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Text Message Marketing Advantages for Small Businesses

Text Message Marketing

By tanla karixPublished 11 months ago 6 min read
SMS Solutions - Karix

Text messaging is more than simply a convenient way to communicate with pals. It also serves as an effective mobile marketing tool for small enterprises.

Customers can opt in and out of text message marketing, which is a real benefit of text marketing.

Text message marketing is convenient, inexpensive, entertaining, and participatory.

Text message marketing has the potential to cast a large net, especially when combined with other marketing methods.

This article is intended for small business owners who are considering using text message marketing software.

Text messaging is more than simply a convenient way to communicate with pals. It also serves as an effective mobile marketing tool for small enterprises. Most Americans own a cell phone and use it to send and receive text messages, also known as SMS communications. More importantly, SMS messaging engages cell phone consumers more than other mobile marketing channels such as email or social media. Most cell phone users set their phones to notify them when a new text message comes, and most of these messages are viewed within a few minutes of being delivered.

Nonetheless, some business owners are hesitant to use SMS texting as a promotional strategy because they believe the platform is unproductive. In actuality, the greatest text message marketing services are inexpensive, simple to use, and offer a lot of value. Here are some of the main reasons why you should use SMS marketing for your small business right now.

It allows customers to opt in.

To succeed, many conventional forms of advertising rely on the law of large numbers. You have a better chance of reaching prospective clients if you broadcast your marketing message to as large an audience as possible. This sort of advertising necessitates the expenditure of funds on marketing messages that many consumers will rapidly forget or disregard.

SMS marketing, on the other hand, is based on consumer consent. That implies your target audience must first sign up to receive notifications about bargains and promotions. Businesses gain greatly from opt-in marketing. One reason for this is that consumers who receive your communications are already very interested in your brand or product; otherwise, they would not have signed up. Another advantage is that you won’t waste time or money bugging uninterested customers.

Did You Know?

It’s nearly impossible to separate SMS marketing from traditional advertising because you must first establish your SMS contact list using web, email, and social media ads.

It allows customers to opt out.

In small businesses, competition is fierce, and your consumers endure a portion of the load. Presumably, your organization is not the only one that contacts each consumer regularly with advertisements, promotions, and other stuff. Your consumer can’t do much to break the loop, but they can opt out of receiving marketing SMS from you. Most SMS marketing systems, like email marketing, make it simple for customers to opt-out.

This, believe it or not, is one of the primary advantages of text marketing. A customer who receives an inundation of SMS from your firm may become irritated and decide not to purchase from you. Accept the opt-out in this scenario and, after some time has passed, try appealing to these clients through other channels. [See also: SMS Marketing Best Practises: Text Message Marketing Do’s and Don’ts]

It improves customer engagement.

If you’re like most people, you’re undoubtedly eager to read a text message as soon as it appears in your inbox. Most text messages are read within a few minutes of being received. Consumers have grown accustomed to receiving spam and unwanted advertising in their email inboxes, and many do not check their email inboxes for new messages more than once or twice a day. SMS inboxes, on the other hand, are mostly designated for communications that must be viewed straight away.

This phenomenon has clear advantages for business owners. Consumers on your SMS contact list are not only willing participants in your advertising effort, but they are nearly certain to read your message as soon as you send it. SMS marketing may not get your campaign in front of as many eyes as other forms of advertising, but by sending your messages directly to engaged consumers — and getting them to read those messages quickly — it provides excellent value for money. [Would you like to make the most of your campaigns? Here are some text message marketing pointers to get you started.]

It can be delivered quickly.

The brevity of SMS marketing appeals to both the advertiser and the customer. Unlike lengthy email campaigns, SMS messages are usually only one or two sentences long, with a link to a website with more information about the promotion. Because messages are so short, consumers are more likely to read them all. SMS messages can also be viewed at the consumer’s leisure, making them less obtrusive than web pop-ups or phone calls.

SMS messages are also useful for small business owners who are short on time. SMS promotion planning and deployment is rapid and uncomplicated, needing far less advanced work than traditional advertising.

It’s affordable.

SMS marketing is advantageous for small business owners because it is inexpensive. Sending an SMS message is far less expensive than running a full-page advertisement in front of a potential customer. Prices vary, but several platforms allow your company to deliver messages for pennies on the dollar. Meanwhile, bulk packages enable you to send hundreds or thousands of messages every month for a low, fixed charge.

It promotes interaction.

There are numerous ways to make your message more entertaining and engaging with an interactive SMS campaign. Including your message in a poll or survey encourages your target audience to read more carefully and become active participants. Offering a toll-free SMS reply option provides an additional incentive for people to interact with your brand. Meanwhile, giving a link to an interesting video or photograph with additional information about your promotion motivates viewers to go deeper. Although not every mobile phone can connect to the internet, as smartphones become more common, company owners would be advised to include graphic and interactive aspects in their SMS marketing efforts.

It reaches a wide demographic.

Text messaging reaches a wide audience these days because nearly everyone owns a mobile phone if not a smartphone. In that sense, it is like email marketing — practically everyone now has an email account — but texts are sometimes more urgent than emails.

Consider this: doesn’t a text sent directly to your phone number, which only a few people know, feel far more urgent than an email? This text-based urgency can assist keep your company and its services in the minds of your customers. It also means you’ll stand out from the crowd, as promotional information is significantly less prevalent in text messages than in email inboxes.

It integrates with other marketing channels.

Text marketing works in tandem with other marketing software. These integrations can assist you in making the most of your other marketing strategies.

For instance, if a consumer visits your website and abandons an item in their shopping basket, you can follow up with a text message sent automatically by your marketing automation tool. That text message could be the push your consumer needs to make the buy.

It strengthens customer loyalty.

Customers may be accustomed to having their email inboxes clogged with marketing communications. The novelty of sending personalized information and offers via text message can help you form a particularly deep bond with your clients.

Email inboxes are frequently divided into three tabs: primary, social, and promotional, with marketing emails getting lost in the congestion of the latter. Incoming text messages are not separated from phones. This means that if you send a customer a text message that begins with an advertisement for a loyalty award, they are almost certain to read it. If the offer is something they value, you’re well on your approach to establishing their trust. because they will recognize that you are only sending them stuff that they find important. As a result, they may become devoted repeat consumers.

According to studies, clients who receive marketing SMS open them 98% of the time. No, this figure does not imply that buyers will always click on the links in your texts, but it is preferable to your marketing email being lost due to bulk deletion or crowded inboxes. It’s possibly the most persuasive advantage of text marketing.

For More Info: https://www.karix.com/products/sms-solutions/


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