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Sirens Solstice

The story takes place during the summer solstice, where a mermaid enchantress emerges from the enchanted sea to reveal the secrets of the future. Three individuals among the gathered crowd are desperate to seek her guidance.

By Tea_de_ TaePublished about a year ago 7 min read

The summer solstice had arrived, casting its golden glow upon the shimmering waters of the enchanted sea. It was a time of great anticipation, for on this special night, the mermaid enchantress emerged from the depths to reveal the secrets of the future. She could only tell one fortune during each solstice, and there were countless souls yearning to have their destinies unveiled by her ancient wisdom.

Among the throngs of people gathered along the rocky shore, three eager souls were consumed by their desire to seek the mermaid's guidance. The first among them was King Aric, a young ruler burdened with worries and uncertainty. His beloved queen lay gravely ill, and the kingdom yearned for an heir to secure their future. With trepidation, King Aric hoped the mermaid enchantress would reveal the gender of their unborn child, for the kingdom's stability rested upon this revelation. He approached the shoreline, his regal robes flowing behind him, and gazed out at the endless expanse of the ocean.

Next was the valiant knight, Sir Alden. clad in armor, his eyes burning with determination. He believed that conquering a dragon would bring him the respect and honor he craved. The mere thought of emerging victorious against such a mythical beast fueled his ambitions, yet he yearned for the mermaid's words to ensure his path was true.

Lastly among the hopeful masses stood a young woman named Elara, a farmer's daughter with dreams that extended beyond the boundaries of her humble upbringing. She had found love in the arms of a wealthy merchant's son, but societal differences and financial constraints threatened to sever their bond. Elara hoped the mermaid enchantress would reveal a brighter future, one where love and prosperity intertwined, granting her the happiness she longed for. With eyes shining with hope, she whispered a silent plea to the ocean's depths.

In order to seek the guidance of the mermaid, one had to present a gift worthy of her attention. The line of hopeful souls stretched far along the shore, each clutching their offerings, desperate to be chosen.

As the sun began its descent, casting an enchanting glow upon the water, whispers of excitement and awe spread through the crowd. The full moon emerged from behind a cloud, illuminating the vast ocean with a silvery radiance. It was time. The mermaid enchantress would reveal herself and grant her prophetic insights to the one fortunate enough to be chosen.

A hush fell over the crowd as the mermaid enchantress surfaced, her ethereal form shimmering with otherworldly beauty. Her turquoise tail swayed gracefully, the moonlight dancing upon its scales. The enchantress surveyed the eager faces before her, her voice carrying on the ocean breeze.

"One fortune shall be granted on this sacred night," she declared, her words ringing clear across the shore. The masses all bowed to her as she would select one and only one person.

The first to approach was King Aric. He stepped forward, his heart pounding with anticipation. He bowed before the mermaid enchantress and beseeched, "Oh, mighty enchantress, reveal the gender of my unborn child, that I may secure our kingdom's future." The young king, in his all his royal splendor, presented a chest overflowing with gold and precious jewels. He told the siren this was just the beginning and there would be many more chests of wonder to follow if his fortune was the one to be read that day. He stood eagerly hoping that she would see that he was willing to give up so much for this knowledge. Yet the mermaid's eyes remained unmoved, for her powers surpassed the need for any worldly riches. The king dropped to his knees begging and pleading with the siren. She as before stood still. The king had no been chosen.

Many approached the enchantress and all of them turned away. The more people were turned away the dimmer and dimmer the hope was for the people. Steady with his head and refusing to have his faith wavered. The knight, adorned with battle scars and wielding his mighty sword, approached next. He offered his prized weapon, the sword of his forefathers that had been fought with for many generations, which had tasted the blood of countless foes. He bent to a knee presenting to the creature his most prized possession. But the mermaid, with her ancient wisdom, saw beyond the trappings of earthly valor. Her gaze, as deep as the ocean, knew that her own strength surpassed any enemy he could face. Just as the king did he pleaded with her to reveal his fate. The siren was unfazed for earthly valor meant nothing to her. The knight was not chosen.

Then, amidst the crowd, the young farmer's daughter stepped forward, clutching a simple wedding ring that had belonged to her late mother. The band was tarnished with age, but its meaning held a profound significance to her, for it was the only earthly possession left of her mothers. It was a symbol of the pure and unconditional love she had witnessed between her parents, a love she hoped to find for herself one day.

