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Create Your Own Unique Cryptocurrency Software

Advanced Blockchain Solutions

By riya stevePublished 4 years ago 3 min read
Cryptocurrency Exchange Software

We all know what cryptocurrencies are - it’s a digital monetary asset that might not always have an intrinsic value and shape but can be used for digital transactions, either monetary or regulatory. The blockchain - a decentralized and immutable digital ledger - controls all the transactions without the intervention of a financial body to facilitate, authorize and authenticate transactions.

The cryptocurrency ecosystem has multiple points of importance - data miners, blockchain developers, software coders, and above everything, cryptocurrency developers. The personnel involved have to be uncompromising on security, immutability, encryption, and decentralization. With more than 23 million Ethereum wallets worldwide, and the number constantly growing, the demand for cryptocurrency developers does not show any signs of waning in the foreseeable future.

Enter Cryptocurrency Developers

Cryptocurrency developers might not have a distinct language of specialization - they are expert coders in languages like Java, PHP, Python, and RoR. These are the languages commonly used in APIs to connect mobile applications to the cryptocurrency blockchain. Owing to the market-popularity, Ethereum developers and bitcoin developers are in high demand in the job market. On a typical day, cryptocurrency developers manage the bitcoin blockchain and the Ethereum platform APIs for a flawless integration of cryptocurrency applications with cryptocurrencies. In addition to these, they also have added responsibilities, both passive and active.

The Responsibilities of Cryptocurrency Developers

• Assessment of existing transactions and the exchange infrastructure.

• Application-development on blockchain technologies.

• Testing cryptocurrency applications.

• Digital currency software implementation

• Using the latest tools like a crypto explorer, enabling better cryptocurrency development.

• Understanding cryptocurrency mining implementing related features

• Troubleshooting and maintaining applications.

The Cryptocurrency Developer Market

Ethereum and Bitcoin are the most downloaded cryptocurrency markets on this planet, which see a daily increase of 175000 new wallets. We’re looking at a 10x increase of job-searches related to cryptocurrency development. Forbes has observed a 621% increase in the demand for cryptocurrency developers since the last quarter of 2015.

On the commercial front, the average remuneration of a cryptocurrency stands close to $80000 per annum, with an entry-level pay at 60% of the average pay. The trend is expected to hover around the mark, if not increase, for the next few years.

The Reason for the Demand

A DTCC survey reveals that many of their clients - more than 70% - prefer to hire a developer with a background in blockchain and cryptocurrency. Upwork’s statistics show that blockchain is the second hottest skill when it comes to market demand. What makes blockchain so lucrative for both companies and developers?

It is quite common for some technology to be ‘hot’ at any point in time, and for the time, blockchain and cryptocurrency development steal the limelight. However, unlike the different ‘evolutionary’ technologies, blockchain and cryptocurrency are more ‘revolutionary’, bringing in changes in both perception and utility of technology.

• The blockchain is considered one of the most disruptive technologies of the time

• There is an increase in both demand and value for cryptocurrencies like bitcoin.

• The backing of corporate giants like IBM and Morgan Stanley have increased the credibility of blockchain and cryptocurrencies

• The ‘coding’ experts aren’t essentially blockchain experts - this creates a demand-supply gap.

Creating Your Cryptocurrency Software

Blockchain is so vast that it has so many platforms, terminologies, procedures, and projects. Also, the swift evolution of technologies and the emergence of new platforms mandates that the developers stay updated on the latest buzz in the industry. The cryptocurrency developers at Blockchain App Factory ensure that we stay shoulder to shoulder with the best in the market, so you avail the outcomes of our uncompromising commitment to quality. Our portfolio of services includes bitcoin wallet development, the creation of exchange platforms, development of crypto and blockchain applications and DApps, and even marketing your ICOs and tokens.


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