our smartphone when we can just ask Google Assistant or Alexa for it instead. The Internet makes us less social Thanks to Facebook Messenger and WhatsApp, we can now text and call each other without having to call or text each other directly.

We no longer need to physically meet up with our friends or family members; all we need is an Internet connection and a device capable of accessing these apps. We work too much on gadgets With our smartphones right by our side at all times, we can now work even while on vacation or enjoying time off from work — not necessarily because we want to but because we feel like we should be working even when “off” from work.

Gadgets have changed the way we think

You believe you are in control of your life, but your gadgets are changing the conditions. Gadgets are like drugs: they can make us do things that we normally would not do. They can change our state of mind, affect our perception and even alter our behavior. It is easy to see how gadgets influence our lives when we look at how they affect us physically (for example, using them too much causes carpal tunnel syndrome).

But there are also more subtle ways in which they have an impact on us. The first thing that gadgets change is our perception of time. When we spend more time with them, they seem to become more important and relevant than other activities. We start thinking about them instead of other things that might be more important or interesting to us, such as spending time with friends or reading a book or going for a walk in nature.

The second thing that gadgets change is our social life — at least for some people. If you use Facebook a lot or play games online, then it will probably affect the way you interact with others because you will spend less time talking to people face-to-face and more time having virtual conversations with them over the internet.

Gadgets have changed the way we eat

You believe you are in control of your life, but your gadgets are changing the conditions. Gadgets have changed the way we eat, work and even think. They have become a part of our lives to such an extent that it's hard to imagine life without them. We all know how much time we spend with our gadgets every day.

But did you know that they also affect your body? Change the way you eat You might think that using a fork and knife is more civilised than using chopsticks, but apparently it's not so simple. A study conducted by Chicago University found that eating with chopsticks requires less energy than using a knife and fork, which means that if you want to lose weight, you should start eating with chopsticks!

Gadgets influence your sleep patterns The blue light emitted by smartphones and tablets prevents us from sleeping properly by suppressing melatonin production. The problem is so serious that several companies produce special applications designed to reduce screen brightness or limit usage time after sunset (or both). This technology has been tested and approved by NASA!

Gadgets have changed the way we spend our time

You believe you are in control of your life, but your gadgets are changing the conditions. Gadgets have changed the way we spend our time. The television, laptop and smartphone have become the new family members. We are spending more time with them than we do with our loved ones.

And this is not a good thing. According to a recent survey, people who spend more time using their gadgets also report being less happy than those who spend less time on them. The survey was conducted by researchers from the University of Texas at Austin and the University of California, San Diego.

They found that for people who use their smartphones excessively (more than five hours per day), overall life satisfaction dropped by 12 percent compared to those who didn't use their phones as much (less than one hour per day). This isn't surprising given that people tend to feel happier when they're interacting with other people rather than when they're alone or when they're using technology such as smartphones and computers.

This is because social interactions are rewarding while solitary activities like surfing the Internet may not be rewarding at all — or worse yet, they can be frustrating because you can't find what you're looking for.

All in All...

I think that the fact that most of our technologies are built for humans has a lot to do with the problem. I don't see a reason why people in the near future should not be able to live without a smartphone or a laptop – except they would miss some important information if they were to get rid of their devices.

The hope of many companies is that in order to survive, one must use their products as much as possible and as often as one can. In some ways, we are in danger of becoming our own gadgets. I don't see a way out of this situation yet, but I probably never will in my relatively short life span.


About the Creator

Claudie Delafosse

📰Hi, I'm Claudie and I write about phones, tech, fashion and more. My work has been featured in Mashable, CNET, Gadgette and more! I live in London 🇬🇧 and I love to travel 🌎

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Comments (5)

  • Hector Allemand5 months ago

    Who knew that my tablet was secretly the puppeteer of my life? Claudie, your article has me rethinking my gadget usage – all while typing this on my phone. A modern paradox, indeed! So, is there an app for less control, or should I ask Siri for help? Love your work!

  • Pauline Boudon6 months ago

    Ah Claudie, now I'm starting to think the real boss in my life is my smartphone! It's even calculating how long I'll laugh at this. Great article, made my day while making me more self-aware. Keep enlightening us in your clever way!

  • Lou Martin6 months ago

    Claudie, your article hit the nail on the head so hard my Alexa flinched! In this tragicomic play of life, it seems my Gadgets are now the director. A modern-day twist on Plato's Allegory of the Cave? Hilariously insightful as always, Claudie!

  • Laurine Asselin7 months ago

    Spot on, Claudie! I've suspected my TV remote of sedition for a while now. Looks like it's time to reconvene the house meeting - humans vs. gadgets. Jokes aside, your article is a matrix level revelation in disguise!

  • Laurette Baillieu7 months ago

    Chuckles to Claudie for making me eye my toaster suspiciously. Terrific job turning gadgets into underhand life puppeteers. Here I was thinking I was the maestro, but alas, my coffee maker conducts the symphony. Next, my fridge will demand a raise. Fantastic read, added to my favorites!

Claudie DelafosseWritten by Claudie Delafosse

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