The young girl bowed to the enchantress presenting the ring. Touched by the sincerity and depth of the girl's offering, the mermaid's ethereal eyes met hers. In that moment, a connection formed, transcending the boundaries of land and sea. She beckoned the young farmer's daughter to come closer, her voice resonating like a whispering wave.

"Child of the earth, your gift speaks volumes of the love that resides within your heart," the mermaid spoke softly. "I shall grant you the fortune you seek. Now tell me what it is you wish to seek."

Elara stood shocked for a moment for she had been chosen from the thousands that appeared. She paused for a moment looking to the siren. "I came here today to ask on the future of my love... but I have seen how many people have come here in hopes of hearing your wise words. I am honored to be chosen but now I do not feel as though I am the one who needs this most.

The siren nodded. "I see your pure of heart and a level of graciousness I have never witnessed amongst children of the earth." The enchantress looked upon the eyes of the young girl. "Because you have shown such a graciousness I have never seen, I am willing to grant you a fortune and also share another fortune for one other." The crowds whispers grew louder and louder wondering who Elara would choose. The crowds swarmed her offering up the gifts they had tried to give the siren all to secure the second awarded fortune.

Elara stepped forward to the siren. Choosing the only person who had not offered a gift of grandeur but instead a plea. Elara had chosen the king. The king had approached her and told her he could offer anything her hearts desire but truly cared more about his ill wife than anything, he told Elara he would give up the whole world just to know the fate of his beloved.

"Very well then. Please step forward and inlock your hands." The king extended his reach for Elara. As they locked fingers visions swirled their heads. Elara could see her whole life as the wave of prosperity washed over her. The visions ended and the king and Elara dropped hands. Relief came across King Aric's face. "In her womb lies a young prince." He said with a grand smile. "My son... my beautiful boy... I saw him. I see his life." The king fell into tears. "Most importantly I saw her. She is to live... she is to live."

The silence of the crowd erupted into loud cheers. Elara looked to the siren but she was gone. Not a trace left. The king fell to his knees taking the hand of Elara. "What you have done today for me, for my family for the kingdom... I am forever indebted to you. You will never need anything again. I shall personally seek to it. Anything you ever desire shall be fulfilled."

Because of Elara's choice to give up her fortune. She was given something far grater than she could have dreamed. The choice to allow the king to see his future allowed her to live the future she had always wanted. Truly a gift she would have never had without her kindness. With tears of joy streaming down her face, Elara embraced the king, overwhelmed by the profound impact of her selfless act. In that moment, Elara's heart swelled with a sense of fulfillment she had never experienced before.

Word of Elara's noble deed spread throughout the kingdom, touching the hearts of its people. The young farmer's daughter became a symbol of hope and selflessness, inspiring others to embrace kindness and empathy. The king, true to his word, showered Elara and her beloved with abundant blessings, ensuring their love flourished in a world free from societal constraints.

As the seasons turned, King Aric's queen recovered, and the kingdom rejoiced in the arrival of their long-awaited prince. The young boy grew under the loving guidance of his parents, embodying the virtues of compassion and gratitude instilled by Elara's actions. The kingdom flourished, not only in material wealth but also in the richness of its collective spirit.

Elara's own dreams became reality as she and her beloved embarked on a journey of prosperity and love. They established a thriving farm, cultivating the land with a deep appreciation for its bounties. Their union became a testament to the power of love to transcend social boundaries, and their story served as an inspiration to generations to come.

Years passed, and the memory of the mermaid enchantress and the transformative summer solstice faded into legend. But the legacy of Elara's selflessness lived on, etched in the hearts of those who had witnessed her remarkable act of kindness. The tale of the farmer's daughter who chose to change a king's destiny reverberated through time, reminding people of the extraordinary power of compassion to shape lives and bring about enduring happiness.

And so, as the summer solstice cast its golden glow upon the shimmering waters of the enchanted sea in the years to come, the spirit of Elara's selflessness continued to inspire all who gazed upon its mystical beauty, forever illuminating the path toward a brighter, more compassionate world.


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    TTWritten by Tea_de_ Tae

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