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What are the best startup communites for a software engineer?

What startup communities conduct the best meetups, hackathons, and conferences for software engineers?

By Abraham VerninacPublished 2 years ago 4 min read
What are the best startup communites for a software engineer?
Photo by Mika Baumeister on Unsplash

Ah, the question that so many software engineers ponder when first starting out in their career — which startup should I join? As strange as it may seem to some, it can be challenging to know where to look when trying to find the best startup community for you.

Get on mailing lists and be patient.

Software engineers are in demand. You can find jobs on job boards or even on Craigslist. But if you're looking for something more interesting and challenging, it's a good idea to get on mailing lists and be patient. Here are some places where you might find your next gig: AngelList (https://angel.co/) is the most popular platform for startup jobs, with thousands of listings for everything from junior developers to CTOs and founders.

The site also has an active community of people looking for jobs, so if you don't see anything that suits your skills, you can start applying for other positions as well. CrunchBase (http://www.crunchbase.com/) is a database of startups, their investors and their funding rounds. It's a great place to find out what companies are hiring, what they're working on and who's involved in them.

You can also use it to see if there are any companies that interest you — or ones that don't! — before applying to them directly or through AngelList or other job sites listed below.

Read a lot of qc publishes.

If you are a software engineer who is interested in startups, there are a number of communities you can join. Most of these communities will have their own websites and mailing lists. You should follow their instructions to join their community and read everything they publish, so you can get the most out of it.

Here are some of the best ones: Quora: Quora has many good topics about startups and working at startups, including how to get hired at a startup and what it's like working at different startups. There are also some great questions on how to evaluate different startup job offers, which can be useful if you're considering multiple offers from different companies.

Reddit: The r/startups subreddit has a lot of good content about how to get started with your first few jobs as a software engineer at a startup. It also has some great content about how to build a successful career as an engineer at a startup over time (e.g., by learning new skills).

Stack Overflow Careers: Stack Overflow Careers is where you should go when it's time for your next job hunt as an engineer at a startup or another type of company that uses software engineering skills extensively (e.g., education technology companies).

Apply to startups directly.

There are many different ways to find a startup job. You can apply directly to the companies you're interested in, search job listings on AngelList or the Startup Jobs blog, attend career fairs held by tech companies, and use your network to find opportunities. Apply directly to startups The best way to find a job at a startup is to apply directly to the company.

You can often do this quickly and easily through their website. You should also keep an eye out for startups that are hiring on AngelList or through their own channels (perhaps even posting jobs on their social media accounts). Search job listings on AngelList AngelList is one of the largest online sources of startup jobs; it lists thousands of positions from over 1,000 companies looking for software engineers, designers and more.

It's free for both employers and candidates; however, each party needs an account in order to post or view jobs. If you're looking for a job in tech, creating an account on AngelList is simple and well worth it if you're serious about finding employment with a startup.

Join an alumni network (ycs).

I have been working as a software engineer for the past four years in San Francisco and I think I've seen it all. I have worked with big companies like Apple, Google and Facebook. I have also worked with startups. A lot of them! In my experience, there are some important things to remember when joining a new startup: Make sure you get along with the team.

If you don't feel comfortable around your colleagues on a daily basis, then what's the point? Find out about their culture before joining them. What do people do after work? Do they play video games together? Do they work out together? Are they religious or spiritual? It's important to know these things because they will affect how much time you actually spend together outside of work.

You want to make sure that you're compatible with your coworkers outside of work — not just inside of it. Ask if there are any alumni networks (YC alumni network) or alumni events (Y Combinator Demo Day). These communities can be very helpful in making connections and finding mentors who can help guide you through this crazy startup world we live in today!

To Sum Up

Startups are increasingly becoming a viable option for software engineers. After all, they can be exciting places to work, with plenty of opportunities to learn, grow, and contribute. So if you're looking to join a startup, where should you start? We can't tell you which startups are the best places to work—but we've compiled a list of some of the top startup communities out there today.


About the Creator

Abraham Verninac

🤓 I am an entrepreneur who builds brands/influencer. And I want to chat with anyone that is interested in starting their own business/brand or who wants to take it to the next level! You can message me anytime!

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